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Chapter 3~ The North Pole
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Kit’s very first trip to the North Pole was just a few months after she’d been born. She, of course, had no memories of the occasion but her mom would always retell how Grandpa and all his Legendary friends would fawn over her—Mother Nature in particular. It was in November, several years after that, when Kit took a trip that she could recall. She was just nine years old and had grown familiar with her surroundings. She could make close friends and vowed to keep the elves as her best friends. She mostly played with the younger-looking elves and convinced herself they were her age, though most of them were thousands of years her elder. They never hesitated to show her all the kindness and love in the world. They taught her to make friends with people back out in the world. Many of them showed her basic skills like braiding hair, wrapping presents, and icing cupcakes. There never seemed to be a moment of boredom possible. It continued like that for many more years. With her constant begging, the family would take trips every four to five months but never too close to Christmas. Grandpa was too busy during that time of year. But, they always made it at just the right times. And none of them ever forgot Kit and always asked about her life. She’d ask about theirs but nothing much ever changed.
It was well into the afternoon when they arrived at the North Pole. The sky was almost a bright white and snow fell in gentle waves. She shivered bitterly and wished she’d grabbed a coat or something before leaving home. The dread of what was going on back home still clung to her, however, a brighter, more hopeful feeling was taking the reins. Everything looked just as it had many months ago. It’d been longer than normally planned since the family took another trip. The colorful, festive shops and buildings formed a crescent shape around the workshop courtyard. Back behind the crescent was the town of elves with their own homes and establishments. The whole world was lit up in Christmas lights and lampposts coated in snow. Holly and mistletoe hung off of every rooftop and flagpole. The courtyard center was busy with frantic elves, all preparing for the tomorrow that may never come. The whipping wind cut across Kit’s face and threw back her hair. Grandpa pulled hard on the reins and the reindeer slowed down their rapid speed.
“Ho, Cupid…Dasher,” he shouted out about the wind. They began to float lower down towards the snowy courtyard. She looked to her dad and watched him peer out across the sea of magic and elves. It’d been too long for the both of them. As they were lowered closer to the ground, Kit was able to make out a few familiar faces. Many of the elves changed stations from here in the North Pole to other places in the world. Many retired or went off to live out the rest of their lives as mortal humans. So, it was never definite that she’d see all her old friends on every trip.
She finally felt the rocking of the carriage as they landed into the thick snow. The reindeer blew out thick clouds of hot air and danced their hooves in the snow. The chill of snowflakes on Kit’s face reddened her cheeks and nose.
“Here we are, now,” Grandpa said while handing off the reins to a nearby caretaker elf. He heaved himself out of the front seat. Charlie climbed out too and shivered as his slippered feet sunk deep in the snow. Grandpa assisted Kit out. She couldn’t help but clutch at her arms, desperate for any kind of warmth. She smiled out across the crowds of elves watching and passing by.
“Come on, Kit, you’re about to freeze to death. Let’s get you inside.” Grandpa led us across the long courtyard to the grand entrance of his workshop. All around the large, decorated door entrance hung large golden ornaments that glittered and sparkled. Large evergreens towered around the doorway. They were perfectly decorated in red and green garland and gold and silver tinsel. Lights and stars gleamed bright overhead. A heavenly smell of peppermint and chocolate radiated from inside. Frost painted the window in beautifully painted scenes of snowflakes and snowmen. She could only smile and try to take in as much as possible. Macy’s Christmas displays had nothing on this.
The giant, wooden doors were pulled open and revealed the busy floor of the workshop. Many times as a child, Kit had always pictured the workshop as an entity of its own and she always thought she’d grow out of it. But, it just was too true. With multiple floors for all kinds of services and activities, the workshop almost took up the size of three football fields connected together. It was as massive as a mall and operated in a similar way. The main floor stretched wide and far and was arranged with stalls for toy making all along the walls. Much of the floor was dedicated to other kinds of toy-making. Elves were busy getting order affairs together. Since many of the toys for the year had already been made, there were only a few elves making the finishing touches on a few orders. In fact, it seemed like many of them were at lunch. She watched the chef elves passing through the rows of stalls, handing out snacks to the working elves and marching along their way. The smell of chocolate chip cookies filled the room, and Kit suddenly remembered how hungry she was.
The group stepped through the threshold and several elves were at their aid. Her frozen robe was removed and replaced with a thick navy blue coat. She was given gloves and hand-warmers. She quickly stuffed the snow globe into one of the pockets of the coat and wrapped the scarf back around herself. Charlie was situated similarly but given thick, warm boots. She soon felt the shivering cold melt away in the warm space. But, Grandpa didn’t wait much longer. They followed him, hustling quickly down the rows of stalls towards the grand, golden staircases leading to his office. Kit looked around, never resting her eyes on one thing for too long. They hurried up the stairs and across the second-floor work area to his office. It was a wide yet cozy space with a roaring stone fireplace and a desk made of a hundred-year-old cedar (or so Grandpa said). His desk was piled high with long scrolls with names written in delicate gold ink. His list…
The rest of the space was decorated in soft, comfy couches and a large flamboyant Christmas tree. Kit and Charlie stepped in over the richly colored rug of a gingerbread man and crossed over to his desk. Grandpa plopped himself down in his red and gold leather throne-like seat and dialed into an old-fashioned rotary dial telephone.
“Yes, Fiona, can you please contact each of the members of the Council? Tell them there’ll be an emergency meeting here in an hour. It’s absolutely crucial they all attend. Thank you, Fiona.” He hung up and looked up at both of them. It was quiet for a moment before he finally stood and opened his arms wide.
“Oh, Kit and Charlie, how good it is to see you both!” He wrapped them both up in a tight bear hug. He was so so warm Kit could barely even tell she was in the North Pole.
“It’s good to see you too, Dad,” Charlie said. After the hug, Scott grinned and crossed back over to the telephone.
“Do either of you need anything? Something to eat or drink?” Kit looked at Charlie and back to Grandpa.
“Well…Mom didn’t make her Christmas Eve waffles this morning—for obvious reasons,” Kit replied. Grandpa chuckled as if not a bit of this horror meant a thing to him.
“Of course, of course. I’ll have one of the cooks send up breakfast for the both of you in a jiffy.” He rang up an elf over the phone and repeated some instructions for breakfast. She let her mind wander for the moment and crossed over to the warm fire. Grandpa hadn’t changed his office in years. Then again, he had been working as Santa for quite some time. She ran her hand along the mantel above the fireplace and felt the frames of pictures from their family. Kit, Hannah, and Charlie…Laura, Neil, and a younger Charlie…Lucy and her husband. Grandpa was a family man through and through. She spent more time warming her hands by the fire before Charlie started speaking again about their situation.
“Why was it only us that was spared, Dad? What about Hannah?”
Grandpa shook his head and looked off in thought. “I’m not at all sure. But, it seems everyone here was spared, too. The only way we can know for certain is if the rest of the team feels the effects as well. But, it is interesting to point out that you two and Buddy are my only blood relatives left. Perhaps it has something to do with that. Did you hear at all from Lucy or Neal and Laura?”
Charlie shook his head and looked down to the floor. Grandpa nodded grimly.
“Then, all we can do is wait.”
A few seconds later, a soft tap was heard at the open door. And there was her Grandma dressed in a long white robe with holly decoration and fur trim. She smiled sweetly, her blond hair with graying streaks styled back in a nice bun. The effects of growing age were forming on her as well.
“Grandma!” Kit called before racing into her arms. Kit hugged her tight and rested her chin on Grandma’s shoulder.
“Aw, my sweet girl, how are you doing?”
Kit held her tighter and said, “It’ll be just fine soon enough. There’s too much confusion to be settled right now.” She could feel her Grandma’s sweet smile.
“I understand.”
Kit pulled back and asked, “How’s Buddy?”
Grandma caressed Kit’s hair and nodded. “He’s doing just fine. He’s been doing some more work for Tooth. You know, organizing the finances and promoting fundraisers.”
Kit’s uncle Buddy had spent his whole life at the North Pole and had dedicated his time there to assist in helping dreams come true for all children. He took on all the lesser-known versions of Santa Claus and set arrangements for those children to receive the gifts they deserved. It became one less burden for Grandpa to worry about. And after he reached adulthood, he branched out to work with all sorts of Legendary Figures in their endeavors to serve the children of Earth. It wasn’t an easy job but the family knew it was his calling. Kit had never been especially close with Uncle Buddy on account of his busy life but he was still a big part of the family.
Grandma crossed over to Grandpa and rested a hand on his shoulder.
“Any news?” She asked in a quiet, calm tone. Grandpa shook his head. She sighed and looked back to Kit and Charlie.
“Well, we wish you could’ve been with us in better circumstances than these, but, nevertheless, we’re glad you’ve come. Kevin and Sandy will have your rooms ready in a few hours. We’d love for you to stay for however long you wish.”
“Thanks, Mom,” Charlie replied, “But, all we really want to know is how to fix this mess and get back to Hannah. I can’t even imagine how she’s feeling.”
“Hannah probably doesn’t even realize something’s wrong. But, worrying about it will fix nothing. Oh!” She stopped as an elf entered in with breakfast. He rolled in a cart of eggs, bacon, oatmeal, and pancakes—all steaming hot and fragrant. Kit’s stomach roared in hunger.
“Thanks so much, Elliot,” Kit said, helping him drag in the cart.
“Not a problem, Miss Kit. Such a pleasure to see you all here again.” She smiled as he served the breakfast and left them. Charlie and Kit barely waited another second before digging into the crispy bacon, fluffy, buttery pancakes, and creamy oatmeal. There was never a dish there that wasn’t cooked to perfection. Why wouldn’t there be? They’ve had thousands of years to perfect them.
The two finished rather quickly and rested back on the couch. Kit turned to Grandpa.
“This really is the worst moment for this all to happen, isn’t it?”
“The day before Christmas Eve? It couldn’t be more disastrous. All the elves are in hysterics. The reindeer are growing restless. And I think Bernard has been tearing out his own hair over the mess.” Kit couldn’t help but sit up straighter at the mention of his name. Her friend, Bernard. She hadn’t forgotten, of course. But, she’d been wondering how long till she’d run into him. Part of her was so nervous and guilty that he’d hate her for what she did—forgetting his existence so she could focus on school. What kind of jerk just leaves their best friend like that for so long? But, the other part of her didn’t doubt him. Kit had known Bernard long enough to know he didn’t get wrapped up in silly things like that for too long. They were still different people, nonetheless. And the last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt him. He was too kind for that.
She looked out the doorway again to all the working elves. There was something so magical about being there—something that made her feel like there was a new change coming, a new chance. But, she couldn’t avoid it for much longer. Kit felt the cold snow globe deep in her pocket. And she knew.