It was another day in fukosha. It was a slow business day there, were plenty of customers in the morning but, it seemed like there weren't going to be any customers soon. You were looking outside the shop's window when you noticed the flower cart outside was almost empty. You quickly grabbed some flowers from inside the shop and walked out to where the flower cart was and placed some inside. On your way back inside you bumped into someone or they had bumped into you, you weren't paying attention to that alot of stuff running through your mind you quickly apologized and were on the way back when you heard the same person say 631Please respect copyright.PENANAKsqm2jojkK
"Songbird"? 631Please respect copyright.PENANAhqYxXOuTtN
You stopped in your tracks. Your blood turned ice cold. The world seemed to stop at that moment. You quickly turned around and there he was.631Please respect copyright.PENANAZheLQlOr0K
"Kei?" you said...631Please respect copyright.PENANAYmpdl7Zc3g
Your eyes widening into saucers as you took him in it had been 4 years but he still looked the same older perhaps but he was still the same boy you had fallen in love with. Crap you thought you backed away as you remembered that you had left him without any explanation. He could always read your expression though so he knew what you were thinking. 631Please respect copyright.PENANAkMlfTROBys
"It's okay songbird" he coos at you. 631Please respect copyright.PENANAHBO9gEt3Pr
"B-but I left you," you say your heartbreaking with every word."i-i didn't mean to leave you kei you say a tear escaping. "I just wanted to live my own life and I couldn't do that with my Dad". " I know songbird I'm not mad at you I just wish you had taken me with you," he said with a sad expression on his face. Your heart stuttered at that but you kept reminding yourself he's your best friend he doesn't like you like that.631Please respect copyright.PENANAfIYRWxCiwa
"I didn't think you would want to you say trailing off while wiping the tears off your face. He gets a serious look on his face " I would have followed you till the end of the world"... it was really sweet but the only thing that registered in your kei addled brain was "would",631Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8oYCId33Q
"And I still will songbird" he adds. That turned you into a big puddle of goo as you blushed at his words. "Aw, you still blush alot huh songbird"? "You haven't changed a bit except for your hair" "it's pretty," he says as he fingers a lock of stray hair.631Please respect copyright.PENANA35IbSIsYfo
"Yeah," you say " It changed into this color naturally on January a few days after my b-day I don't know why though," you say. "Oh right," he says as he lifts his sleeve "I got this mark around the time of my b-day too" you see the mark, and you are taken aback by the familiarity. That's weird you say as you lift your sleeve and compare your mark to his. "It's the same" you exclaim "We could be soulmates," he says." Haha yeah sure," you say. " No, I'm a serious songbird," he says.631Please respect copyright.PENANA5nHJs4Tb3l
He takes a deep breath then says " It destroyed me when you left, I couldn't do anything right you were my support and you just left, I'm not blaming you but u never even wrote anything you were like a ghost nobody knew where you went for all we knew you could've been dead he says a tear escaping and dripping down his beautiful face. You wanted to hug him but you didn't know if he would accept your hug and you needed comfort too so you just settled on wrapping your arms around yourself. He went on "I thought you didn't need me songbird you probably don't the same way when we were kids" a ghost of a smile passing his face, and you knew he was thinking about all the adventures you two had experienced when you were kids. " I do need you kei but you always seemed so happy I didn't want to take you away for myself." You are I'll ever need Songbird" he says in a don't-fight-me-on-this sort of tone. 631Please respect copyright.PENANAajzQxLWjn0
With that, he crosses the little space between ya'll and plants the softest kiss you've ever had (which doesn't compare to anything since you've never kissed anybody before).631Please respect copyright.PENANA8K1zhy6SR4
You were however in shock you never knew kei liked you like that. The shock quickly passed and you grabbed his face and brought your lips together with his again. It was a messy desperate kiss tooth clashed with teeth but it was perfect. When you finally released him you rested your forehead against his as you tried to catch your breath. 631Please respect copyright.PENANAmGNmfNZE47
" I Love You" the words escaping your mouth "I've loved you since we were kids Keigo"... " I loved the way you always protected me and how you made me feel special I never thought you liked me back though". " I had to hide my feelings because I mean who could ever like me," you say feeling vulnerable and wrapping your arms around your middle and backing away from him. "Me I do he says stepping closer to you. " I Love you Songbird" and "Who couldn't like you he says his eyes shining with, you heart hitched, Love it wasn't a tiny flicker of it no it was a roaring fire in his eyes smoldering with his love for you.631Please respect copyright.PENANA1jfNShhGok
" You're amazing songbird" " You always speak what you feel" and " I love that about you". " You're also so kind my love he says " Remember when we first met and I was getting picked on by bullies and you walked straight up to the one who was kicking me and shoved him and yelled at all the other ones to go away?... 631Please respect copyright.PENANAk8YmGHla97
" Yeah, I just thought nobody should treat another person like that," you say caught up in that memory. " Well, that was the day I fell in love with you songbird he says smiling wistfully his smile promptly drops as he says " When my ma died you were the only one who I could relate to and you helped me carry that burden that no 10 year old should ever carry.