Ophelia Angel Moon was a beautiful girl living with her mom in a run down apartment in a little town named Kenton Ohio. She never knew her dad, only that he had lots of money, and that he sends her large sums of money every two weeks. Basically, Ophelia never wanted for nothing.
Bentley Onyx Avalon was the son of Brent Avalon, Brent worked for Axel Moon, a mafia leader in Ukraine. He’d known a life of luxury thanks to his promised position in the mafia, and was good at making the lifestyle work.
But then Bentley met Ophelia, and Ophelia was brought back to the HQ in a town just outside Chernobyl. She learns the truth of her mother and why she’d not met her father, and its an understatement to say she’s mad.
Except, she’s only the First Petal.