"So what are we doing again, Rena?" Vincent asked. Seeing that he has been erased for 16 years, I understand that he's confused.
"We're going to see dad." I respond.
"Rena! Are you crazy!? He's dead!" Vincent exclaims.
"Not now, before." I say patiently.
"You're talking in riddles." he states.
"If your'e that naive, we're going back in time." I say, a little annoyed now.
At this, he just sits there, gaping, as I Forge on. We are in a dumpster, looking for anything that could be useful. That's when I see something interesting.
"Vincent, look at this!" I call back, no response. I climb up the mountain to get a better look. He's rummaging through one of the mounds, that's when he pulls out what looks to be an old steering wheel. I beckon him over, and he comes running.
"Look at this." I say, sifting through a especially especially big mound. What I found was and old shed, no bigger than a porto-john. This could work.
"Can you get me that saw, Vincent?" I ask.
"Sure." he says, handing it to me.
I take out all of the shelves, tools, and whatever else is in here. Then I cut a hole, about half of the way down the back wall.
"Now the glass." I ask, he gets it for me
"Thanks." I respond. I place the glass in the hole I have cut and took some of the glue we took with us and sealed it up.
"That should do it." I say, "now all we have to do is get a time manipulator, and we should be good."
"Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, seeing dad and all.", Vincent asked, As we brought the shack back to the house. This took me by surprise, because I didn't know if he even remembered dad.
"It will be alright, just as long as he doesn't see us." I respond. The conversation ended after that.
When we get back, we hook up the control panel to the door, and it's done. I add in two seats on either side, just for comfort.
"Done!", Vincent exclaims, coming out from underneath. "Great!" I say, and we open the door.
"Now, to see if it works."
We step in, strapping up and powering off, we cross our fingers and press the button, I feel something weird, then everything goes white. I open my eyes and meet Vincent's
"Did we do it?" I whisper. He shrugs. I unbuckle and step outside, we were in my base. An old watchtower, with the desk and my bed.
"I know were we are." I say.
"Follow me." I walk out, going down that familiar path and coming out to the edge.
"We have to jump?" Vincent asked.
"Yes." I said. I grabbed him and jump.
I land in that familiar water, run out. "The village is still here!" I yell, turning around to see Vincent clumsily getting out of the water. I run, I was wrong. They were just taking the villagers into the airships."We have to get in there." Vincent whispered. We walk, normally around. "Vincent, Rena! What are you doing here!?" Dad yelled from across the village. "How did you get down here?" "Who are you?" Vincent asks, good thing he's a quick thinker. "I'm your father, Vincent. You to, Rena." dad was getting angrier now. "No your not, our house is down there." I say as I point down a random road. "Oh, well then come with me." dad said, and he started pushing us to the ship. It wasn't the ship that scared me. It was how he changed from angry to quick in a matter of seconds, and the evil behind his kind gestures. "How did he know it was us if were like, 16 years from the future?" I whisper to Vincent. "Don't know." He responded.
We don't go to were everyone else is, instead, dad takes us up to a separate chamber, we were in maximum security. "Better get comfortable." dad said, he had the same wicked smile that inderland Vincent had. Must run in the family. I do the same thing I did when I was in the basement. Vincent goes in the other direction. "Nothing." He says. slumping down to the floor, that's when he falls through. "It's a way out!" I whisper. "You did it!"
Turn out, that 'mysterious hole' was the vents. "A tight fit, huh?"Vincent said, cracking a joke.We crawl through until we see a light. The opening led us to the conference room, dad was alone. "I can see the screen." He said. I let him watch for a while before I ask, "What is dad doing?". "We should get out before I tell you." Vincent replied.
We find a storage room that looks like it hadn't been touched in years."He's making an army." Vincent whispered, "I know that, but we came here to find out why." I said impatiently. "He's trying to erase his memory of mom, but he's testing it out on the villagers." he responded. We both know what will happen next. I look around until I find the door that led outside. Luckily, we were just landing. We make a sprint for it into the woods.
I follow the way I went before into the woods, then we come out in the cow pasture, empty just like I thought. "How do we get in there?" Vincent asked, "Are you strong?" I ask. "Of course." He responds, a little boastful. I climb the wall, with Vincent clearly being able. I guess he was telling the truth about being strong. Once were over, we see some teenagers sitting outside and duck behind some bushes. "Those were the good 'ol days, huh?" Vincent asks, I turn to him. "Vincent, this was last month, the project wasn't that long ago." I respond. He nods and we go around them to the back door. Once were in, I go to the inderland room and Vincent goes to the file room, which is currently my bedroom. I see the computer controlling the inderlands. Resisting the urge to shut it down, I walk over to a chair. It was hooked up to the computer with a bunch of wires and pipes. This was how they did it.
I step out into the hallway and go to find Vincent. What I see is shocking. Turns out, me from the past came back and found Vincent in her room, They found him. With good thinking, I notice Vincent had changed his appearance. He cut his hair, put in blue eye contacts I didn't even know he had, and whacked his nose on something to make it bulge. I went back in the room to do the same. I rummage around until I find some scissors, I can't belive I'm doing this. I raise them to my head without thinking and cut. Then I find that in my bag were the same blue contacts Vincent had, he planed for this. I put them in and duck under the computer just before an enraged dad comes bursting in, "Find that girl!" He shouted. The few inderlands that he had obeyed.
The search for about ten minuets before they leave. Dad stays behind. I watch as he sits on a chair in the corner, he pulls out a locket. I look down to see I'm wearing the same one, like the girl in the picture. It was mom, "Someday, I won't have to worry about this gushy love stuff." dad said shedding a tear. "Sir, would you like to make another test?" an inderland said, it was the same one that was advising evil Vincent. "No, it's time. But if it doesn't work, get my stupid daughter out of here, she looks to much like her mom. Also, continue the project like we plan." dad said, crying more now. I tried not to cry as the inderland strapped dad to the chair and flipped a switch. I put a hand over my mouth to not scream as I knew what would happen, dad forgot everything. The inderland goes to comfort dad and I make my escape. I knew where they were keeping Vincent. I run down the stairs to see every single cell full.
I walk down each one of them, looking for Vincent, when I see the person who wrote the diary, I keep walking. "Rena!" I hear Vincent call. I run to the very end of the hall, "I guess your all alone down here." I joke as I grab the key off the wall and we run down the hall. "You two!" dad yells, we stop dead in our tracks in front of him, "Where do you think your going?" He asks. He was just like Vincent, walking in a circle to find our weak spot, with that wicked smile of his. "We had to use the bathroom." Vincent says, it's a good thing he's a quick thinker. Dad laughs menacingly. "Then let me show you to it." he said, leading us to that computer room, "Run!" I yell. Grabbing Vincent's arm and running out the door and through the gate, into the woods.
Once I get to my old base, I see a heap on the floor, next to the time machine. I motion for Vincent to be quiet, because we didn't have much time before I woke up. We walk as silently as we could and climb into the time machine. I look out the window I put up front, I was waking up! "Hurry!" I whisper. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Vincent says back. I push the button as soon as he gives the signal, and we disappear just as soon as past me opens my eyes.
After the flash of light, I look out the window to see the village, bustling with activity. "We made it." Vincent exclaims. "What a relief." I slump back in my chair, we exchange a laugh. "So Rena, what exactly happen while I was, you know, locked up?" he asked. "Vincent, this may seem like déjà vu, but we have a lot to talk about."