The day has passed, with the news I received today it felt like time stood still. I went for dinner, thanked Mrs. MacMillan and went straight to bed. I start rolling around in bed with questions flooding my brain. Is it true that my family could be alive or is the Mad King trying to mess with my head? Are they hurt? Mid thought I stopped myself. I can’t let my emotions control me too much. Otherwise I won’t have any control over my actions. *closes eyes tightly* Dammit! My goal is to kill the fat bastard and give him a little bit of his own medicine. But one little step at a time. There is no point in rushing things. *turns around, open his eyes and looks out the barn window* If they are alive. I hope they are doing okay. *closes eyes* Hopefully I can get some rest now.
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I open my eyes and by surprise it is still dark. Hmm. This is strange. The moon is still high and bright. I feel like I’m not in control of my body. I’m not even in the barn any more. “Where am I?” I stand up and open the door. There’s a long hallway lit by candles. I hear screaming from the end of the hallway. It sounds like the person is screaming my name. “Could it be? Aelia!?” I can hear the screams getting louder. I run to the door where I hear the screaming. I open the door and see her laying there, in a pool of her own blood. She’s naked. I run over to her and fall down on my knees and take her into my arms. As I turn her around to face me I can see that her breasts are no longer there. Her chest if full of blood and I can see her breast tissue hanging down her stomach. Her legs are full of blood as well. I look down for the first time only to see that her bottom half is just as ruined as the top half. “Who did this to you?” I ask trying to make the situation better, knowing that there’s nothing I can do. “He did it!” She shouts and points to something or rather someone behind me. I turn my head around only to see the Mad King. “Ready for round two princess?” he smells of blood. “You bastard!” I jump up and try to tackle him to the ground. Only to fail miserably. It’s like I flew right through him. I stand up yet again from the ground and try to put him in a choke hold from the back, but I can’t seem to get a grip. I can’t seem to do anything to him. He pulls down his trousers and bends down to where Aelia laid. “Get away from her!” I tried to pull him off of her but again I failed. I fall back onto the ground and hit my head. opens eyes I look down to see Aelia’s body beneath me. Thrusting in her tiny body. Her blood getting everywhere. I can hear her screams and I see her eyes turning blood red because of the pain. I try to pull myself away, but I’m frozen. I look around and just to see myself laying on the ground. The horrific screams beneath me getting louder. The thrusting only getting harder and the pool of blood getting bigger. I once again tried to pull myself away, but its too late her lifeless body is laying on the ground. Her body is so tortured and somehow I ended up doing the torturing.
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“Lad wake up!” I opened my eyes and saw Mister MacMillan over my bed with a candle. “Ye was screamin blue murder. Are ye alright?” He asks handing me a glass of water. I sit up trying to get my breathing under control. “Yes, thank you Mister MacMillan. Sorry for waking you.” I take a sip of water and lay back down trying to process my dream. “Al- alright lad, ye try and get some shut eye, now okay?” He takes the candle and walks back to the house. I don’t even know if I want to fall asleep again. I’d rather not want to continue the dream I just had. The next morning I felt like a bag of garbage. It is the second night in a row I haven’t slept. Unlike other mornings Mister MacMillan came into the barn and asked with a very gentle voice “Ye up lad? Breakfast is ready.” He turned around and limped away through the garden to the house. Strange. Mister MacMillan has never woken me up so calmly nor did he ever invite me to breakfast. I think the events of last night terrified him as well. I mean imagine getting rudely awaken by a screaming man that lives in your barn. I wouldn’t be very impressed either. I head up to the house. The two German Shepherds, Ollie and Mollie, greet me at the front door. Mrs. MacMillan, like always, is busy making breakfast. Her red curly hair is up into a weird little bun to keep it out of her face. *baby starts crying* “Oh dear.” She looks down at her hands that are full of dough. “Darlin, can I please ask ye to go check on the bairn. I know you ken them well. Just see if the poor thing is alright.” She smiles at me and waits for my response. “Yes of course Mrs. MacMillan.” I smile back and head up the stairs. “Second door to the right dear.” I hear her screaming from the kitchen.
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As I enter the room I see the small little body moving around in her crib. “Shh-shh” I walk closer, pick her up and snuggle her into my chest. It feels peculiar holing a baby this small. The last time I held a baby was when Cecilia was still small. I can feel the small body starting to relax. She has red hair just like her mum. The poor thing was probably just a little lonely. “It’s okay sweet baby, I also get lonely sometimes, but at least I’m here now.” I snuggle her into me once more. I wish I spent more time with Cecilia when she was a baby, but I was too busy working and trying to keep my family afloat that I didn’t even realise how quickly she grew up. *knock on the door* “Aw look at ye with the bairn. I must say Scott I never pictured ye with a bairn, but yer quite good at it.” Mrs. MacMillan walks over to me and takes the baby from my arms. “It’s best ye go lad, breakfast is ready, don’t want ye to eat cold food.” She starts to undo her corset to feed the baby. “Yes Mrs. MacMillan.” I head downstairs. I ate the breakfast Mrs. MacMillan had prepared and headed to the location Mister MacMillan had told me about yesterday. The training grounds I suppose. A Few minutes later I arrived at the location on my horse. Mister MacMillan’s horse is roaming the open field. I climb off my horse and allow him to join the other horses. Mister MacMillan is standing outside. The building looks just as dreadful as the workshop. Mister MacMillan really has a talent for choosing old, horrendous buildings and turning them into things. “Ah I see ye finally decided to show.” He laughs and opens the door behind him. “Come on lad, move yer arse.”
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I picked up my slow pace and did as Mister MacMillan asked. I followed him through the door into and empty building. “Eh Mister MacMillan?” This? This is the training grounds he was talking about? I mean really there’s nothing here. “Now lad, don’t start judgin too early, she might be old-” *pause * “-and bloody empty.” I add. He looks at me with a death stare and I quickly remove the grin from my face. “but she’s done me well with the trainin, so if ye would please shut yer mouth. I would like to start trainin yer sorry arse.” He limps away and stops in the middle of the building. I follow him. In the blink of an eye he swung his fist at me and hit me right in the face. “Fu- ouch!” I fall down onto the ground. “I’ve been waitin forever to hit ye in yer stupid face.” He starts laughing and helps me up. “Ye see lad, if ye want to fight ye need to be quick and watch their every move. Ye can’t just stand there with yer dick in yer hand, ye need to react as soon as they make a move.” After a long day of training, or should I rather say Mister MacMillan beating the shit out of me, we arrived home to Mrs. MacMillan’s roast, a good meal is all I need right now. “Scott! Darlin are ye okay? Lord Akir look at the lad?!” She shouts as she looks at my wounds .“Ay the lad will survive.” He laughs and he pats me on the back and gives Mrs. MacMillan a kiss on the cheek. After dinner I went to the barn, cleaned up and hoped that I would finally get some rest.
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