Blue. Dark blue.
A shade darker than the ocean when tormented by a tempest from the East, thrashing with unbridled passion and emotion akin to hunger. If unleashed, it would lay waste to the impenetrable walls of my poorly assembled facade, built high on the shaky foundation of my insecurities and the excruciating mortar of past regrets.
But his eyes hold fast, their blue caressing my brown without regard to their severe intensity or their dangerous propensity to take propriety underfoot and throw boundaries to the wind.
Unable to breathe form into the words my heart aches to release, I delve deeper into his gaze, fastening onto the flakes of silver dotted across the expanse of the sea trapped between narrowed lids. Violently, they hold my reality at the ends of their spellbinding lenses, forcing my next exhale out in a frustrated sigh and demanding the static rhythm from my heartbeat, throwing it into a caustic thrumming that burn my adrenaline-induced veins from the inside out.
I break the stare, but no more do my eyes look down, smooth pads of fingertips brace my chin, coaxing me with a gentle touch that raptures my interest, and begrudgingly, my attention once again.
His eyes have softened, no longer mirroring gale-churning waters. Instead, they're emptied, gutted by a resigned acceptance. Deprived of their severity, it's much easier to search them without getting lost, but my misplaced hope soon stumbles and shatters against the coldness of his indifference.
It's no longer hatred I fear. For hate is a much stronger emotion, more moldable even. But it was the placid waters the blues of his eyes settled into, as if they had receeded back into a mindless state of existence.
A precarious step propels me into the arms of stone, but they soon bend as we're melded together in an embrace. I lift my hand, grazing the flesh of his neck, just above the faded scar left beyond by the blissful carelessness of youth.
Glancing up, I find the storm in his eyes have returned to the fullness of their intensity. His lips curve into a smile, granting me passage across the squall beneath his hooded gaze.
This time, I don't look away, opting to risk drowning in the crashing waves rather than turn back to the safety of the shore of my self-preservation.