O7 - Your sibling from the UK
A/N: These ones are probably gonna be a bit weird. Oh well. Haha.
Riker: The American guy fell in love with a Scottish girl. You were the one and only David Tennant's sister. Well, adopted sister anyways. David's parents decided to adopt a girl one day, and that girl happened to be you. Your parents died when you were young.
You and your parents decided to go to Scotland for vacation when you were 4 years old. You guys got in a car crash and only you survived. You lived in Scotland since then, growing up. You even adopted their accent. You lived in an orphanage until Essdale and Sandy McDonald adopted you.
Anyways, your brother David brought you with him to America for a few weeks while he shot some stuff for a film he was doing. You heard about a band that was playing nearby and decided to go see them. You me Riker at the meet and greet, and he asked you out. The next week or s, you guys hung out. He didn't know David Tennant was your brother though. When you brought him back to your hotel suite to hang out and watch movies. You didn't think David would be back early though. When he opened the door you and Riker were in the middle of an intense make-out session.
"Um, (Y/N)? Who is that?" When you heard his voice you jumped apart and pretended like nothing happened.
You decided now was a good time to introduce Riker to your brother. "Uh, David, this is Riker, my boyfriend. Riker, this is my brother Da--"
He interrupted you, "David Tennant? You never told me he was your brother. This is so cool!"
"Seems like I got a fan here." David said.
Ratliff: Your brother was the one and only Matt Smith. Well, actually there are probably a bunch of Matt Smith's in the world but ya know what I mean. Anyways, one day you were hanging out with your three month boyfriend, Ellington Ratliff. You hung out all day until late at night when he brought you home. You searched your pockets for your house key but realized you didn't bring it. You rang the doorbell and your brother Matt answered it.
"Where on Earth have you been?" He said as soon as he saw you. "And who's this?" He asked after he noticed Ell.
"Erm. This is my boyfriend, Ellington. Ell, this is my brother Matt."
"No way! Matt freaking Smith? I freakin love you!" That took you by surprise. You two have never said the L word to each other before. Apparently having a famous brother changes that.
"You love me because my brother is Matt Smith? Really Ell?"
"No no no. I meant I love Matt. But I do love you. Not because of your brother though."
"You better or I'll kick your frickin' arse if you ever even think about hurting my little sister." Matt said.
You just ignored him though, "I love you too."
Rocky: The only reason you never told Rocky about your sister was because she was Rocky's long-time celebrity crush. You were afraid he would leave you to try to get your sister. That's why you didn't want him to meet your family. But as usual for you, things didn't go as planned.
"Come on! I wanna meet your family." he said, tugging your arm up your front porch steps.
"I don't think this is such a good idea, Rocky." you say.
"Why not? I'm gonna meet them eventually anyways."
"Maybe I can introduce you to them some other time."
"Why don't you want me to meet your family, (Y/N)?"
"It's not like I don't want you to. It's just m--" You couldn't finish your sentence because someone opened the door. Not just anybody, but your sister. Emma Watson. You two live together in you guys' shared house.
"Who's this dashing young man, (Y/N)?"
"Rocky. He's my boyfriend." You said, putting emphasis on the last word. You looked over at Rocky to see him staring at Emma with a surprised and star-struck look on his face. "Rocky, this is my sister--"
"Emma Watson." He finished for you. He pushed you aside and hugged Emma. She looked surprised but hugged him back. You glared at her.
"Looks like someone's getting jealous." She said in a sing-song voice.
"Am not!" You reply.
"Yes you are. You get all huffy and look like you're about to kill someone when you get jealous." Rocky countered.
"Whatever." You rolled your eyes.
"(Y/N), I love you. Don't forget that, okay? There's no need to get jealous of my sister. It's not like I'll leave you for her. Plus she'll never go out with me anyways."
You chuckled. "I love you too, Rock-ster."
Ross: You were visiting your brother, Colin O'Donoghue, in Canada while he was shooting more episodes of Once Upon A Time. Your favorite band, R5, was playing nearby so you decided to go see them with Colin, since it was his day off. You met R5 during the meet and greet. You walked up to the table with Colin behind you. When you got to Ross, who was sitting in the end, Colin started teasing you about how you have the biggest crush on him. You looked down at Ross and saw him grinning at you.
"What's your name?" He asked you.
You answered, "(Y/N)."
"Such a pretty name for such a beautiful girl." Ross smiled. You blushed as red as a tomato. He looked you up and down, his eyes lingering at your chest for a bit longer.
Your brother decided to speak up, "Oi, don't look at my sister like that."
You and Ross both blushed a deep red. He handed you the poster and you thanked him, and walked off.
Later, you were looking at the poster and saw that Ross had written his number really small on the bottom of the poster. You grinned and giggled to yourself.
Ryland: (Y/N: I can't think of anyone for Ryry's. Any suggestions? I'll give you credit, if I use it.)