It was about time Detective Sa brought the people around him at the police station into this, on the radio he spoke to his partner (who he didn't like), and a few other cops that were listening in. Watching the road as he spoke into the radio and he looked around as well to make sure he was watching the cross walks so he didn't accidentally hit a person who was going to walk across the street. To his luck there was no one and sped down the road with his lights on, except the sound of the police sirens were silented so he didn't scare the killer off, if he could. He wanted to save the person on the phone and also catch the killer. Once he finished explaining the problem to his partner and the other cops, one cop said he'd be on the way while the others seemed to stay silent. The cop that responded spoke into the radio again. "Um- everyone? What's with the silence?" Detective Sa had turned down a small road that lead to one of the entrances of the port and rose a brow as he listened into the radio. His partner spoke into the radio from wherever the hell they were. "Detective Sa can handle this himself. Go on with your regular duties." Do Hyun glanced at his radio and then picked it up, pressing the button that would allow him to be heard. "Detective Cho. What are you getting at? I need all the help I can get. I can't check this entire port by myself. There's no way." He realized he was still on the phone with the person, and he put his radio down and pinched the bridge of his nose. The person speaking into the phone, "A-am I gonna be okay?" Do Hyun responded to the person as nicely as he could. "Don't worry... you will be just fine. You just wait alright?"
Silence was on the other side of the phone before the person sucked in a breathe and cried a bit. "Please... oh god- I think they saw me. They're coming this way-" Do Hyun didn't know what to do, he bit his bottom lip and then muted his phone so the person couldn't hear him. What was wrong with this station he was at? It was the same when he was just a rookie. They were all lazy and didn't do anything to help the citizens of this city when they were in danger. Well, except for a select few of cops who actually wanted to help people, like the cop he heard just now on the radio. "Detective Sa. Give me your location, I can help with the search." Do Hyun smiled at this and then drove into the port, quick to park his car he picked up the radio and spoke into it. "I am at the port of Incheon. I'm sure you know where it is." With that he got out of his car and grabbed his flashlight out his front pocket. Making sure he had his taser gun and his handcuffs ready he started to jog into the port. Not realizing he had left his phone in his car he couldn't listen to the blood curdling yell of the person on the phone. The yell which he could've heard outside if it wasn't for the sound of a ship horn coming in. What impecable timing-
Detective Sa jogged through a row of large metal containers lined up on the port. He turned and stopped in front of a factory like place next to the port and he looked it up and down and then left and right. As he was looking at the building someone came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. A little surprised by the sudden grasp he turned around and pointed his taser gun at them, realizing it was the cop from the radio he sighed with relief and closed his eyes for a second before opening them again, the cop bowed their head as an apology towards Do-Hyun before standing up straight and looking towards the building. "Is this where the person is hiding?" With a slight nod from Do-Hyun he headed towards the small side door of the factory and opened it slowly, pointing his laser gun into the factory before walking in, motioning the cop to follow in from behind.
When they walked in, he glanced around and then looked back towards the cop, motioning for them to go the other way while he checked to the right of the building, slowly walking he would walk, looking up and down. Left and right. Hearing the dripping of water from the pipes and the sound of generators starting up before stopping. A sigh would come from him, it felt suffocating as he walked, holding his taser gun a little tighter in his grip he turned down a pathway, stepping into a puddle of water as he walked he looked down and then shook his foot a bit. The shoes he were wearing really weren't good for this job, they weren't water proof at all.
After a little bit the cop on the other side of the factory hollered out to get Do-hyun's attention, he immediately turned and started jogging down the path which lead him back to where they both began and he jogged passed it to where he heard the cop signal for him again. Getting to the spot where the cop was his eyes widened. Just 30 minutes ago he was on the phone with the person who was now laying in a puddle of their own blood. It smelled like a dead deer on the side of the road but obviously closer up. Looking towards the cop he was trying to himself together but the cop ended up running a little further down the factory and throwing up behind something. While the officer was gone, Detective Sa walked over to the body and put three fingers to the person's neck, just to make sure if they were still alive or not. Not getting a pulse he would take his fingers away from the person's neck and close his eyes dropping his head. No one would've been able to save this person. Maybe if the person had called a little sooner. Things might've turned out different.