SCP-131 the eye pods
In facility-17 is were they’re kept the creatures move about freely and mingle with the foundation personnel there in truth the personnel there are advised to limit the contact with the objects in order to prevent them developing an attachment to the creatures the scp-131 are two small teardrop shaped creatures about a foot tall scp-131-A is okra in color while scp-131-B is a burnt yellow color both subjects have a single large eye in the middle of their bodies something resembling a wheel lies at the base of their bodies it’s obviously an organ or rather some kind of mechanism if we assume the creatures are biomechanical in origin that allows them to move quite rapidly they can achieve speeds in excess of 60 meters per second but they completely lack any sort of braking system it seems like this ought to create a great many dangers for these creatures but according to foundation reports this isn’t the case other objects for instance coins traveling at such velocities could cause irreversible damage however there’s something in these creatures bodies that allows them to break the laws of physics as we know them the eye pods as they’re known to foundation employees are able to dampen the force of their impacts meaning that even colliding at great speeds they harm neither themselves nor others the eye pods are able to clamber along various vertical surfaces they often climb into ventilation systems making it necessary for personnel to conduct searches these creatures intellect is estimated to be somewhere close to that of a domestic cat the subjects exhibit curiosity towards everything but unlike pets they’re able to communicate with each other by means of unintelligible squeaking noises whether these exclamations are more similar to human speech or to cats meowing isn’t yet known at first glance it could seem as though they’re just little cute animals and nothing more but the creatures are actually able to become trusted friends and even save lives the eye pods recognize acts of kindness and are inclined to return the favor whenever foundation employees who have been friendly to the eye pods make their way to chambers containing keter or euclid class objects the eye pods attempt to stop them they actively squeeze themselves between the employees legs and flounder about in order to stop them as a result of such behavior it’s been determined that the creatures have an instinctive ability to sense danger for this reason foundation personnel are advised to limit their contact with the eye pods because they serve as a hindrance and cause unnecessary bustle before important tests but in other cases this can turn out to be quite useful in one well-known instance when a janitor set off to clean scp-173’s chamber the eye pods raced in there first i remind you that scp-173 is an extremely dangerous sculpture that remains stationary as long as it’s watched but attacks people the moment they take their eyes off of it, it seems the eye pods understand this so while the janitor conducted the standard cleaning procedure both scp-131 kept their eyes on the sculpture when he finished cleaning the room they both backed out of the room slowly continuing to look at the deadly sculpture it’s likely that in doing so they saved the janitor’s life since janitorial staff frequently die in scp-173’s chamber since scp-173 can attack in a mere moment blinking invites death scp-131 luckily never blink an 18-hour video recording of these cute critters has confirmed that they never close their eyes they also have no need of food thanks to these characteristics the foundation is considering designating these subjects as watchers along with the sculpture there’s another object scp-689 otherwise known as the ghost in the dark that also requires constant observation this green statue can kill careless observers even if they look away for an instant the eye pods could deal with such an issue however there is a special rights organization within the foundation that monitors the treatment of anomalies members of this group consider the exploitation of anomalies especially good ones unacceptable half of the leaders of the o5 council aren’t fond of these rights activists while the other half are themselves members of the group but i don’t doubt for a second that they’re not interested in protecting the rights of anomalies so much as finding another lever with which to exert power nonetheless the eye pods are treated decently enough rude treatment of the creatures is dealt with severely right up to firing it’s necessary to check their location hourly in the event that the facility loses track of them they’re required to enact a first level quarantine they’re forbidden from leaving facility-19 as well as from visiting objects placed under a strict regime under other circumstances their freedom of movement is protected these are the most helpful,desired and safest subjects one can study without risking their life but the fact that they’re located in facility-19 puts a damper on that since the facility itself is anomalous and changes its geographic position once every two weeks therefore it’s necessary to conduct test indirectly with this goal in mind i set off for the place where scp-131 were found they were discovered in a cornfield in nebraska in 1994. Unfortunately the specific locale they were extracted from isn’t shown in the archives but a happy coincidence helped me out here that is by happenstance i just happened to look in the right place i guess that given the eye pods friendly nature some children must have seen them out and about that gave me a reason to check all children’s drawing competitions in nebraska before 1994 and that wasn’t a mistake the frequency with which i saw the eye pods and children’s drawings varied from city to city and across time periods in the 70s quite a few children from lancaster county drew the eye pods in the 80s children from sheridan county did the same and those from stanton county at the beginning of the 90s i set off for stanton county guessing that’s were the foundation discovered the scp-131 in the city of the same name i found a boy the winner of the children’s drawing competition and the author of a number of drawings of the eye pods when i found him he was no longer a boy but rather a shabby middle-aged man by the name of richard he clearly had social issues and suffered from alcoholism and it seems that the eye pods were at the root of his issue when i mentioned them richard nearly threw himself at me then he began questioning me as to where i’d learned about them it became clear that he considered the creatures his imaginary friends his parents had even sent him to a psychiatrist fearing for his mental health they stuffed the boy with ritalin a medicine that was frequently used at the time to treat hyperactive children with ADHD richard became passive and apathetic and stopped going outside the eye pods lost interest in him and the young richard thought that his medication was helping that the creatures were simply hallucinations richard always considered himself crazy so he never managed to get on the right track in life but when i gave him other children’s drawings and proved that he wasn’t sick in the head he eased up considerably he showed me the place where he’d played with the creatures as a child richard came there every day to see the eye pods until he was prescribed ritalin but the most important information if we’re to believe richard is that there weren’t only two but six of them i know for a fact that the foundation is holding two of the specimens that means there are another four running about freely maybe even in these cornfields richard happily agreed to help me and we set off in search of them we probably combed 80% of the cornfields in nebraska but our efforts were fruitless the eye pods could be at the other end of the u.s or even of the planet by now so i decided to analyze all information regarding creatures that resemble scp-131 starting 1993. As i expected the foundation had cleansed all mentions of the anomalies from the record but i decided to risk it and wrote questions about the creatures on reddit and quora i uploaded a picture of the eye pods and asked the users whether any of them had ever seen such a creature in real life to my surprise within three minutes dozens of people indicated the times and places where they’d met with the creatures everyone who answered the question was surprised to find others who had also seen the beings but four minutes after i published my post it was deleted and all accounts involved had been blocked from the platforms in the question it was obvious that they’d monitored my location and were sending agents after me so i immediately left nebraska and went to another state fortunately i had managed to save the information about the places where people had seen the eye pods these locations were dispersed across the whole of north america the creatures had been seen most frequently in the central united states in southern canada and in northern mexico i drove around all of these locations only now without richard and found no trace of the creatures except in one place a very strange one at that there were no fast food chain restaurants at any of the settlements in question large companies had opened stores even in neighboring towns but avoided locales where scp-131 had been spotted the reason for this turned out to be entirely banel i hacked into the main servers of seven of the large fast food chains and read through their records as it turned out the companies conducted studies of various indicators to determine the probability of their potential investments there were two important indicators mentioned in the files first a large occurrence of psychological conditions among children and minors second record amounts of broken equipment any apparatuses in the given locales was prone to breakage and as a result of the need to frequently purchase new equipment the local businesses had gone bankrupt both reasons can be explained by the presence of scp-131 they show themselves to children who then tell their parents about what they saw and are resultantly brought to psychiatrists.
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