The tragedy of life: fear. It can either compel you to be irrational, or it can stop you right in your tracks. What does fear do to me? Both.
So many nights I could not find peace because I was afraid of being average. So many tears wasted because of the fear my life was being wasted. Fear completely put a halt to my happiness. It made me question whether life was actually beautiful.
Fear halted my life. Fear completely and utterly destroyed me for a period of time. Other emotions that came along with fear were also heightened to an extreme. Anger, sadness, envy, and loneliness.
But after a while it did get better. Days didn't seem as long, and nights no longer felt like an eternity. Life seemed...brighter. More hopeful.
With this hope came the idea that maybe life was actually beautiful. Not because it was fair and full of joy, but because of the idea that life will balance out. That no matter how terrible it may seem there will be a better day.
Earlier I stated that fear is one of the more tragic things in life. While that may be true; what comes out of that tragedy is what you make of it. So maybe the question isn't, "What would you if you weren't afraid," but rather, "What would you do without fear?"