Thunder rumbled without lightning. I was floating over a vast busy city. The freezing wind enveloped me, but I was not feeling the cold. Every single one of the sensation was there. The wind, cold, noise, everything. It was all present. I could sense them all but could feel or hear none. 404Please respect copyright.PENANA1oHfyaJ1Wu
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I looked at my body and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. I was made of bronze aura. I tried touching myself but my hands went through me. 404Please respect copyright.PENANAKeIN8JlEDu
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I looked over the city. I don't think have ever gone pass this area. I continued to scan the environment looking for something familiar to pinpoint where I was. 404Please respect copyright.PENANAfUbZEuIuHI
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Then, it dawned on me that this was less like a dream. I could control what I thought. I knew I didn't have full control but the control I have was too much already.404Please respect copyright.PENANAXAGZSec7Mz
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Then a building caught my attention. It was one of the numerous skyscrapers in the city but something made it different. Smoke was rising the building, but the smoke wasn't coming from inside the building. Then I noticed it wasn't smoke. 404Please respect copyright.PENANAWOT3lef440
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It was a brown aura engulfing the building like smoke. The aura was responding to the wind as it was been blown around.404Please respect copyright.PENANAXmnDD5uK3l
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Without control over my form, I floated towards the building as my bronze aura blazed. As I got close to the building, the energy I was sensing changed. The wind reduced, the noise stopped but the cold intensely increased. Then my form began to flicker. It was constantly going from bronze to gray. The air also developed this itchy sensation.
I floated to the helipad of the building. On setting my foot on the building, my grey form stayed. The noise totally died down. The wind stopped but the cold and the itching became worse. I tried scratching my body but it was futile as my hands continually went through me. Frustrated, I screamed.
I broke back into reality.
I woke up with mild headache. I was sweating and at the same time so cold. The cold air in my dream had somehow slipped into my reality. I sat up on my bed. From the look of things, it looks like my worst fear is back. The door opened and Theodore walked in. He was dressed for work in a black shirt, grey trouser and a grey blazer.
“Hey dude,” he greeted. “I prepared sandwich, so if you want to eat. Hope you are a bit okay now?”
I nodded.
He looked at me suspicious of something. 404Please respect copyright.PENANAt7U6Z0e2cx
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"Dude, you are sweating. Do you have fever?"
I shook my head. He walked close and touched my forehead to check my temperature.
“I have to go now. You can just take the day off, and I feel we still need to discuss what happened yesterday night. By the way, how are you going to take care of the damages on the taxi?”
“The company insurance will deal with that,” I said. I haven’t really gotten into any mess.
“Okay,” he responded. He ruffled my hair and he quickly removed his hand before I could swat it. He was about to leave the room.
“Theodore," I called as he turned. "I think it back.”
He paused at the entrance. He squinted his eyes and rolled it in his head. “What is back?”
“I know it might sound crazy, but," I sighed. "The dreams are back.”
“Oh oh.”
“I saw what happened last night before it happened, but the one that just happened is the kind of scary. It feels like the sensation in the dream is sipping into reality.”
Theodore just stood there. I could tell he was surprised and confused. “Jed, I think we have a lot to discuss, but now is not the best time. When I get back.”
I nodded. He winked at me and let the room.
“See you bro!” he said from the living room. I heard the door close. I was home alone. The last time I check, aside from Sundays, I haven’t stayed at home for a while now. I stood up and everything felt blurry. I closed my eyes and waited still my world was settled. I opened my eyes and walked out of the room. The house felt so dead.
I didn’t last two hours in the house before setting out. I went to sort things out with the taxi company and luckily for me, things worked out well. I will just have to wait for a while for my cab to be fixed.
“You are one of our best drivers, so we can handle this for you,” the manager had said. “And looks like you would be forfeited the no damages compensation for this year.”
I shrugged. I won the compensation for the driver with the highest returns and also the no damages compensation, but it seems like I would be losing the two this year all because of one wrong passenger. I laughed it off, hoping it would mask the anger and pain.
Not willing to go back home anytime soon, I decided to waste few hours with a friend. Carson is a guy I got to know through Theodore. He runs a successful 3-star restaurant along Ancaster Street East.
I walked in to find everything as busy as usual. I looked around in search for Carson, but he was nowhere to be found. He always talks about how he always loved to be in the kitchen, supervising everything going on. He only comes out to see the customer once in a while. I ordered a chicken sandwich and an apple juice. I’ve always thought of making Carson come to the house and teach me some of these recipes but something would always pop up and hinder him. I took my first bite and it was as awesome as ever. The first time Theodore tried it out, he over salted the sauce and blamed it on me for not been in the kitchen with him.
“Hope you are enjoying your meal,” someone said. I looked behind me and few tables away is Carson checking on the customers. I took my glass of juice and raised it in his direction to get his attention and it worked. Well, I also got some unsolicited attention, but the person I wanted to communicate to already saw me. He came over.
“Hey,” he said. We shook hands as he sat. “What are you doing here?" he asked.
The question made me realise how distant the two of us have been for a while now.
“I can't show up again?” I asked.
"Sorry, that's not what I meant, but you know, it's been a long time."
"Yea, I know. Everything has just been somehow for a while now."
Carson nodded. He could relate.
“So, how’s everything been?” he asked
“Not bad, expect for a passenger that made my last twenty four hours horrible.”404Please respect copyright.PENANA2DbSfgGowo
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“Wow. What really happened?” he asked. A customer passed by and waved towards him. He waved back, smiling.
I explained everything that happened to him, including the beating I took at home.
“Wow,” he said smiling. He kind of found the whole thing funny, especially the part that I told him my head was ringing after I was head-butted. “And she didn’t tell you anything?”
I shook my head. “But that recently seems to be the least of my problems.”
“Hmm, what’s wrong?”
I haven’t know Carson for as long as I know Theodore but we’ve bounded so well. I’m always free to discuss things I can discuss with Theodore with him with no fear.
“About a year ago, I started having this reoccurring dreams. Dreaming is not something I really care about but those ones were different. Whatever I saw were coming true. What made those period so harsh for me was seeing the death of four people in my dream,” I sighed.
The memories do not fail to still trouble me.
“Those four people died, exactly the way I saw it happened It felt so painful cause it was something that I could have stopped, but I just overlooked everything,” I blinked back tears. 404Please respect copyright.PENANA54QMWFGyZC
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“Do you know those people,” Carson asked. 404Please respect copyright.PENANAW8R1t7EtUo
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“No.”404Please respect copyright.PENANA1Z3Z5689jE
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404Please respect copyright.PENANAxi1ZS5BjNs
“None of them?”
"None,” I answered. “One died from a car accident, another from home accident, another from high blood pressure and the last one from a thieves attack, and everything was something I could have stopped.”
Carson sighed. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting that kind of issue.
“And you have started seeing things again?”
“Yes,” I answered.
“Is Theodore aware yet?”
“No. After yesterday’s incident, we haven’t really spoken. I wanted to tell him this morning, but he was running late for work already.
"Hope he wasn't offended with the whole thing?"
I shook my head, "I don't think so. You should have seen hoe quiet he suddenly went after seeing the knife."
“So, does the recent things you see have to do with someone dying?”
I shook my head. “No. The issue is, I don’t understand what I’m seeing recently but it feels worse. Like the experience from it just seems to escape into reality."404Please respect copyright.PENANAcCHjLifmAh
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I heavily exhaled.
"Carson, I don’t know, but I’m scared."404Please respect copyright.PENANA1qBb5IjDVp
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