Hyunsuk stood up. His body felt heavy, but it also felt light. It was a weird and strange sensation.
First thing’s first: understand the situation that he was in. All he knew was that he was in a dungeon. He did not know which dungeon he was in or who those people he encountered were.
Hyunsuk looked around his surroundings. Then he heard a noise coming from afar.
He concentrated on listening to the voices.
When he lost his eyesight, he was given the gift of his other senses peaking. Whether it was his auditory, tactile, or olfactory senses, they were incredibly sensitive.
Although he regained his sight in this dungeon, his other senses were still as sharp as a knife.
“Just a little more!”
“What if he left?”
“Do you really think a guy in that condition had the strength to leave already? Look at him! I’m positive that he’ll be in the same spot. Don’t worry!”
When Hyunsuk heard this, he was offended. “Are they talking about me like that?” he wondered. For some reason, he knew that they were speaking about him. And then faintly, he heard a very loud noise.
Hyunsuk’s face froze.
“Those crazy bastards!” he thought.
There was no mistake. They were bringing towards him a thundering bad energy.
It was a just a matter of time before they came into Hyunsuk’s sight.
Six men and women were violently running towards him. And behind them was a giant dragonfly following the group of people. The dragonfly was surrounded by thunder and lightning.
“A thunder dragonfly!”
That was definitely a dragonfly covered by brain-like substances following those people. Determining by the size and the look of the insect, it was a mutation.
“Is this dungeon level a Bronze 1…?”
It probably is. Most likely. And all of a sudden, a bad memory of another thunder dragonfly from his past surfaced in Hyunsuk’s mind.
Hyunsuk’s eyes widened. The thunder dragonfly increased its speed and came flying faster towards him excreting slime-like substance and covering its body with it.
“I was the target?”
The memory! There was a reason why it was so repulsive. The exact same situation in his memory was happening to him now.
“Chang Soo Choi! How could I have forgotten his name? No matter how long it’s been… How could I have been so stupid?” Hyunsuk’s mind was filled with panic.
Suddenly, there was pain in his side. He lifted up his shirt and realized that the scar, previously there, was now gone. It was a scar that had formed because of a crazed thunder dragonfly from a long time ago. Or no…was it this same dragonfly?
Before he was able to clearly understand the situation going on around him, he knew what he had to do.
Hyunsuk took out the small knife that he was carrying on his waist. There was a small rush of energy that surged through the blade. It was very faint, but it was not the most advantageous weapon for him to have been using. Couldn’t do anything about it now though. It was all he had.
And with this, he would have no problem defeating the psycho dragonfly.
“On top of that, I must’ve imbibed the same thunderbolt power potion from my memory.” That would explain why Hyunsuk lost consciousness: because the potion is strong enough to bring enough shock to a person’s body to make him lose consciousness. The potion was also the reason why the thunder dragonfly was flying towards Hyunsuk psychotically.
The old Hyunsuk would have turned around and run away from this situation. That was what he had done in the past. But the Hyunsuk now had absolutely no reason to do so.
He braced himself and ran furiously towards the mutant dragonfly head on.
The six people that were running away from the thunder dragonfly, slowed down quickly now because the insect had flown past them. Their facial expressions quickly changed to a look of shock and fear when they saw Hyunsuk running towards the dragonfly. They did not expect this.
But there was nothing that was about to change.
“Everyone get ready. Let’s start hunting!”
Each person took out his or her weapon.
When a thunder dragonfly sees a person that has consumed the thunderbolt flower potion, it goes crazy and tries to attack the person mercilessly. Because of its massive strength, it is hard for one to hunt a thunder dragonfly, but when it becomes a crazed insect, it becomes easier to hunt.
Of course, the person that has consumed the thunderbolt flower potion becomes endangered, but Chang Soo Choi used that to his advantage and has hunted this bug numerous times.
Hyunsuk and the thunder dragonfly came face to face in no time.
“Alright, let’s go!”
Chang Soo’s group charged at the dragonfly. They ran under the dragonfly, sliced its abdomen open and when they got out from underneath the bug, they saw Hyunsuk running towards them.
There were floods of thunder roaring out of the dragonfly’s body.
“What the… what’s wrong with that?”
“The eyes turned red!”
“Everybody run!”
Nobody knew how it happened, but the thunder dragonfly had regained its senses. It was growing angrier by the second. It was continuously throwing out thunder and lightning bolts.
The lightning bolts were directed towards Chang Soo Choi.
“Everybody spread out!”
The group of six all ran in different directions. They were not expecting an outcome like this and therefore, they were not prepared to handle such a situation. All they could do was separate as a group and all run away in different directions.
Meanwhile, Hyunsuk ran in between a tree and a rock and hid stealthily.
‘I’ll pray that they survive. Just a little bit,’ thought Hyunsuk.
While hiding, Hyunsuk observed the dragonfly attacking one of Chang Soo’s group members viciously with its thunder bolts.
‘They are probably realizing it too… There’s no use running away from the dragonfly… They need to combine their powers and abilities and defeat the dragonfly as one or they have no hope in winning…’ thought Hyunsuk.
The wrath of the dragonfly only grew. This was because Hyunsuk stabbed the hidden eggs of the dragonfly located in its tail. That small action was enough to put an end to the maniacal act of the dragonfly and made it come back to its senses. Except now, it was extremely angry.
“I guess I am a little sorry hehe,” Hyunsuk mumbled to himself.
Chang Soo Choi’s mind worked quickly. With a blink of an eye, the group reformed and they started a battle with the dragonfly.
“Impressive. Looks like it’ll last at least 30 minutes.”
Hyunsuk knew that they could not beat the dragonfly with that mentality. They would probably all fight to the death.
Hyunsuk was planning to go out and deliver the final blow when the fight was almost over and help to kill the thunder dragonfly.
He thought that it was the least they deserved: their life.
“Wait… I should probably figure out how this situation came to be first…” thought Hyunsuk.
He realized that his powers were almost completely depleted when he crashed into the thunder dragonfly. It was almost all drained. What had happened before he passed out for him to be so weak now?
After delivering the blow to the dragonfly, the reason why he still had some power left was not because he had an unlimited amount of strength, but rather because of his mind controlling skills. If it was somebody else that went through this encounter, they would not have been able to escape so easily.
Although the alternating thunder power dragonfly is a monster that only appears in a Bronze 1 level dungeon, it was hard for the fighters of the Silver level to fight this angry creature.
Looking at what Chang Soo Choi’s group was doing, it seemed that their strength was just enough to advance onto the Silver level of the dungeon. They didn’t have a chance.
“My strength is completely gone… You can tell that they are rookies… What exactly is this?”
There actually was a thought that popped into Hyunsuk’s mind, but it didn’t make any sense whatsoever.
“I don’t think just because I died and came back alive again that I’m in the past where this completely wild situation is playing out… Is it?”
He didn’t want to believe it, but with the way of how things were coming about, all the puzzle pieces fit together.
The way he regained his sight, his strength and power being completely depleted, and meeting the psycho, crazy bastard Chang Soo Choi…
“Now that I think about it… It’s been 20 years but Chang Soo looks very young…”
It was almost as if time was stopped or time has been turned around. What is going on?