A short story by Alvin Atwater
Continued directly after story five…
Demand, Love, Kindness, and Hate. These are the four “legal” crests of the ancient Iyan tribe’s mind control gemstones. On the contrary, Hero, Evil, Seduction, and Colorless are the illegal incarnations created by a faction within the tribe with a purpose to bring down their crappy leadership. The Iyans had dictators that used mind control on their people to force mating, create slaves, soldiers and assassins, and just whatever stuck to their imaginations.
I just didn’t understand why Gemini was so fascinated with them. And that brings us to this moment. Gemini, Chelsea, Brandon, and I were searching for the blue gem, Demand, at six in the morning. We had only an hour before school. At the end of the day, we’d have to explain to Kate why we didn’t have all the assignment materials. Sucks to suck, right?
So why were we looking for it just a few meters from my house? That’s a long story, so I’ll give you the short version. I accidentally used Hero, the green illegal, on Gemini turning her into a superhero… in her head of course. She ran off from this spot and supposedly dropped Demand.
“Has anyone contacted Rachael?” I asked.
“She didn’t answer her phone,” Chelsea responded. “Nor is she responding to any texts.”
I sighed. Last night after I ‘cured’ Gemini of her superhero trance, Rachael stormed off, upset. I don’t mean to sound like a jerk here –hear me out –but she liked me for a while. Sadly, I had no feelings for her –hell, I really didn’t know Rachael. After the events of story two, I guess we all assumed she got over me. Brandon liked her. He’s putting in an effort to get closer, even got her phone number. But last night, he pretty much found out that he was as close as America to Europe with her. He even mouthed off me before storming away himself. Still, we’ve been friends for years, so called him and we had a long discussion. That explains why he was even here at this moment, searching for Demand with us. Whether the others had a girl talk with Rachael or not is of no concern to me. Rachael and I are fellow members of the mystery but not really friends.
“Forget it,” I said. “We’ve got bigger problems on our hands.”
“True,” Gemini said. “Sorry guys.”
“It’s not your fault,” Chelsea said, glaring at me.
“It’s not mine either,” I said. “Self-defense is a thing.”
Before Chelsea could argue further, Brandon cut her off harshly.
“Let’s not forget who was taking a prank too far –using Demand on him rather than focusing on improving the project. Making him slap and beat himself up, like damned savages. You’ve got no right to blame ANYONE.”
Silence followed after his well-spoken point. The hopeless search ended like it began: nothing accomplished. We went to school with our heads down.
In English class, Rachael was silent. She didn’t exert her usual perkiness or vulnerability nor did she raise her hand for questions. Just seemingly bitterness. Once again, I didn’t see how this was my problem. We had this conversation before…though she once stated…oh crap…that she wasn’t giving up. But…Brandon raised the bar: got closer to her, got her phone number, and so on. Surely we were convinced that Rachael moved on. I shrugged as the bell rang.
As I headed toward a nearby vending machine, I caught a glimpse of someone wearing a cat mask sneaking into the empty archaeology clubroom. Someone…with a mask.
Oh. I darted through the near-empty hall into that room. Surely enough, she was there sitting on the table, legs crossed, looking right at me.
“Hello Matt,” she said. “Nice of you to pay a visit.”
“Okay, look, we’re not going to go all clichéd TV drama here,” I said. “So let’s skip to the part where you return the gem.”
She placed a finger on her masked cheek like an ‘oops’ dunce look as if I could see the expression.
“Whatever could you be talking about?” Her voice was amused.
You know, I literally had a million better things I could be doing than talking to some girl wearing a cat mask.
“Really now, playing dumb,” I said. “You know my name, you gave Gemini the red gem clearly targeting me or my friends, and now you appear at this exact moment as means of invitation. What do you want? And what’s with the mask?”
The girl sighed. “I guess I couldn’t expect you to remember me like this. You did stop visiting, abandoning me to them.” She pulled off her kitty cat mask to reveal a gorgeous girl with blue eyes and dark brown hair. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t forget about.... That’s when it hit me, like a truck meeting its prey. She was one of THEM–a relative of Gemini’s lunatic household. Gemini’s once-shy cousin –she used to be only the normal person in that den of weirdos. Morgan often helped me escape the parents, the aunt, the other cousin who was like Gemini’s male equivalent, and the freaking twins, Gemini’s slightly older demonic monsters.
This was a family of Iyan freaks with their magical items. ALL of them loved Demand. I cringed to think that it now got back into their hands.
“Wow, Morgan, long time no see,” I said. “Wish it could be on better terms. How does it feel to be back in this city?”
She shrugged. “Nothing’s changed really.”
“Anyway, we really need Demand back. Got a project to finish.”
Morgan smiled, amused. “I told you I don’t have it. I put it deep in Gemini’s bag this morning. Found it on the ground last night. Just ask her for it.”
I frowned. Morgan’s smile deepened. This is bad. I’d have to get into the range of that gem while asking for it from Gemini. Or worse, she probably found it already and at any point of the day will go back to her pranking ways. It’s Gemini after all. Do you really think a snarl from Brandon would stop her from retrieving her family’s treasure?
“I could ask Chelsea to…” I paused. Another bad idea. Morgan laughed.
“I gave her a reminder about how you humiliated her. ‘My servant. Sweet, sweet, servant.’ I’m pretty sure she enjoyed hearing that.”
I felt myself pale. I’d put Brandon at risk if I asked him. Some friend I’d be if I sent him under the gun to be mind-controlled, and then dismissed like a used tissue paper. The only option left was Rachael; someone they’d not even consider a target. Crap muffins. After being pretty much a douchebag in her eyes, this was going to be difficult. I’d have to pull this off before the mystery club began for the day. Rachael would not show up to the meeting. To pull this off, I’d have to befriend her while at the same time, keep the line between us visible so that Brandon can get closer. This…is going to be a challenge.
“You’ve changed a lot, Morgan,” I said, turning toward the door.
“You never came back, just left me there. I thought we were buddies…but…you disappeared. Naturally, I turned into one of them.”
I turned around to look at her, maybe explain to her that my child-like mind was too afraid to return. She was shy, so finding out where I lived and visiting me deemed unlikely. Morgan wasn’t there anymore…GONE. I had no time to be surprised. Her family used Iyan magic, so teleporting kind of became a thing. Doing all of this for petty childhood revenge seemed a tad farfetched to me, and I believed there was more to it.
Still, time lied a bit on the short side. I opened the door, searching. It didn’t take me long to locate Rachael. The poor girl dropped three text books on the hall floor and there wasn’t a single person around to help. Remember back in story two when I said she was like, very weak? Well, she is, often using guys to carry her things, to push open heavy doors, so on. It bewilders me to how this girl actually passes physical education courses.
“Need some help?” I asked as I approached her. She seemed to be struggling to lift a fat history textbook. Her bag lied on the floor, an obvious visible gash at the bottom of it. Rachael glared at me.
“Can I help you? I’m sort of busy here?”
“Yeah, you’re making a lot of progress with that broken bag and all,” I said sarcastically. Before she could respond, I continued. “I made you angry at me somehow, so at least let me start making it up to you.”
She blushed. “Fine…if you insist…if you don’t mind.”
I picked up her books and the bag. I do admit, the three of them together were a little heavy. This flimsy little book bag of hers was bound to break eventually. She should’ve shopped for sturdy, not “cute.”
Anyway, we started to her next class, silent, until Rachael spoke.
“Are they angry with me?”
“No, they’re not,” I answered. “Why do you ask?”
She sighed. “I sort of just ditched you all yesterday –”
“In a childish manner?” I added with a smirk.
“Not helping,” Rachael retorted, elbowing me slightly. I laughed.
“We’re a little worried about you,” I said, stopping. She stopped and gazed at me, as if to say, “you’re the reason why, you dense buffoon.”
“Look Rachael, it’s not that I didn’t take your feelings into consideration. A part of me felt happy that you liked someone like me and for that long.” Her eyes began to water, I could see the hurt, but continued anyway. “I’m not going to give you the plenty of fish in the sea speech. You’re not just beautiful but smart. You’ll always have an admirer. Don’t let someone like me ruin your charm. I’d really like to consider you a friend. A real friend. We don’t have to be in a relationship just to support each other –”
Rachael suddenly kissed me. I nearly fell backward, caught off guard, speechless.
“Go out with me,” she said in a nonchalant tone.
“Please,” she said. “You’d be the perfect boyfriend for me. You’re a considerate person, kind but smart, perhaps even witty. Definitely handsome but arrogant. I may not have known you as long as Gemini. May not have the same connection, but…” her voice trailed off.
“You’re not making this easy for me,” I said softly.
“I know, I know,” she said with a sigh, “but I still wanted to tell you that before…I let go.” I blinked in surprise. She continued. “I’m doing the same thing to Brandon as you’re doing to me, except maybe crueler.”
“You know?” I asked.
“It’s obvious. And he’s pretty awesome, actually really funny when you’re alone with him. But…it’s going to take some time before I can see him as more than just my best friend or brother.” I almost laughed. BRANDON GOT FRIEND-ZONED. Well, not quite. And I won’t let him lose this easily.
Still, at that moment, I decided not to bother Rachael with this Iyan stuff anymore. I did not want to use her.
That afternoon at the mystery club, Kate held her hand out, expecting the gems back. I gave up the yellow one. Gemini smiled apologetically, giving her a red one instead of the blue. I felt that she had it, the confidence surging from her, the vibe that she gave –classic Gemini was back. Annnnd…I had nothing to defend myself with. Great.
Kate sighed. “Well, two gems returned is a start.”
Brandon, Rachael, Gemini, and I were at our usual table in the center of the clubroom. Chelsea decided to return to the archaeology club for the day so that she could give updates to her president. “The video is being edited,” Kate continued, her voice directed at the entire club. “We won’t get results for a while. In the meantime, every one of you know your assignments, so get to work.” Kate turned to our group. “Matt, you remember that basketball team mystery you’ve worked on before?”
“Yeah, what about it?” I asked.
“The team I’ve assigned has been doing somewhat of a good job but…did you find anything strange about that their situation?”
“The whole thing,” I answered. “Each of them saw hallucinations but not all at one place –they all went home. It’s –”
“Never mind,” Kate interrupted, folding her arms across her chest. “This is a question that, that team needs to field interview. As of now, you guys don’t have any assignments. The documentary needs editing, so you’re free to do whatever until a new item or idea comes in.”
Gemini’s gaze shot right toward me as if she expected me to stand, to go home. She planned to follow. Fine. If she wants to play this game, then bring it on. I will defeat…or at least get away from Demand without a weapon of my own. It’s on.
I stood. “Well guys, I guess I’ll head home first. Uncle’s probably waiting on me.”
Gemini stood too, drawing everyone’s attention. I think they knew at that moment she was at it again. Too bad no one wanted to help. Rachael and Brandon seemed clueless today.
“I’ll join you,” Gemini said. “Got a few things I want to take care of.”
“Sure thing,” I said, probably surprising her. We started out the door together. As we walked, time progressing and all, I noticed she that hesitated to reach into her pocket. Probably thought I had…I suddenly remembered that Hero was in MY pocket. God, I can be an idiot sometimes. She had every reason to be cautious –this thing would make her look really stupid in front of everyone. Iyan gem memories didn’t go away. Her superhero ordeal was cringe worthy too. I’m normally faster to activate the monstrosities than everyone else. Gemini must’ve seriously considered this and decided on a less daring approach to take me on.
“So what kind of things you’ve got to take care of, if you don’t mind me asking?” I said as we exited the front main doors.
Gemini shrugged. “Relatives visited. They’re going to stay for a couple of weeks.”
“You don’t sound too excited,” I said. “Back then, you and your Iyan-obsessed family made it a game to torture me until your hearts gave out.”
Gemini sighed. “We were trying to show off the magic but sort of took it too far.” She looked down. “It’s probably why you hate me.”
“You know I don’t hate you,” I said before her sad face could manifest. I always hated seeing it –my guilty conscious breaks. She stopped, grabbing my hand with just a single hand.
“Matt…you can’t pretend to be oblivious to how I feel about you.” She pulled me close. Deja vu folks. “I know you don’t hate me. You feel the same way but won’t admit it. You’re probably afraid a relationship could tear apart the bond we built. But, I won’t follow your rules. I won’t give up on you, not as long as you feel the same.”
I didn’t respond, stunned. Apart of me knew that she was probably right but the other part wasn’t ready to step into the unknown. After about a minute, Gemini sighed. “You’re going to have to admit it someday and I feel that you will, soon. Maybe I should just be patient.” She smirked. That’s when I realized her move but it was too late. Gemini tapped Demand with her other hand activating its Iyan magic. “Put your arms around me.”
I involuntarily did, my freewill seeming to be a thing of memory. “Grab my butt while you hug me properly.”
“Gemini, we’re in public –”
I did, blushing furiously. She giggled. “You can let go now, Matt.” I obeyed, involuntarily. “Turn to me, gaze into my eyes.” My body obeyed. People passing stared. Most of them already knew about Demand and the last time she publically used it on me. They probably figured that this was simply a continuation of that and promptly refused to help me. Cruel world, isn’t it?
“This Iyan magic is the very reason why we shouldn’t –”
“Don’t give me that excuse,” Gemini interrupted. She tapped the blue gem stone again as if refreshing her control over me. Demand’s limitations didn’t matter at this point –Gemini only asked of one task at a time. “I want to hear it from you, the truth I know, but want to hear, again and again. Matt, answer me honestly. Do you love me?”
It was at that moment, I felt it. Resistance. Something of a secret that I wanted to keep just a little longer. I couldn’t have her hear me say it while under the influence of Iyan mind control. I wanted the mood to be right, to also catch this clever girl off guard. She was right. I did not want to admit it.
I resisted.
She looked surprised as I did the unthinkable and took a step backward. “You don’t want to admit it so bad that you’ve managed to pull off the impossible. To disobey Demand. How in the f…” She sighed. “Fudge balls. I’m kind of impressed. And I was right to fall for someone as special as you are. Even if you are a coward.”
I blushed. “I’m going home. Let’s just drop this –”
“I’m going with you. I’m not that eager to see my relatives right now.” Before I could protest, she said, “don’t worry, I won’t try to use Demand on you again…for now. I barge over a lot, remember?”
I sighed. “Fine, but no staying over just to get out of seeing your relatives.”
Gemini laughed, grabbing my arm as we walked. We moved along like a couple, neither objecting, even though we weren’t. I noticed something strange as we passed a park. Morgan passed a small box to the Romero brothers. They passed her something in return then she hurried off. This didn’t look good.
I know, I know, you’re disappointed at the lack of explosions. Haven’t seen one since the second story. Well, be patient for they near…I think. The pesky Iyan magic is really ruining my romance life... Scratch that, my whole life.
However, I still felt like something big approached with dread. I have got to get more Iyan research done… Starting to fill more like some history researcher rather than a top officer of the mystery club.
Morgan sought revenge or at least something to kill her boredom. I think it will be downright hilarious to ruin her plans just to see her frustration. “That’s what you get for challenging me,” I would say.