“Oh you’ve got to be freaking kidding me!” I dove behind someone’s car as bullets whizzed past, flooding the area with those clanking sounds as they hit almost everything. Great. This was supposed to be another easy assignment. Two weak witches, poorly attempting to cast a ritual or summon a spirit –and then boom. I appear, maybe slap them around a bit and make the arrest. Well not slap them around. I’m not an incarnation of Ike Turner, so hitting women is not an option. Even if they are witches. And speaking of these witches, they were hot. Too bad the AK-47s they packed didn’t agree with me. My fucking luck.
“Sol Inc. is so annoying,” one of the witches said. She looked like a supermodel. Like a twenty-one-year-old Pamela Anderson except with a freaking assault rifle.
“We’re the annoying ones?” I said. “Lady, do you know what time it is? Two in the goddamn morning! Do you have any idea how fucking annoying it is to get a call from your boss ordering you to wake up and put a stop to some kiddy attempt at witchcraft.”
“It’s not kiddy witchcraft!” the blonde defended. “We’re only learning. And you wouldn’t be up if Sol Inc. knew how to mind their own damn business.”
I sighed. Nope hope for these idiots. Honestly, I couldn’t blame some witches for using guns. If you don’t have the skill, materials, or tomes, casting magic would take too long. Newbies like these thought logically. Why bother with time-consuming magic when there’s guns? Fucking distasteful. Even if the sun isn’t in the sky to grant me full power, I’d still show these newbies what a true sorcerer is about and only douchebags turned to black magic. I pulled a ruby amulet from my pocket. Convenient for quick-casting. Gotta love that natural magic.
“This is your last chance, clowns,” I said with my best sarcastic-cop voice. “Turn yourself in, face lesser charges, leave the fucking black magic alone.”
“Go to hell asshole,” her partner replied. Hot and stupid.
“Sexy, you’ve just sealed your fate. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Thank God they were newbies relying on guns like morons. A witch with experience or wizard would’ve kicked my ass by now in this sunless, weakened state. I peeked around the car and caught quite a nice sight. The two hot women were nervously pacing, probably realizing how much deep shit they were in. If they heard the rumors then they knew no one fucked with Sol Inc. and saw the light of the next day. Ha! This was literally going to happen to them. We make evil disappear quickly. To be fair, I gave them a chance to surrender.
I aimed the amulet at the witches while whispering a few short incantations. Took about three seconds to charge the amulet. I would’ve done this earlier but the hot women with AK-47s …never mind. The first spell I cast made those bastard AK47s so hot they dropped them while squealing like little girls…or baby seals. The second made an invisible force ---literally gravity bending--- knock them on their asses. Lastly since they stood only yards away on the other side of the street near a swing set, I made the ropes detach from the swings, slither over to the women, and tie them up. Remember folks, I’m law enforcement, not a fucking pervert. I trained that in my head a long time ago because reasons. So glad the witches were newbies. Basic magic like this will not work on those who knew their craft. Well, that didn’t matter. A job well done without backup will just add a little cool points to my record. I shook my head.
“Guns. Really ladies, really?” I laughed as I cuffed them with standard anti-magic handcuffs. “Let’s go.”