“What the HELL is Freddy doing here?!” Harper whisper/yelled, already backing up. Since Mike escaped from the old pizzeria, he told everyone about the animatronics, even showing footage he caught on his phone at one point. Now everyone in town was scared shitless of the old animatronics.477Please respect copyright.PENANAG3MvtReoxJ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAQy1WzWcp7n
However Olivia wasn’t the outgoing type and as such, had no idea why everyone was so scared of a frickin' bear. Though those exposed wires and eyes did make it creepy. She walked up to it until Harper pulled her back.477Please respect copyright.PENANAXLBAh6YO2g
477Please respect copyright.PENANAaKr5cemXQm
“What the HELL are you doing?!” she gave Harper a blank look.477Please respect copyright.PENANAa4pzDO1lKY
477Please respect copyright.PENANAKivAzA1zxk
“Come on, dude, it’s a bear. Besides, no one would leave it here if it was dangerous, that’s just stupid.” Olivia walked over to the robot. It was ridiculously tall, even with it slumped out against the, *ahem* vintage couch.477Please respect copyright.PENANAr259PHpdxg
477Please respect copyright.PENANAX64qVU6412
It looked badly worn and damaged. If she could fix it up, it would look wicked in her workshop! She had knelt near ‘Freddy’ to have a closer look. It didn’t look like it was capable of moving.477Please respect copyright.PENANA7OAY673rZP
477Please respect copyright.PENANAxqLT37BiRj
“Olivia, that thing is dangerous! Didn’t you hear what they did to that Night Guard guy?”477Please respect copyright.PENANAc8z2Uob25Z
477Please respect copyright.PENANAhbBAzcYHkF
“Oh stop it, it’s just a hoax made to scare kids into not trashing those new ones at the other pizzeria. Anyway he doesn’t look like he can move at all, what are you—”477Please respect copyright.PENANAit2bTq3wAO
477Please respect copyright.PENANAgBXTcbKyrh
Harper had lost all color in her face, staring at the animatronic. Before Olivia could turn, a massive furry hand grabbed her right bicep and pulled her towards Freddy’s face.477Please respect copyright.PENANALOPmuQ59lL
477Please respect copyright.PENANAHqpHFuUq5Y
477Please respect copyright.PENANAAwMn2QQRrP
“H-h-h-h-He-lP-Help m-m-mEe-e-e-eeeeee pl-pl-pl-pl-EEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZEEEE. . .”477Please respect copyright.PENANAmru5OECcS7
477Please respect copyright.PENANAfmKufHSiQD
Harper couldn’t get Freddy to let go of Olivia, who was frozen in fear. As the bear’s words just started to register, the large, mechanical bear collapsed, his head falling back and his eyes becoming lifeless once again.477Please respect copyright.PENANAgIlxhfOFfx
477Please respect copyright.PENANAgTL1FfxSwM
A man ran over, asking what the hell the noise was about. He was a pudgy guy, about in his late thirties with scruffy greying brown hair and dark brown eyes hidden behind round Harry Potter glasses. Harper started yelling at him for having a dangerous monster inside the store.477Please respect copyright.PENANAPsf8mpW1EC
477Please respect copyright.PENANAnyiB23ODBF
“M-monster? Miss, since I got him four months ago he hasn’t budged an inch.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAUi0DcfNbbr
477Please respect copyright.PENANAYmWkSkonqC
“Yeah well PedoBear here just grabbed my friend!” she yelled, ignoring the man’s confused look.477Please respect copyright.PENANAtZ1GcCeWLt
477Please respect copyright.PENANAxBSwaJ6CBs
“Pedo-what?”477Please respect copyright.PENANAz1AfIGWBrW
477Please respect copyright.PENANAyC0EgMK9Pf
“Google it bitch!” she yelled, her fringe spiking in rage that she nearly lost her best friend.477Please respect copyright.PENANAdLJp6Zb42r
477Please respect copyright.PENANAKt87RmZRDE
“Harper, that’s enough! That’s enough.” her friend said, staring at the animatronic. He still had a grip on her arm but it was slightly more relaxed so she was able to free it with some maneuvering.477Please respect copyright.PENANAMiRnu6czz3
477Please respect copyright.PENANAieAh1z8j9x
“Don’t panic, he’s going to be destroyed tomorrow. It’s taken this long with all of this garbage to destroy and 'cause he’s. . . uh. . . special. . . he can’t be destroyed in the dump.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAF5PqrjxlYc
477Please respect copyright.PENANAjT0DiFF3m8
“I-I’ll take him.” their heads spun back to look at her.477Please respect copyright.PENANAfIvg1aDrLZ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAR3oti41IaU
“What?”477Please respect copyright.PENANAdSftJdOs4L
477Please respect copyright.PENANAVinKy3ZE8n
“The HELL you will! That thing tried to kill you!” Olivia had frowned, thinking.477Please respect copyright.PENANA2MAuEBa4bZ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAbsFfhReqNm
“But if he really did, would I still be here? I mean if he really wanted to kill me, he could’ve just crushed my skull between his hands or snap my neck but all he did was grab my arm.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAK4HTnep9sT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAFv81lHAU05
“How do you it’s not an act to save his sorry furry ass?” she stood.477Please respect copyright.PENANAAcUlwnkhMG
477Please respect copyright.PENANARwAcCYtw0J
“Something in my gut tells me.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAWaTLtV7MKn
477Please respect copyright.PENANAOMB3jFstWN
“Good, so when he rips them out, you can ask your guts what the hell they were thinking.” the blonde muttered. The man however frowned.477Please respect copyright.PENANAylkqjq4QQG
477Please respect copyright.PENANA8lB0GPfoqW
“I’m sorry miss but he was brought specifically here to be destroyed.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAD4rp44KBgj
477Please respect copyright.PENANAHSDX6rwjXE
“Can’t I just buy him off you? He’s going to be destroyed anyway right? Think of it like this, it’ll save you the trouble of destroying him and I’ll have something to, I dunno, make a statue or display out of? It’s sounds better then wasting it.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAZ33CUmSEwp
477Please respect copyright.PENANAmE9mwcFFCo
“I-I. . . suppose. . . . But not a word of this to anyone. I’ll be in big trouble if someone were to find out.”477Please respect copyright.PENANAz6uZXwgXKC
477Please respect copyright.PENANA7b6OyHyvaz
477Please respect copyright.PENANAjw46UDYe99
“You’re crazy.” Harper muttered, shaking her head as Olivia handed him a couple of 50's. Harper drove Olivia's Triton around the back and now they encountered a problem.477Please respect copyright.PENANAjAiFVHO8cn
477Please respect copyright.PENANAihQZ1OQ87z
How the hell were they going to get him on the truck bed?477Please respect copyright.PENANAV4miG7KFov
477Please respect copyright.PENANAniJMbcuh6v
Being made of metal and such, he was a lot heavier then they assumed and because it was, well, Freddy. The heavy lifters absolutely refused to go anywhere near the demonically possessed animatronic. Because he flopped like a ragdoll, they couldn’t use a trolley, the two looked at each other.477Please respect copyright.PENANA9l0nfF0tm3
477Please respect copyright.PENANAHMU0o6QoDV
“Don’t you think this is an omen to leave him here?” her friend asked, but Olivia shook her head stubbornly.477Please respect copyright.PENANAP5tP60LIwV
477Please respect copyright.PENANAfRnWxAzrAr
“Well, maybe if we drag him-”477Please respect copyright.PENANA1kaAvmEoYA
477Please respect copyright.PENANAiQIQcCzBot
“WE?! Oh HAAAAAAIIIIL NAW!”477Please respect copyright.PENANAnlK62bADEr
477Please respect copyright.PENANAafD2bxdBgU
“Okay, then I will have to-”477Please respect copyright.PENANAdCmnDAn4G6
477Please respect copyright.PENANAvMj9ri13LV
“Fine. But you owe me! Man, friggin' buying a murderous teddy bear Chucky spin off thing...” Olivia nodded, however Freddy twitched when they tried to pick him up.477Please respect copyright.PENANA9TG1AAWAWt
477Please respect copyright.PENANAiLxgPjuQ1H
“H-H-Howdy-dy Boy-boys an' girls! WE-WE-WELCOME TO FR-R-R-REDBEAR's F-F-FAAAMILY DINER! . . .”477Please respect copyright.PENANAjIQYEOGveS
477Please respect copyright.PENANAd8pij1uSm6
Harper shot out of her skin, running and hurdle jumping over a desk that was in the way, like everyone else present, leaving her alone with Freddy.477Please respect copyright.PENANAbC8BrRfwPC
477Please respect copyright.PENANA0bJqLGHSmx
“Thanks a ton, Harper.” she noticed that Freddy was barely sitting up, shaking rapidly with the motorized movements programmed in. Freddy turned to look at her.477Please respect copyright.PENANAo2ElHHLix9
477Please respect copyright.PENANAfvIvelMfc0
“H-H-HOWDY LIL' GIRL-GIRL-GIRL-GIRL! WHA-AAAT’S YOU-R-R-RRRRR NAAAA-AAME?” Ruby blinked.477Please respect copyright.PENANAj9KpDLJo81
477Please respect copyright.PENANAolU9PJWDEK
“Olivia. . . ?” she answered, surprised as hell. Didn’t they have a guy talking into a microphone to voice Freddy? The bear spun his head completely around until her was staring at her car.477Please respect copyright.PENANA197EFcLdpW
477Please respect copyright.PENANAfNIuaC2FSL
“Man, how am I gonna get you into the car? Can you walk?” Freddy’s head spun back to it’s original position as some of the people started to return, seeing Freddy tremble as he awkwardly crawled/dragged himself onto the truck bed.
“I still say you’re fucking crazy.” Olivia took her attention off the road for a moment to glance at her friend. She was sitting with a shovel poised beside her, constantly watching a large bulky item wrapped up in a tarp.477Please respect copyright.PENANAA7X0bBxPkZ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAXbvRDNoX3w
It was what was underneath that Harper was afraid of, Freddy Fazbear.477Please respect copyright.PENANAwofuVN5kgC
477Please respect copyright.PENANAv3SIDhvSqC
She herself had no idea why she rescued the creepy animatronic, maybe because. . . .477Please respect copyright.PENANAtacZSu2GIB
477Please respect copyright.PENANAL50lxkL9jg
477Please respect copyright.PENANAkSVGCN3hGW
. . .he looked so sad.477Please respect copyright.PENANA7e6iK6Q7me
477Please respect copyright.PENANAV0w3IcUP5v
477Please respect copyright.PENANABObWrG3vj2
Olivia looked at the road again until their stomach gurgled in unison, making both girls' faces glow bright red.477Please respect copyright.PENANAvoaiudwVrS
477Please respect copyright.PENANAU8roCS6kGa
“Right, we were gonna get pizza.” Olivia turned the wheel, parking in front of the store.
“What’re you doing?! We have a killer robot in the car!” Olivia fished out some notes.477Please respect copyright.PENANAGcYjI0XVrK
477Please respect copyright.PENANAys3i0Mj4U9
“Don’t worry, I’ll be here keeping an eye on Freddy. Just go in, order some take-away pizza and we’ll go home.” Harper slowly nodded, too tired and hungry to argue anymore.477Please respect copyright.PENANA9rAjz5OinH
477Please respect copyright.PENANA4qI7JPQqCH
She eagerly ran inside to get away from the bear only to find another one standing on stage. She completely forgot about the new ones and now that she was looking at the new Freddy, he didn’t exactly. . . look right. . .477Please respect copyright.PENANAeh3nbbheul
477Please respect copyright.PENANAXtnYM4qSe7
He seemed too thin and round, like someone had squashed the bear between two walls but her growling stomach reminded her why she was here as she kinda skidded into the counter, not noticing the waxed floor.477Please respect copyright.PENANA1DHBUj3Chu
477Please respect copyright.PENANAKvwVWsZAjA
“Hi! Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria! What can I get you?” A young girl—477Please respect copyright.PENANAQVqFgO2SiJ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAEmsEk0OShO
“Wait, Avery? What the he—” she noticed some kids nearby. “—ck are you doing here? Since when do you work at Freddy’s?” The brunette blushed, awkwardly rubbing her arm.477Please respect copyright.PENANAYUAY4wl4NU
477Please respect copyright.PENANAw9sNwhmE7I
“Well I’ve been here for two weeks now. I wanted to save up for a car and we know those aren’t free.” she laughed awkwardly. “Anyway, what would you like? We can talk once I’ve put your order in.” Avery said, hand raised above the tough screen, ready to type away.477Please respect copyright.PENANAyhNpAXs9Ma
477Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ2tlqfBpw
477Please respect copyright.PENANAvsRd5EJJ3d
“Oh, right uhm. . . . can I get a large Freddy’s Classic Topping with Chica’s Stuffed Crust? Oh-and two Bonnie’s Specials.”477Please respect copyright.PENANANCMC6onDXW
477Please respect copyright.PENANA3dNmQjjzU9
Yep, the Pizzeria had certain meals named after the characters.477Please respect copyright.PENANAADn1thMZWw
477Please respect copyright.PENANALCoEOQf0Wx
“Ooookay, the order’s in. So what’re you doing up here Harper? Usually you’re terrorizing Olivia to go brand band shopping with you.” Harper blinked.477Please respect copyright.PENANA91eTghPPIV
477Please respect copyright.PENANAMKnklk30Sl
“Well, this time she wanted to go to this creepy second hand store in that big ass—” again she noticed a couple of kids staring at her, as if daring her to finish her sentence. “—ss-the-moon warehouse a couple of blocks down. She bought something but I’ll tell you more once you drop over after work this afternoon.” Harper and Olivia were roommates sharing a building together and since Avery likes to visit her big sister, she was often at their house.477Please respect copyright.PENANAkHgILveur5
477Please respect copyright.PENANAZ8UjkPv5A7
“Yeah okay, oh here’s your pizza.” Harper's face was blank.477Please respect copyright.PENANAAe6gsXL6d2
477Please respect copyright.PENANAWWQY3Z40Iy
“That was quick.” Avery shrugged.477Please respect copyright.PENANAnUqZjc41ZC
477Please respect copyright.PENANAuBbAPF51gC
“With so many customers, we have to be. Besides I had one made earlier for lunch, kinda like a spare, so you timed it pretty well.” Harper paid for the pizza and two large cokes.477Please respect copyright.PENANAVbtRB0Aau4
477Please respect copyright.PENANABbuVtv22KQ
“I’m guessing you forgot your lunch?” she nodded, whimpering slightly. “Make sure you eat something or I’ll kick your butt!”477Please respect copyright.PENANAN3UN9MZILs
477Please respect copyright.PENANAqnPBgckykg
477Please respect copyright.PENANA67yuWNMfu1
Harper slid into the car, placing the two bottles in the cup holders and balancing the pizza box on her lap. She opened it and took a bite out of a piece.477Please respect copyright.PENANAMBW8oy7tXb
477Please respect copyright.PENANAmKzDvsaWx1
“Too hungry to wait, huh?” Harper nodded, her mouth full and she happily munched away.477Please respect copyright.PENANA3oUIIFNPU3
477Please respect copyright.PENANAhjlYTA8xXz
“—ou anna iece?” she asked through a mouthful, holding up a slice, tempting Olivia who glanced between the cheesy slice and the road.477Please respect copyright.PENANAMFQiW07R8B
477Please respect copyright.PENANAqTCBcV2OAL
477Please respect copyright.PENANAIlJgMwglMG
“God damn you woman.” she chuckled, accepting the piece and taking a gloriously fatty and overly greasy bite as she drove with one hand.477Please respect copyright.PENANAi4xrbRayMA
477Please respect copyright.PENANAAR4GBp2i2v
“Well models are mean cause those skinny bitches are always hungry.” they both laughed.477Please respect copyright.PENANAwwTaChA3Uh
477Please respect copyright.PENANADlqfK9fJ6R
“Have another slice, you’re not yourself when you’re hungry.” Olivia said, quoting a snickers ad as they both began laughing, though deep down both were still somewhat tense about the animatronic behind them but this was their was of relaxing and reassuring each other that those rumors were just that.477Please respect copyright.PENANAA9hQDX0KSj
477Please respect copyright.PENANAVas3EBHw4W