He started walking back to the entrance of the cave. This time he saw a rusty metal gate. He pushed it slightly and discovered a dark corridor - the one that looks almost the same as the one in his nightmare. The air was moist and thick. He took a deep breath and proceeded.
He heard the clicking of the clock as he walked down the corridor. A restroom with a door sign that read 505 was at the dead end. He entered it slowly and inspected room carefully. It seemed like a ordinary gentlemen's restroom. However, in the last compartment, he saw a pool of purplish red fluid on the floor. It seemed to be dripping down from the top, so he lift his head slowly to look at the ceiling.
"Ah...!!" he shrieked and fell to the ground. A rotten corpse with protruded eyes was stuck on the ceiling. Droplets of purple blood were streaming down from the bullet hole in this head. He crawled to the sink and vomited.
"Who are you?" he shouted at the corpse.
The corpse moved his eyeballs and looked at Lizard right into his eyes.
"I am your father."
"No way. You don't resemble my father at all. Who did this to you?"
"You don't remember?" asked the corpse.
"No. Not at all. What is this all about? Why are you here?"
"That's good. Human beings should forget the bad memories and keep the good ones only. In such way they can move on."
"What do you mean?"
"You will understand soon. I am glad that you are not scared to talk to someone like me."
"Are you really my dad?"
"Wait. Did....did I do something bad to you?"
"It doesn't really matter." The corpse tried to smile by slightly clenching his teeth.
"Okay. I don't have time to discuss whether you are my father or what happened to him right now. I am trapped here and cannot find the way out. Do you want to come with me? I know the way to escape is to find the key to room 504 in a mirror. But the mirror vanished. It's not in this room anymore."
"Are you sure you want to find the way out? You don't want to stay here with me?"
"I don't mean to leave you here, but I need to find the key of 504 and get out of here. You know anything about this?"
"Hahaha....It's all up to you then. It doesn't have to be 504."
"What do you mean it's all up to me? What about 504?"
The corpse did not response afterwards.