Chapter 5
Mysterious Man Colourik
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Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Warbler and Allie arrived where Challenger and Colour King were. They greeted each other and went inside where officials of Colour King were.
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" The man who broke those Bear members has been revealed " said Colour King.
" Who is he ? " asked Challenger.
" A man named Colourik " said Colour King.
" His power is strong " said Colourclever.
" He should not be a problem for me or Challenger " said Colour King.
" So who could beat him ? " asked Colourea.
" Crayon should fight him " said Colour King.
" Crayon is too much for him "
" Crayon has the skill required "
" Colour Dictator and Colourclever should join the rest of you against the others "
" We will continue training " said Crayon.
" Absolutely " said Challenger.
" Good " said Colour King.
" We got a report about the hideout and none of them were there "
" I wonder where they went " said Colouruke.
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" Maybe bakers will know " said Artby.
" Bakers have so much wisdom, they are so wise "
" I don't think they would know the whereabouts of these criminals " said Colour Queen.
" Still why Colourik would break out Bear members is something ? " asked Challenger.
" I really wonder "
" Maybe there is a motive against us " said Crayon.
" Perhaps so " said Artby.
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" Or that he feels that they have a better chance with more people " said Colour Dictator.
" We will take them down " said Colourclever.
" I bet bakers would want that " said Artby.
" They could be harmed "
" They bake so much tasty bread, I will protect any bakers "
" Bakers want customers safer just like a customer wants a baker safer "
" Well, maybe where they are there is a bakery near " said Colouruke.
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" I wonder if they are in Colour Town ? " asked Colour King.
" It is something worth trying " said Challenger.
" Yes, it sure is " said Crayon.
" The only other place they could be is here, which they are not "
" Well, we will decide who to send now " said Colour King.
" Me, Colour Queen and Challenger will stay back "
" The rest of you will go "
" Works for me " said Colouruke.
" When will we head there ? " asked Crayon.
" Right now " said Challenger.
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" You will find a hotel to stay until you do " said Colour King.
" Yes, we shall do that " said Crayon.
" Good, we will keep in contact " said Challenger.
" You have all been training, the Bear members should not be difficult " said Colour Queen.
" Colourik should be the difficult one "
" Yeah, we will take them down " said Colourclever.
" Bakers would love that " said Artby.
" You are all dismissed, we have things to do in Colourland " said Colour King.
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The giant group went and they were talking.
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" Colour Town is 1 hour away from here " said Colour Dictator.
" So we could head to the train station ? " asked Crayon.
" Yeah, that would not be a bad idea " said Colourclever.
" Let's go " said Colouruke.
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All the officials of Colour King were with Crayon and his friends, they all got their tickets.
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" So the train is in 75 minutes from now " said Oceanoke.
" It seems that way " said Electro.
" We will take down Colourik " said Colourea.
" One thing I don't get is why free Bear members " said Allie.
" He must be bringing criminals together " said Warbler.
" No other reason "
" Yeah, that must be it " said Colour Dictator.
" We will give them a good asskicking " said Artby.
" Bakers want me to give them one "
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" Bakers ? " asked Colour Administrator.
" Yes, bakers want their asses kicked " said Artby.
" Bakers understand what is going on in the world "
" They know what I must do and will do "
" I am not sure about that " said Colour Dictator.
" Bakers must be understood, their wisdom is off the charts " said Artby.
" Off the charts ? " asked Colourclever.
" Yes, their wisdom is so strong " said Artby.
" Well that is something " said Oceanoke.
" Well we should head to get something to eat for sure " said Electro.
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They headed to eat and they continued talking.
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" Well, that was good " said Colourea.
" It sure was " said Colouruke.
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Meanwhile Colourik was talking to Malicia.
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" We will deal with Crayon " said Colourik.
" Yes, he will crumble " said Malicia.
" We are ready for him " said Colourik.
" The others will deal with his friends " said Malicia.
" After they are all defeated, a decision will be made " said Colourik.
" I cannot wait for this "
" His demise is needed, his destruction must happen "
" Yes, we cannot allow him to be the hero " said Malicia.
" Hahahaha " said Colourik.
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The train then left Colourland and then headed towards Colour Town, they arrived 1 hour later and then got outside of the train and then started talking.
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" We must look for a hotel " said Colourclever.
" Yeah, sounds like a plan " said Colourea.
" We should probably head out during nighttime " said Crayon.
" Knowing them, that is when they will be outside "
" Good idea " said Colouruke.
" We should check in at the hotel " said Oceanoke.
" Bakers here will experience my purchases later on " said Artby.
" They will experience me as a customer and see my love for the baker is strong "
" It is good for more bakers to experience my purchases "
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" Love for the baker ? " asked Allie.
" Yes I am in love with bakers in general, my purchases show that affection " said Artby.
" I bring it for the baker "
" Uh, what " said Crayon.
" I am in love with bakers, bakers are my true love " said Artby.
" There is love triangle between me, bakers and bread going on "
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" Artby " said Colouruke.
" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.
" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.
" There is love there " said Artby.
" I hope bakers do not hear about these love triangles " said Colourea.
" They might find it odd or creepy " said Crayon.
" I have this belief in bakers " said Artby.
" Believing in them making bread taste good, sure but love triangles I am not sure about said Crayon.
" Well, my love for the baker is still strong " said Artby.
" There is a side of adventure within me "
" Adventure within you ? " asked Warbler.
" Yes it is within me " said Artby.
" Well, we should get to the hotel " said Colour Dictator.
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They all arrived there and checked into their rooms.
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" So, you want to head to the bakery now ? " asked Crayon.
" Yeah " said Artby.
" Let's go " said Colouruke.
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The six of them arrived at the bakery.
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" Glad to see bakers from somewhere new " said Artby.
" Bakers all over the world will have my purchases one day "
" I know that the adventure within me is strong, it will guide me to more bread "
" I am glad to see new bakers baking bread "
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They got their bread and left, Artby thanked the bakers.
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" I am glad to get a new experience of different bakers " said Artby.
" It is nice, I will meet every baker ever "
" Every baker ever ? " asked Colourea.
" Yes, every baker will be seen " said Artby.
" The adventure is within me and I am so pumped for baking "
" Well, we could head back and eat " said Allie.
" Yeah, the tasty bread should be eaten soon " said Artby.
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They then headed back and ate then were talking.
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" So when should we search for them ? " asked Allie.
" At night, that is when they will strike " said Crayon.
" We could check now but I don't think that they will be out "
" Yeah, that makes sense " said Colouruke.
" Bakers do not want to be hurt " said Artby.
" They will want us to fight "
" We will take them down " said Colourea.
" For sure " said Warbler.
" Our search and fight will take a while so we might want to get some rest " said Crayon.
" Bakers do want us to get rested " said Artby.
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The six of them decided to get some rest.
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Meanwhile Easeion was with Alice.
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" I am glad to be here with you " said Easeion.
" I am happy to see it " said Alice.
" Yes, I am the villain that you need " said Easeion.
" I just know it "
" This is for sure "
" You are the villainess that I need as well, the Bear has always wanted this "
" The Bear does think we should be together "
" Me too " said Alice.
" The Bear knows what they are doing "
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" Good " said Easeion.
" I am happy to see all of this "
" We will deal with Crayon "
" He will go down " said Alice.
" My talent is so strong, it will overwhelm him and his friends " said Easeion.
" He will crumble to dust, hahahaha "
" Crayon is finished "
" Yes, he will be " said Alice.
Time continued to pass, Colour King was contacted by King Bobby.
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" So I hear there is someone named Colourik who broke out Bear members " said King Bobby.
" This is not a good thing "
" I wonder who he is "
" Yes there was but there is no Brett, Blackin or Blackina " said Colour King.
" Things should be easier "
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" So this should be simple " said King Bobby.
" With Crayon and Colour Dictator, these criminals will collapse "
" They cannot be kept stealing "
" It cannot continue "
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" Yeah, that is for sure " said Colour King.
" I know that your side will take them down " said King Bobby.
" The war is getting closer now "
" It is a war that I love "
" A war for all of Bird's Isle "
" Yeah, I that it will not be difficult for Bird's Isle " said Colour King.
" Bird's Isle will win "
" I know they can "
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" These wars will do wonders for Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.
" Challenger is concerned about the lack of a threat "
" Well that is his choice " said Colour King.
" It doesn't matter to me "
" As long as he does not interfere "
" He had better not " said King Bobby.
" Bird's Isle will not stand for that "
" The warriors want to fight and for that to be ruined is unacceptable "
" Warriors must have this opportunity "
" Well, I will be going so see you soon "
" See you soon as well " said Colour King.
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Crayon and his friends finished resting and then they were talking.
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" Glad we did that " said Crayon.
" Yeah, we are more ready now " said Colourea.
" I am more ready now " said Artby.
" I am ready to give an asskicking "
" Bakers want me to give one "
" Bakers love that from their customers "
" It is what the baker to customer relationship needs "
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" We will have to decide who is fighting who " said Allie.
" Crayon will deal with Colourik " said Colouruke.
" Easeion will be taken on by Colour Dictator " said Crayon.
" He is capable of defeating him "
" Bakers want Easeion to lose " said Artby.
" Bakers are tired of him, he is not helping the baker "
" Uh, what " said Warbler.
" Easeion is hurting baking " said Artby.
" Baking cannot go down, I will give a great asskicking "
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" Well, I wonder who will be fighting who " said Crayon.
" Crayon will win his fight " said Colouruke.
" Colourea will do the same " said Warbler.
" Bakers have guaranteed this themselves " said Artby.
" They have ? " asked Allie.
" Yes, they have communicated with each other involving our fighting " said Artby.
" Bread and fighting has a history "
" History ? " asked Crayon puzzled.
" Yes, bakers know it " said Artby.
" Bakers love our fights so much and I love them "
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More time continued passing and the group of friends left and they were searching for the group of criminals.
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The group of criminals continued attacking people and stole some stuff.
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Colour Dictator and the rest of the officials found Crayon and his friends. About 5 minutes later, they all saw the criminals.