Ember slowly creaked open the door gripping the handle way to tight. She was just praying her parents weren't home. Her heart beat sped up to million miles a minute when she heard her moms (stern? Soft? Emotionless? Calming? Comforting?) voice humming in the kitchen.
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"Hey kiddo," Embers dad said as he popped up from behind the door.
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"Agh! Geez dad you scared me." Ember yelled but quickly took some deep breaths to calm her racing heart.
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"Oops, sorry, well you see your mother and I have some news..." her dad said slowly without breaking eye contact.
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"Ok...? What is it?" Ember asked cautiously.
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"Evelyn dear, can you please come here." Her dad said politely.
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"Coming," they heard some panting from the kitchen, then her mother arrived looking flabbergasted with bits of flour all around her face and clothes, her hair thrown into a messy bun. She brought a tray of cookies with her, uh oh, Ember thought. This always meant she had some bad news to break.
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"So, as you know we have some news." Her mother said once she was settled.
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"Yes I know, and so do I!" Ember said some what enthusiastically.
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"Okay you go first honey." Her dad said with kind eyes.
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"No no, you can go first really." Ember pleaded.
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"It's okay, our news can wait, you seem like your gonna burst." Her dad joked and Ember laughed along nervously.
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"So, mom, dad, I don't really know how to say this but... I...like...girls?" Ember said almost as if asking a question. She just wasn’t sure how they were going to react. Her parents just chuckled.
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"Of course you like girls I mean, oh my, did you make your first friend today sweetie?" Her mother clapped her hands excitedly. "Oh Fred look at our little girl all grown up making her own friends. We're so proud of you honey." Her parents were smiling so big it was starting to get creepy. Ember sighed and smacked her head at how clueless her parents were.
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"No mom! I'm a lesbian!" Ember practically shouted. It really just hit her. She never fully realized what she was until she said it out loud and it made her feel good, she felt proud.
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For a single moment everything was silent in the freeman house.
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Her dad had a blank expression on his face and a minute her mom was the first to recover.
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"No you're not sweetie." Her mom said in a terrified tone.
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"I think what your mom is trying to say is that it's not the best decision that you should make." her dad said after recovering from the initial shock but having the same terrified expression on his face.
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"No! this is not a choice! This is who I am, this is part of my identity." Ember said trying to hold her tears in, her parents didn't accept her, they just didn't. Okay? shake it off and accept it, she thought. "Why-why can't you just accept me for who I am?" Ember said straining tears from dripping down her face.
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"Because honey, we love you and know this is not the right choice for you" Embers dad said in a soft but authoritative tone.
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"I told you it's not a choice!" She shouted at her parents.
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"Ember Freeman, the choice is not up to you we are your parents we just want to protect you." Her mom said sternly.
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"I can't deal with you people anymore, I'm living my life the way I want to. This is who I am and who I've always been, and nothing will ever change that." And with that she walked to the door but just as she was about to open it-
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"Em wait," Her father started.
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"I'm never listening to anything you say ever again." Ember said cold heartedly as she reached for the door. She grabbed the handle and for a brief moment she paused, her heart racing. Rage filled her body and coursed through her veins overpowering any regret or remorse ans forcing her to violently swing the door open and storm out. She didn't even care to look back or wonder if she could ever return to that horrible, horrible place. She didn't let a single tear shed until she was far enough away that they would never find her...
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Ember walked for what felt like days until she reached some sort of park area, her feet ached and all she needed to do was rest. She didn’t exactly know where she was because she lost track of where she was going at least a half hour ago, she didn’t really care though, she just needed to get away from her house - former house -
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Ember plowed straight into someone, why was this becoming a habit? She didn’t really remember what happened but she could feel her face burning red since she fell straight on her bottom.
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“Woah watch where your going!” The girl said. She looked to be a bit younger then Ember, and quite beautiful. Her ocean blue eyes, her freckles, her attractive light brown hair that framed in the sun... stop it, she shook of the feeling. You’re in love with Alana, you have a perfectly good relationship with her.
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“S-sorry,” Ember stuttered blushing even harder.
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“I’m just teasing, Hi I’m maddy!” She said somewhat cheerfully offering her hand.
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“I’m Ember.” She practically whispered.
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“Not the chatty kind? That’s okay I’ve got plenty to talk about! You got anywhere to be?” Maddy asked. Ember shook her head vigorously implying “no”.
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“Well in that case, let’s go” Maddy said leading them forwards.
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“Wait where are we going?” Ember asked.
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“I have no idea!” Maddy replied enthusiastically.
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“Okay!” Ember said trying to match Maddys cheery tone.
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“So anyways, I have to have therapy with this guy named Doctor Dude, apparently cause ‘I’m too violent’ or something but it just makes me really mad like I don’t even know what to do! my parents are the king and queen and my siblings are all royal and stuff and it’s soooooo annoying, atleast I have my friend Leo who treats me like a normal human being,” Maddy paused to take a breath.
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“Woah woah woah, Your parents are the king and queen?!?!” Embers jaws dropped to the floor “And your therapists name is Doctor Dude??” She snorted.
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“Yes and yes now please try to keep up.” Maddy said clapping her hands and continued the rest of her story. After she finished, Ember started telling her story.
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“Wait!!” Maddy exclaimed stopping them both. “You’re a runaway?” She squealed with delight.
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“Uh huh.” Ember said slightly ashamed.
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“That. Is. So. Cool!!!” Maddy shouted.
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“Shhhh keep your voice down”
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“Oh sorry, anyways if you need a place to crash we got the royal shed thingamabob and I can bring you some blankets and stuff.” Maddy listed.
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“Really? That would be great!” Ember exclaimed. I get to sleep on royal property, she thought.
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“No problem I mean my parents don’t even use it anyways.” Maddy said shrugging it off.
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Ember continued her story as the girls walked towards the castle and she finally had a feeling of comfort that she knew she had a place to stay dry and warm.