Storm E knocked on Ace's door, squinting in the mid-afternoon sun. Ace answered the door, the dark bags on his eyes standing out against his snow-pale skin. He was wearing a thick turtleneck sweater, his neck covered. "What's up Thunderstruck?" He asked with a wide yawn. Storm E stared at the sharp points of his fangs, not saying anything. Ace gave her an irritated glare. "You gonna answer?" He asked annoyed. "Or are you planning catching flies?" He started to close the door, but Storm E stuck the toe of her boot in the door, blocking it. "Look, truth is," She started, speaking quickly. "I...wanted to give you this." She handed him a wrapped present. He took it, irritation giving way to confusion. "Thank you...?" He looked up, but she was gone. He shrugged, going back inside. He opened the gift, dropping it with a hiss of pain. The present was a silver crucifix, affixed to a thin chain. Ace growled, clutching his hand, a faint burn spreading across it. "So...she knows." He thought, grabbing a glove, and picking up the crucifix, tossing it in the garbage.
"Garlic?" Crumbs asked, holding a basket of garlic bulbs, puzzled. Storm E nodded, holding several armfuls of them. "If my theory is correct...Ace won't come around if he smells garlic here, or anywhere else." She thought hopeful that her plan would work. Crumbs stroked her chin. "Well, the garlic's color definitely stands out in the cafe," Crumbs hung the basket on the wall. She smiled. Storm E left the cafe, pulling out a list, checking off Crumbs' name. "Two down, six more to go." She muttered.
Ace knocked on Spot's door, waiting patiently for her to answer. She opened the door, beaming at him. "You're here!" She grabbed his hand with a giggle. "You're cold? In this weather?" She led him inside, the sound of some catchy pop song in the background. The house was warm, it always was, whenever Ace came around. "Storm E came by today." Spot chattered, going back to her easel and painting. "She tried to give me a basket of garlic." Ace froze when he heard those words. "I didn't take though." Spot continued. "I don't like the way garlic smells," Spot said, wrinkling up her nose.
Dot frowned as Storm E finished her explanation. "...I know Ace is a vampire Dot," Storm E explained, hoping desperately that Dot would believe her. "You've got to believe me!" Dot stroked her chin, glancing past Storm E, spotting Ace, lurking in the shade. "Frankly Storm E," Dot began, pulling her inside, and closing the door. "Alright listen. I believe you." She continued, looking out the window, making sure Ace wasn't close by. "I knew Ace was a vampire when he had stumbled back into Town Square." She began, with a sigh. "He had gone for a walk in the woods, and when he had come back, he was...different." She frowned. "He became more reclusive, and he started dressing differently. " Dot sat down in one of her chairs. "One night...I followed him when he left to go on another walk..." Dot shuddered but continued nonetheless. "I stumbled upon him..." She teared up, but went on, her voice steady. "Drinking Monkey's blood." Storm E nodded, pondering what Dot just told her. "So that's what happened to Monkey. Ace killed her...I was wondering where she had gone."
"If you knew what Ace had become, why didn't you tell anyone? Why didn't tell Spot?" Storm E asked, to which Dot shook her head. "I can't tell Spot...She'd be heartbroken...And if I ever told...Ace would find out..." Dot said quietly.
Ace frowned as he sat outside Dot's house, listening in on their conversation. "So...she saw me that day..." He thought, watching the sunset, welcoming the darkening sky. He shrugged, looking at his hands, observing the pale skin, and sharp nails. He gave a quiet, mirthless chuckle. "I'm not surprised frankly. Dot has always been smart...too smart for her own good." He walked to the door and knocked.
Dot froze at the sound of the door being knocked on. "It's him!" She whispered, panicking. "He's here!" She stood up, about to run upstairs, when Storm E shushed her. "I got this." She walked calmly to the door. "What is it, Ace?" She asked, feigning nonchalance, and hoping Ace didn't hear her heart pounding through the door. "Can I come in?" He asked politely. Knowing that vampires couldn't enter inside a home unless invited, Storm E smirked. "No." She replied, and waited for Ace to respond. There was no answer. They waited and heard another knock. "Hey, guys!" Came Spot's voice, audibly excited. "What're guys doing in there?" Dot ran to the door, and opened it, revealing Spot on the other side. "Oh! It's Spot." Dot sighed relieved. "We were...uh..." Dot glanced at Storm E. "We were having a midnight sculpting party." Storm E said bluntly, to which Spot gasped. "Can I join?!" Dot nodded, and Spot ran inside, knowing where Dot kept her clay.
Several hours later, there was another knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Spot exclaimed, dusting dried clay off of her smock. She ran to the door. "Who is it?" There was silence, and a familiar voice responded. "It's me, Ace. Can I come inside?" Spot grinned, blushing. "Yeah!" She opened the door, and Ace walked inside, flashing Dot and Storm E a smug smirk. Spot grabbed his hand, leading him to the table where the other two were seated. Storm E glanced helplessly at the coat rack, where her jacket, and crucifix were. Ace flashed Storm E a grin, revealing his fangs. "It's nice to be hanging out with friends, especially at night." He said, murder and blood-lust in his gaze. Spot didn't seem to notice, she was behaving like a love-struck schoolgirl, giggling and blushing like mad.
"Look Bird!" Dot crouched next to a clump of mushrooms. "The fungi here are incurred-" She heard footsteps, and she looked behind her, seeing Ace. He smiled at her, his eyes glowing faintly in the weak moonlight. "Hey Dots," He took a step towards her. She stood up, taking a step back. He gestured to the night sky. "Wonderful night, isn't it?" He grinned viciously and lunged at her. Dot started to run, feeling a searing pain along her side. She stumbled, her hand clutching her side. Ace's stood over her, one of his clawed hands covered in blood, her blood, He licked the blood off his claws with a smirk, his eyes taking on a feral look. "Y'know Dot," He walked towards Dot as she struggled to stand up. "You were...always too smart for your own good!" He snarled, slashing at her neck. Dot felt a searing pain in her throat, her hands clutching at her neck. She pulled them away, her hands a bright scarlet. Dot was preoccupied with her wounds, she didn't hear Ace racing up to her. He grabbed her shoulders, biting down on her neck. Dot fainted, going limp.
"Alright, Forest pass me the bandages." Dot came to in Rosy's home, on the operating table. "What happened...? She thought, touching her neck, feeling stitches. "Wait, I remember...Ace, he...tried to kill me..." She frowned, remembering his words. Storm E walked inside, her gaze landing on her. Storm E's look changed into one of horror. "What happened to Dot?!" Storm E asked. Rosy shrugged. "I don't know. You could ask Dot herself..."
Spot stood outside of Dot's home, her ear pressed against the wall, listening as her friends talked in hushed tones. She knew it wasn't polite to do eavesdrop, but she was curious. "Besides, the door's closed. They're practically inviting me to eavesdrop." She thought.
Storm E listened intently, as Dot recounted her encounter with Ace. "He had, sort of a crazed look on his face when he lunged at me." Dot said with a shiver, her voice ragged from the stitches that nearly wrapped around her throat, like a macabre choker. "H-He looked like a-a wild animal." She stammered. Storm E nodded, her face grim. "S-Should we...tell Spot?" Dot asked, and Storm E nodded. "Tell me what?" The pair glanced at the closed door, hearing Spot's voice behind it. Dot motioned for Storm E to open the door. She did so, allowing Spot to step inside. "I overheard you guys talking about Ace," Spot said, with a frown. Storm E nodded. "Yeah, we were talking about him." Dot replied. "Is it true?" Spot asked, causing Storm E and Dot to look at her, puzzled. "Is what true?" Dot asked back. Spot gave them both a determined look. "If Ace did what Dot said he did," She continued. "I want to prove it myself before I come to any conclusions."
Spot looked up nervously at the sky. It was dark, save for a few stars scattered in some sparse areas, and the moon. It was full, and a hazy, deep red, illuminating Town Square and the surrounding area with a blood-red light. "Don't worry Spot," Dot reassured her, handing Spot a flashlight. "We'll be close by, ready to help at a moment's notice. Just shout."
Spot wandered through the dark woods, lighting her path with the faint flashlight. She spotted someone in the distance, someone she knew. She smiled. "Ace!" She exclaimed, causing Ace to face her. "His eyes..." She thought, noticing that Ace's eyes were the same deep, hazy red as the moon above them. He took a step towards her. "A-Ace?" Spot took a step back, not liking the hostility in his gaze. "I-It's me, Spot...remember?" Ace scowled, no recognition flashing in his eyes. He growled and lunged at Spot. She stood her ground, pulling something out of the pocket of her smock, showing it to him. He froze, staring at it. The thing Spot had pulled out of her pocket was a thin chain Spot had made for him. "A-Ace...?" Spot asked, but he had already run deeper into the woods. Spot chased after him. "Wait, Ace!" She exclaimed.
Spot sprinted after Ace, grateful that she had the flashlight with her. She found him, at the end of the path. "Ace!" He turned to face her. "Spot...please..." He backed away from her, his scarlet eyes full of fear. She shook her head. "I'm not afraid, you know," Spot replied, walking towards him. Ace growled, backing away. "Please!" He shouted, raising his hands in defense. "J-Just leave me alone! Go back to Town Square! I-I..." He paused, looking down at the ground. "I-I don't to want hurt anyone else..." He looked back up at her, eyes filled with tears. Spot grabbed his hands. "Listen," She said fiercely. "I'm not leaving without you." Ace opened his mouth to reply, but she shushed him. "You're coming back with me." She began running back down the path, Ace close behind her.
Ace frowned, as he watched Spot knock on the door of Storm E's van. "Don't look like that." He yelped as Spot hugged him. "What happened between you and Storm E is water under the bridge," She whispered. "Give everyone some time to get used to you being back." Storm E opened the door, scowling when she locked gazes with Ace. "What's HE doing here Spot?" She asked, her frown deepening when Forest poked his head out of the doorway. Seeing the situation about to unfold, Forest grabbed Spot and Ace, pulling them inside. Storm E glared at him. "Hey Ace, and Spot." He grinned, his presence easing some of the tension in the room. "'s it been?" Forest asked. Spot smiled. "Ace and I were just...stopping by before going to my place." She replied, glancing at Ace, who yawned. Spot noticed the teacup in his hands. "Where did that teacup come from?" She frowned. "Right...Storm E."