January 30th 1933,
I can not forget the look of betrayal that was plastered on Jeremy's face.
"Can you believe it?" I ask in excitement.
He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "believe what?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAVE4uyBiRxD
"President Hindenburg offered chancellorship, highest position in the cabinet to Adolf Hitler. Isn't that amazing?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAga4YDOrUX2
Jeremy shakes his head, "don't tell me you've fallen into his trap too?"
"What? Jeremy, there is no trap. Hitler rose and is still rising because he promised to fix Germany. Don't you want that? Don't you want your old life back?"
He looks up at me, "off course I do, but what he is doing is not the right way to get it."
"What is he doing?"
When he says nothing, a satisfied smile makes its way across my lip. "exactly.That's what he's doing. Nothing."597Please respect copyright.PENANAgWsvOblG7T
Maybe I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I shouldn't have walked away and left him behind. Maybe I should have looked back. Because maybe, If I had just listened, then this may have never had happened.
November 25th 1938,
Today, I was on my way home from the market with my mother, when we spotted a large crowd surrounding a store.
My mother had said it was an antique store that selled lamps, mirrors and beautifully handmade vases. She brought a couple of lamps to put around the house and had said that the owner was a very kind-hearted old man.
Not a bad word had been mouthed about him, that was until the Nazi Government implemented more than 400 anti-Jewish laws, aimed at depriving Jews of their religion and stripping them of their civil rights.
And that is exactly what they did to the old man. They had closed down his store and dragged him away, with the Jewish haters trailing behind.
I don't remember much after as my body felt like it was in state of shock. My mind was calculating on what was happening and a solution for who was behind all this. Off course it was obvious that the Nazi party were held responsible but more importantly, who controlled them was Hitler. I felt a big wave of shame and confusion as to why he would do such thing.
"But he promised to fix Germany."
His glare intensifies, "how many times do you have to say that?"
I grit my teeth in frustration, "as many times as I have to, until you get it in that head of yours. He promised to fix Germany, he just wants justice and to create peace-"
He scoffs, "peace my ass. The only thing he's capable of is creating a war."
I snap my head in his direction, "why are you like that? Why do you hate him so much?"
He twists his body towards me and leans in close, "when have I ever said something that's not the truth?"
When I didn't answer, he continues, " listen darl, Hitler is no angel. He's a manipulative self-centred prick that doesn't want justice, doesn't want peace, but has his mind set on one thing; destruction."
5th of August, 1942,
The Final Solution- as Hitler calls it- is the Nazi Germany's plan and execution of the systematic genocide of European Jews. So far, it has been the most deadliest phase yet to happen in the Holocaust.
"You should of seen them Liesl, it was awful, brutal..." He shakes his head furiously, "the kids were screaming, crying, men were getting beaten for defending themselves and the women...oh god the women.." He covers his face with his hands.
I place my hand on his shoulder, "do you know why they would do that?"
He looks up at me with hard eyes, "because they're brutal, bloodthirsty Germans. You should know that by now."
I look away and sigh. When I glance back at Jeremy, he's picking at one of the star signs on his jacket.
"Don't you feel uncomfortable wearing that?"
He glances at me from the corner of his eyes, "why should I? It's apart of me, so why should I be ashamed?"
"I didn't mean-"
He sighs loudly and looks up at the sky, "can you just-just don't speak," he rubs his forehead, "I don't want to spend our last moment together arguing."
The Star of David is a sacred symbol that the Jewish people respected. I never knew what it meant when I saw others around me with yellow stars because Jeremy never told me anything about his religion. I was extremely confused.
That was, until my nine year old brother ran up to me with a toy gun in his hand and said, "surrender! you filthy Jews need to be taught a lesson! Bam bam!"
I was shocked beyond point of imagination. Never had I heard such cruel words come out of my innocent brother's mouth, but when I asked him where he learnt this, he said, "at school. Miss Goern taught us all about those animals. Did you know that they were the cause of the Great Depression and that...." But I was too far gone.
"What has gotten into this world?"
You were right Jeremy, what has gotten into this world?
8th December 1945,597Please respect copyright.PENANAKaHzComayP
He's gone. They took him. He lived his life roaming the dark streets of the Ghettos and earned himself a reputation after organizing a riot to fight for freedom.597Please respect copyright.PENANAVDBsDosQVp
I saw him in the newspaper today and couldn't help but regret all those times we spent arguing about Hitler instead of saying goodbye.597Please respect copyright.PENANAROwZbL4AJC
"What's going to happen now?" I look up at him.597Please respect copyright.PENANA8Ll5H2Y3oZ
He wraps his arms around my shoulders, "I don't know."597Please respect copyright.PENANAkYR17JUXns
"Will you forget me?"597Please respect copyright.PENANArpp9OQA407
"No, never."597Please respect copyright.PENANA0dexOuxYgc
"Promise?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAkkkPgbx4gQ
He places a chaste kiss on my forehead, "promise."597Please respect copyright.PENANAePD7iyavkg
Everyday, at sunrise , I climb up our cliff that gives me the view to my town and sit on his favorite rock. I know that things would have been different if Adolf had not been a dictator.597Please respect copyright.PENANAF1q77LGPqL
I respect Hitler because he brought us out of poverty and humiliation but if he had just went after the countries that actually caused it and left the Jews to themselves, then maybe things would have been different. Maybe Hitler wouldn't have committed suicide. Maybe millions of lives wouldn't have been lost..and maybe, just maybe, he would still be alive, sitting next to me.
"Jeremy?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAOmVdNpOFh4
He looks at me curiously, "hmm?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAu4lr6Osgt5
"Don't go."597Please respect copyright.PENANAYUQRoRqNAO
He sighs sadly and shrugs, "I don't really have a choice, do I?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAVj6XaR1kjT
When I don't reply, he looks over at me, "hey, it's okay. They can't trap us there forever. I'll be back before you know it."597Please respect copyright.PENANAdkuwAtvNvu
"And what will you do there?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAF69H5bHBx0
He pauses to think, "I'll fight for our freedom."597Please respect copyright.PENANAIuvHhdyGaz
The answer lingers in the air as I take the meanings behind his words in, "even if it kills you?"597Please respect copyright.PENANAsKteFkXF2f
He smiles sadly and whispers, "even if it kills me."597Please respect copyright.PENANAKDBAqaYOB1