Now, many people get the sick nasty impression that I'm a ninety's peice of trash when they first meet me. I get this all the time, so I made this for ya, so you can learn a bit about how chillin and rad I am.
My name is Fresh, and I have a super rad style. Some chillin sunglasses with Yolo written on it, a multicolored bright hoodie, blue fingerless gloves and a rainbow cap. Ya know, people say that rainbows are happy and joyful, but they trippin foo.' Joy has no meaning when your as fly as the fresher man.
Got dat straight?
The computer isn't responding, so I'll be continuing on with this blog. Now, dudes and dudettes really seem to like drawing me, because I'm blowing up on Devianrtart just like Mad Dank ruins the Internet. What does that make me? Probably even worse that all the memes he's created, but it's cool cause I'm still a pretty rad Bro.
I've only met one other human, before and they were a full emotional shizniks. Trying to spare, which is totally cool and all, but... I guess that they didn't realize that down here it's kill or be killed.
Anyway, my former home skillet tried to show me mercy, but that doesn't work with an abomination like me! I mean rad guy!... Where's the back space?
Nevermind, you'll just ignore that unless ya wanna be a sick nasty bully. Normally the bully bro are hurting on the inside, so if ya ever encounter one.... Make them hurt more on the outside then in!
Haha, I'm just kidding! Ya gotta be a good listener. We're all about those rad morals in the underground.
According to some fans, I'm a parasite that takes control over the monster of my choosing. But ya shouldn't listen to them, because I'm a hella cool kid and I think I would know if I'm a parasite.
Won't I?
But, let's get back to talking about that human I met. They decided that they would try to ice my grill, but I just kept getting hella salty. I'm can't just accept their love, because as the totally rad kid I am, I'm not used to accepting people's affection.
People think I'm too cool to be going up and loving up. Nah, I'm rad by myself. And it stayed that way.
Because in the end I rekted Frisk. They were becoming a bit of a problem, but it'll all cool because I'm a totally rad guy!
Say it with me!
I'm Rad!
I'm the best fresh!
I'm a... Really big mess.
I'm... an abomination.
I know deep down I ain't so chill.
The fandom was probably right about me being a parasite... I've been infecting various monsters for my happiness. I just... realized that now. How... Did I manage to hide that from myself...?
This is probably the blog, so stay rad bros. From your homeslice bread slice neighradhood cool kid Fresh. Bye...?