“Hey, Saria!” I shouted.
She looked over at me from the tree stump she was sitting on. “Hey Mira!”
It was just a normal day in the Kokiri Forest, the place where us Kokiri lived safely and peacefully. But little did we know, today would be anything but normal.
”So, what are you here for? I assume you have a reason for going all the way through the Lost Woods to come here.”
We were in the Sacred Forest Meadow, Saria’s favorite place to hang out. It was quiet, and most Kokiri are to scared to go through the Lost Woods, so we had plenty of privacy.
I took something out of my pockets. “I made this,” and I showed it to her. “I call it a Slingshot!”
“Wow! What does it do?”
I aimed it at a fruit hanging from a tree, and shot a pebble from my slingshot. Whack! The fruit fell, and I picked it up off the ground.
”That’s so cool! Can I try?”
“Sure!” I handed it to her, and she tried to hit a fruit. Thump! Squawk! She missed the fruit, and hit a now angry bird. We both giggled.
“It takes some practice,” I said, “but I think you’ll be good at it in no time! Anyway, I’m gonna head back home. There was some commotion when I left, and I want to see what’s going on.”
“I’ll go with you. I was going to go say hello to Link soon.”
We walked together through the Lost Woods, going through a route that led to the back of my house so no one would know we were in the forbidden area.
As soon as we were back, a Kokiri girl came up to us.
”Have you heard? Link got a fairy!” she told us.
“Wait, really?!” We both replied. I noticed that the three of our fairies were having a hushed conversation. I waited for them to stop talking and said to my fairy, “What did she tell you, Wind?”
“It’s not good,” she told me. “Link’s gone to the Great Deku Tree, with the legendary Kokiri sword.”
“Oh no,” Saria said. “We need to go to the Great Deku Tree. Now.”
Saria and I sprinted as fast as we could to the old tree, but Mido was blocking our way.
”Mido, let us go to the tree,” Saria said firmly.
“I can’t let you do that,” he replied. “It’s dangerous, and you- I mean, anyone who goes there could get hurt, or worse...” It was very obvious that Mido didn’t want Saria to go because he thought if Link was dead, then Saria would become his girlfriend, but that wouldn’t happen if Saria was also dead.
“Let us through, Mido!” I yelled at him.
”NO!! I’m the boss of the Kokiri, so you have to do as I say! He yelled back.
Then Saria’s fairy said, “Y’know, maybe we should just do as he says...” and she whispered something inaudible in Saria’s ear.
Saria nodded and said to me, “C’mon, let’s go.” But I wanted to stay, and go to the great tree. When she saw me not moving, she whispered, “We’ll come here when Mido’s asleep.”
“Fine,” I said, and we walked home together. It was getting pretty dark, so our fairies helped light up the path. I went straight to my house and had no trouble sleeping, despite the things that had just happened.
I don’t know how long I slept, minutes, hours, but I woke up to someone shaking me.
”Wake up, Mira! We need to go now!”
I slowly opened my eyes. It was still dark outside. Saria was standing over my bed.
”Grab your slingshot. We’re leaving now.”
I got out of bed, still a little tired. I walked over to my table and grabbed my weapon. “Alright,” I said, “let’s go.”
We quietly but quickly made our way to the Great Deku Tree, our fairies lighting up the path again. All the Kokiri seemed to be asleep. It was very quiet, and kinda creepy.
When we reached the entrance to the path that led to the tree, Wind suddenly stopped us. “I sense evil energy...” she seemed to be trembling.
”I sense it too,” Saria’s fairy said.
“There must be monsters there... are you sure you want to keep going?” I asked Saria.
”I need to see if Link’s okay, and help him if I can. I won’t turn back now.” She replied.
“Then I won’t either. Let’s go.” I started to walk forward, but suddenly some kind of plant monster sprouted out of the ground and tried to attack me. I quickly shot it with my slingshot, which made it dizzy. I grabbed Saria and ran past it before it tried to attack us again.
”Whew... what was that thing?” she said.
”That was a Deku Baba,” Wind told us.
”Let’s keep moving forward,” I told them.
The Great Deku Tree’s mouth was wide open, allowing us both to enter. When we entered, it looked a lot different than I had expected. There were spiderwebs. Lots of them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many spiderwebs (and spiders!) in my life. I continued walking forward. There were some more Deku Babas, but we were out of their reach.
“Mira, watch out!” I heard Saria yell, but it was too late. I fell down a hole which I hadn’t noticed before. I flailed my arms and legs, and waited for the end, which may possibly be my end. But instead of landing flat on hard wood, I landed in water.
“MIRA!! Are you ok?!”
”Yes, I’m fine... I landed in water,” I told her. I heard a loud scream and a Sploosh! As Saria landed in the water.
When she got out, she said, “Hey, is that a doorway over there?” I looked over to where she was pointing and sure enough, there was a doorway.
”I’m going to see where it goes. Are you coming?” I said.
”No way, that place seems too creepy. I’m going to stay back and see if there’s a way back,” she replied.
I nodded and headed through the doorway. Almost immediately, I saw a spiderweb that was headed towards me at a high speed. I dodged in the nick of time. T-that was close! T-too close! But now the exit was blocked. I looked around to try to find what shot the web at me, when something stuck in a spiderweb caught my eye. I got a closer look at it, and what I saw terrified me beyond my imagination.
It was Link. And he was dead.
”LINK!!” I screamed, running over to him. I picked up his sword, which he had dropped on the ground, and tried to cut down the web. But then I heard a voice that terrified me even more.
”Ah, so his friends are here to save him. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to join him soon.”
I whipped around and saw something that would give me nightmares forever.