Another one down... I thought as I continued to ink turf purple with my Krak-On Splat Roller. It was the middle of a Turf War, and things weren’t looking good for the purple team. The green team was all the way at my team’s spawn, and they were preventing anyone from leaving. I was lucky to have been able to sneak past them.
I heard footsteps and quickly dove into my ink. Thank goodness I had a Ninja Squid ability on my gear in case I needed to quickly escape. But they ran right past where I was hiding, ignoring the ink I was hiding in. I waited till they were completely gone and continued inking the enemy’s turf.
I wonder how my team is doing... I thought to myself. Then I heard a “Booyah!” followed by an “Ouch...” from one of my teammates. I sighed, and hoped that next round I wouldn’t have teammates that were so dumb.
”Midnight? Is that you?” a somehow familiar voice said. I quickly hid in my ink, hoping they hadn’t seen me, but I knew it was hopeless. I looked around to see who said it, and then I saw him.
”Quinn?!” I said, still hiding in my ink. It was Quinn, my brother, holding his trusty Kensa Octobrush.
“I thought you would be more happy to see me, sis,” he replied, and started charging at my hiding spot, swinging his brush from side to side.
Quickly, I swam away without making a splash (thanks to my Ninja Squid gear ability). Quinn looked around, confused. “Where’d you go, sis?” I saw my chance when he turned his back to me, and swung my roller at him. But, unfortunately, one of his teammates had activated Ink Armor at the same time, so my attack had no effect on him. “There you are,” he said, and attacked me with his brush.
I heard a ding, which meant my special was ready, and Quinn seemed to realize too because he was running away. I activated my special, which was a Baller, and ran (or rolled) after him. He went in zigzags and swirls and tried to get me off his tail, but he was unsuccessful, and I exploded my Baller, hoping to splat him. However, I didn’t splat him, but he had still taken plenty of damage.
”I-it’ll take m-more than that to... d-defeat me...” he huffed. He was tired. This was my chance.
I raised my roller into the air, but then Quinn jumped up and grabbed his brush. Apparently the whole “tired” thing was an act. He swung his brush at me and I brought my roller down on him.
We splatted each other at the same time, and almost immediately, the game ended.
“And the winner is... Team Purple!”
I heard loud cheers and whoops from my team, and decided to join in with them. They were all congratulating each other (though I did most of the work) and they were even hugging. I walked over to my brother.
”Hey, don’t feel bad about yourself! I’m sure that you’ll win your next game! But let’s not focus on that right now. I BEAT YOU!! HA!!” I said to him.
He smiled at me and said, “One day, I’m gonna make you eat those words.”
“Yeah, right. Hey, I’m gonna go get some food at Crusty’s. You want some?”
”Sure, I’d love to have some food right now.” We walked together to the food truck, and he said, “One day, I’m gonna be better than you.”
I chuckled and smiled at him.