No Plagiarism!qSu4OFAj1uhBkATZBBjsposted on PENANA "Awright," said Morisson, his voice slightly angry. "Awright, Robinson, if yer loco 'nuff t' waste time buryin' 'im, then I'll hep' ya."
A faint drizzle had commenced soon after the Hares had ridden off.
Robinson stood outside the shack with a shovel gripped in his hand. "There's no need for that, Mr. Morisson. We have a long journey ahead of us. It would be best if you rested."
"Aw, nutz." Morisson took one step out of the shack. "I'm in as good shape as any Easterner who...." He gave a sudden lurch, slamming into the doorjamb.
Robinson dropped the shovel and caught him. "Inside with you," he told the giant as he guided him across the dirt floor to the nearest cot. "Rest here. You're not recovered from all that happened to you."
"That gul-durn Smokes," said Morisson. "Hittin' on me when 'e was tryin' t' find....I guess...." He let out a groan and stretched out on the cot. "'urt me more 'n I figgered."
Robinson moved for the doorway.
"Been a'meanin' t' ask ya....when ya went out t' face them Utes," said the stretched-out giant. "Guess ya weren't 'fraid at all?"
"A man can be afraid," said Robinson, "and yet do what must be done." He walked outside, heading for the place beyond the cabin where he had carried Smokes's body.
Morisson rested the knuckles of one big hand on his forehead. Up above him, the rain hit gently on the roof of the shack. He closed his eyes, and lost track of the next few minutes.
Then, with a growl, he sat up, reaching for the nickel-plated revolver he'd taken from Smokes's holster.
"Don't," suggested Sergeant Crawford. He stood inside just to the left of the door, his Springfield rifle pointed at Morisson.
Morrison's hands closed twice. "Dang," he said.
"Where's Robinson?"
"Don't got no idee-er," replied the giant. "'E brought me 'ere an' lef' me, cause I'm too banged up t' keep a'goin'. 'E wen' on 'lone, dunno where."
"Morisson," said Crawford, "you're not smart enough to lie. Where is Robinson?"
"Ah done tol' ya!"
"We'll wait for him."
"He ain't a'comin' back," insisted the big man. "Ah got muhself shot, Crawford. Ah mebbe need a doctor t' look after me, y'know. Take me back."
"You were shot by whom?" asked the sergeant as he came closer.
"Ol' trapper name o' Kennedy," said Morisson, tugging at his shirt collar and unfastening the top button. "Y'know him?"
"Oh, yes, I know Kennedy." With his rifle, he probed at the herbal compress and gave the wound a fast inspection. "Nothing very serious, Morisson. You'll live. We'll wait around here for a while in case..." The fingers of his free hand poked at the bulging pocket of the big man's shirt. "What's that?"
"Ain't nuttin'. Jus' m' tobacky n' fixin's."
Sergeant Crawford yanked out the pouch. He carried it a few feet away and opened it. "So," he said softly.
"'Ay! That's mine," said Morisson, rising.
"I'll kill you if you take one more step, Morisson."
"Thaz mine! I dug it!" Morisson's eyes shifted from the nugget pouch to the rifle barrel. He sat on the cot. "That there's m' share. 'Cause Logan Brock is daid...Ollie Potts kilt him, I done tol' ya that. An' Potts's daid, too, now an' 'is sister...."
"Be quiet," ordered Crawford. He rubbed two bright nuggets between his fingers. "There was gold after all."
"Whatcha figgerin' t' do?" asked Morisson.
"Wait," said the sergeant.
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Robinson was still shoveling earth into Smokes's grave when his sharp ears picked up---what was it? A sound too faint to be called a sound, the merest suggestion of Morisson's growling voice. He laid the shovel aside.8964 copyright protection231PENANAEQrmEzmcxD 維尼
There should be no one at the cabin for Morisson to be talking to.8964 copyright protection231PENANAU6BUNEMddq 維尼
Warily, silently, Robinson moved back to the house. It would not be John Robinson returning to the claim, he realized, for Morisson's reaction would have been considerably louder. The probability was that Crawford had at last found them.8964 copyright protection231PENANAO74cXzSEjV 維尼
Robinson sighed. If Crawford's search had taken him even one hour longer, both might have been spared this dangerous confrontation. But Robinson could not let him take Morisson to be executed for a murder he hadn't committed.8964 copyright protection231PENANAQHKxNHILMi 維尼
As he drew nearer the cabin, he could hear the muted voices more clearly and recognized Crawford's inflection. Since Crawford had not already shot Morisson, the giant would be safe, Robinson calculated, unless the situation changed. Robinson's arrival would very definitely change the situation....so when he made his move it would have to be lightning swift, to reduce the danger to all of them. Assessing his chances, he stood immobile behind the cabin in the drizzling rain. Then he reached a decision.235Please respect copyright.PENANAhDQqeaRufN
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Twilight came, and the rain stopped.8964 copyright protection231PENANApWLpYo8Bf0 維尼
Sergeant Crawford drew a pair of manacles out of his uniform. "I think I better go have a look for our friend Robinson.8964 copyright protection231PENANAsq5jGhTj2o 維尼
"He's far 'way from 'ere b'now," said Morisson.8964 copyright protection231PENANAW4slcKxsJo 維尼
"We'll find out." Crawford snapped one manacle to the big man's good wrist, the other to a leg of the cot. "You stay put here, Morisson, don't make a single sound. I'd as soon bring you in dead as alive."8964 copyright protection231PENANAVBx9EpApLB 維尼
"Ain't no use makin' noise 'er yellin'," said the giant. "Robinson ain't nowhere 'round t' hear."8964 copyright protection231PENANA66XhLx3Azm 維尼
The sergeant, rifle resting on one arm, stepped out into the dusk. There was only silence to greet him and a gathering of dark.8964 copyright protection231PENANAfAR9BuUXEm 維尼
Then Robinson dropped down on him from the roof of the shack.8964 copyright protection231PENANAIw9OOIB81M 維尼
The Springfield was snapped from Crawford's grip. The sergeant twisted and tried to elbow Robinson away. The two of them fell to the wet ground.8964 copyright protection231PENANAClTWNpYYLi 維尼
Crawford kicked one booted foot up towards Robinson's midsection.8964 copyright protection231PENANAGnVvyHYCOa 維尼
Robinson caught the heel in cupped hands, and levered Crawford over and away from him.8964 copyright protection231PENANA6w1H3oOhJW 維尼
Crawford splashed hard onto the muddy earth. He pushed himself up to a kneeling position.8964 copyright protection231PENANAjWNByNolYf 維尼
He straightened out all at once, face flat into the dirt. Robinson had him down with a hand against the back of his neck.8964 copyright protection231PENANABvwFFZlXeh 維尼
The lanky Robinson picked up Crawford and brought one of the sergeant's arms up behind his back. "We will go back inside now."8964 copyright protection231PENANACuOsPMauJz 維尼
Crawford went.235Please respect copyright.PENANAkkonpBZxrJ
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