Vanessa had been running for a month. Well, not the whole month. But the better part of it. Ever since the attack on Charlie's school, Vanessa was one of the few to get away. She was currently fleeing a Subdoer patrol car. On foot. She would have outran it a while ago had she not been so tired. Her feet made a thrumming sound on the ground as her worn shoes beat into the pavement. This specific patrol car was the most persistent, she couldn't escape it. It had dogged her for days, and she felt that she would never be free of its grasp. She saw a broken down exit for the highway, with a sign claiming it condemned. She took a crazy chance, taking a leap over the railing as she hurled into the exit, hoping the car wouldn't follow. She was right, the car screeched to a stop. She whooped in victory, ready to peal off into the night. The concrete shifted underneath her. "Shit...." She ran as fast as she could, desperation fueling her manic pace. The ground was crumbling, not enough to bring the whole thing down(She hoped) but enough to make large holes that would lead to a deadly drop. She blew past one of those devices that read a cars speed, still functional somehow in the midst of this wrecked structure. She payed no mind to the astonishing number proclaiming her as running at 200 M.P.H as it flashed at her to slow down. Sirens could be heard below as she neared the bottom of the highway exit, only a second longer and she would be home free. She could evade normal cops just fine, this highway was her only obstacle. She was home free! She was- airborne. She had tripped on something, no, she had been tripped by someone. A person suddenly materialized out of the darkness, as if they were some specter. They had thrown a piece of fishing line, tied taut on the highway that she felt had shredded the skin on her ankles to shreds. She felt her body slam against the pavement as she tumbled and slid, worse than any motorcycle crash. She survived only because she was stopped by hitting something large. She looked up through bloodstained eyes at a man with perfect white teeth, with one golden canine marring his mouth. He wore a red and black hood, and his expression was one of absolute glee.121Please respect copyright.PENANAYSE3StEZDM
"Who... are you" She struggled out. "Your liberator" He tells her, just as her world fades into darkness.121Please respect copyright.PENANADonqoOEj6m
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Vanessa dreams of running, as she often does. This time, the dream was a nightmare. She was running faster than she ever had, a new record. Ruined only by her sudden impact with a brick wall springing out of nowhere.121Please respect copyright.PENANAM4PqFeihEj
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She wakes in a flash, the imagined pain from her dream seeming to transfer over to the ache of her body as she wakes. Every part of her was in pain. She was in a room that was clearly one with a clinical purpose, but looked as if someone had taken great pains to conceal that. It had plants on low wooden tables, with earthy colored curtains over windows that only just muted the sunlight. She was in a normal bed, but the I.V and heart monitor she was hooked to dispelled the illusion. Vanessa noticed that there was also a window that looked like the ones they have in interragation rooms in cop movies. She saw another bed next to hers with a similar set-up but no occupant. She notices all of this in the span of half a second, and she has flipped off of the bed and ripped the I.V out of her arms in the rest of the aformentioned second. She was in a defensive stance and had taken stock of a hundred more little details within the next second. While that rapid reaction had served her well in the last weeks in evading capture, she soon realized there was nothing to run or fight in this room. It was quite useless when she had to wait. And it would seem that was all that she could do in the next few hours. The door out of the room was locked, there was a cheery bathroom, and she found a fridge with drinks and stuff to make roast beef sandwiches. Vanessa didn't how long she spent in that room. The minutes and hours seemed meaningless with no watch. She eventually went to sleep on the bed she had woken up in. Hoping that she was just dreaming. When she awoke again her surroundings were the exact same, but there was one difference.121Please respect copyright.PENANARsNqOxhdtf
"Hello" Said a teenage girl perched in a chair at the foot of Vanessa's bed. She had silver hair like an old lady, and her eyes were completely devoid of color. Making her pupils almost impossible to see. It made her look blind. Her skin was also eerily pale, like she hadn't seen the sun in years. She wore a pleasant little expression on her face. Like she was so happy that Vanessa was awake. Vanessa took only a second to process this before she pounced off the bed and attempted to attack her at blinding speeds, Vanessa was sure this was it. She would be able to use this girl to escape somehow.121Please respect copyright.PENANA7sxecGQlVy
Just as she was about to hit her the girl's eyes turned dark green, the same color as Vanessa's she moved in a blur and Vanessa struck empty air. The girl had moved across the room in a second, even Vanessa couldn't move that fast. "Oh... You are very quick. That is interesting. Thank you for allowing me to sample your power."121Please respect copyright.PENANA1jR9QK2cX3
Vanessa was stunned. That was another superhuman. No doubt about it. Vanessa had gotten into scraps with them before. But she had always been faster, now she had nothing. "I am not here to hurt you, don't make me do so." Vanessa didn't want to trust this woman. Not by a long shot, she charged again, swiftly closing the gap and attempting another attack. The girl simply ducked, which Vanessa found annoying. She delivered an upwards palm into Vanessa's chin, sending her into the air from the speed of the attack, before she could even react however she was hit in the chest with the girl's other palm, sending her flying before she could even hit the ground. "A shame really. Such a powerful ability and yet such simple attacks. You need our help more than I thought." The girl was all sunshine and daisies, she was wearing a sun dress of all things! Vanessa simply didn't know how she was beaten so easily. "Our? What. More people to beat me up?" Vanessa felt her ribs. Swollen. Definitely, maybe even broken. "No. That was never my intention, I only wanted to show you why you're here." Vanessa had to admit she was curious. Usually when you're a superhuman, kidnapping usually means you are going to be sold for reward money to the subdoers. "Fine, I'll hear you out if you tell me how you did that." Vanessa had to know how this girl had gotten so dangerous. "Oh, that's simple really. I've had training in many martial arts, included but not limited to, Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jutsu-" Vanessa waved a hand. "No no, how are you even faster than me. There's no way our abilities work the same way." The girl chuckled and offered Vanessa a hand. Her eyes also faded back to white, and Vanessa caught her own reflection. Those had been her eyes. "You copied my ability!" The girl laughed again. "Yes, I did. That is my ability. I can copy people's powers, to an extent. I can also make them a bit stronger which is how I was faster than you." Vanessa allowed herself to be led out of the locked door that had plagued her for several days. Not that she had a choice. There was a vice grip on her arm. She was led through several confusing corridors, taking twists, turns, loop de loops and all sorts of stairs.121Please respect copyright.PENANAAZHIW1OEuH
She was finally led into a large room with multiple chairs, and tables. There was hundreds of people inside, all milling about and talking. The thing she noticed though. Was that very few of them didn't have some sort of abnormality. There was a kid with scales and gills, another small child with a single horn poking out of her head. Standing in the middle of them was a tall anthropomorphic lion man, wearing a sharp suit. He appeared to be speaking to everyone, answering questions and assuaging fears. When he saw Vanessa he started walking over to her. "Welcome to our community! We are so happy to have you Vanessa. You arrived in a sorry state, I'm glad you were able to make a full recovery. You should go find a girl by the name of 'Candy' when I'm done here, she's the one who healed you!" the lion had an earnest way of speaking. Vanessa couldn't help but trust him. "So, what is this place, it looks like some sort of hide out for superhumans." The lion smiled, it looked more like a grimace with all of his teeth. But Vanessa was pretty sure it was a smile. "Exactly! We don't just find, and save superhumans from danger. Like yourself, but we also bring the fight to the subdoers! Any superhuman we save can volunteer to help our cause, in any way they can. Some go on missions to save others, like Ashley." The girl that had taken me here gives a slight nod. "And others help out around here, like Candy, the girl who healed you. But, whats important is that you are safe, my name is Leo, yes I know how ironic that is. If you need anything, or you want to help. Don't hesitate to ask me! Although, if I may make a selfish request, I do need you for at least one mission. If you're up for it in the next few days." 121Please respect copyright.PENANARMuMlQuEMR
Vanessa looked around, it was nice to be safe. But she could help out her saviors at least once. To pay them back. "Alright, what do you need me to do?" Leo smiled again, still looking like he was about to get on all fours and maul her. He pulls a picture out of his suit, and he shows it to her. It was a short girl, with dark brown skin, a purple hoodie and black tights. She was standing in front of a subdoer base, looking as if she was about to go in. "Hey! I know that girl. She goes to my school." Leo flashes another one of the predatory smiles. "I know, I think you are going to have an interest in this case. A superhuman selling out to the subdoers. If you can bring her here, then she can have a safe place to live. And she won't need to do that anymore. If she doesn't want to come with you, make her uh... see reason." I nodded. "Can I go visit the girl named Candy first?" Leo nods "You don't have to start looking for her for several days, she'll show up again. Then you'll bring her here." Vanessa smiles as well. "Thanks!" She zooms in the direction that Leo points, following a corridor to a small white room that has all sorts of medical supplies inside. The girl within the room has mint green hair, eyeshadow, and lipstick. Her nails were also painted the same color. She wore a white jacket, open to a black shirt. Along with pants that were made up of black and mint green stripes. Vanesa presumed this was 'Candy'. "Are you hurt?" Candy asks. "Here, let me help you." She touches her hand to a bruise on Vanessa's body, and it feels like Vanessa relives the pain as she grimaces and watches the injury recede. "Sorry about that, my ability only allows me to reverse objects and people back to how they were before, or vice versa. I'm told it stings when you feel an injury in reverse." Candy was very pale, and the white light above her made her look almost ghostly. She looked really familiar too. "Are you... Are you Ashley's... " Candy interrupts her. "Yes, I am Ashley's twin technically. There were three of us. But Josephine left us years ago. Claiming that our parents didn't take her seriously. Me and Ashley left soon after, but we've never been able to find her."121Please respect copyright.PENANAFP8ox18Suc
Now that Vanessa gets a good look at Candy, under all the hair dye and makeup. Her and Ashley looked the exact same. They were both incredibly short, standing at 5'0 nothing. They both had incredibly pale skin, and their eyes had the same bottomless look. "Anyways, I'm coming with you." Candy says after some thought. Vanessa looked utterly bewildered. "Why?! Aren't you this place's healer?" Candy shrugs. "Yea, but it's rumored that someone named Nox has been traveling with the girl you aim to capture, Charlotte. That was always what she called herself. It was what her and our parents argued about at length. I never really knew what it was about, but this is going to be one of my only chances to find my sister!" Ashley had somehow snuck up on Vanessa, and she jumped when Ashley started speaking. "I agree with Caroline, we should move immediatly." Candy pouted. "Stop using my goverment name, its not our fault that me and Josephine got the victorian lady names. You lucked out with a completely normal name." Ashley raises an eyebrow. But doesn't say anything, Vanessa realizes that even Ashley's eyebrows are silver. Unlike Candy, who's natural hair color is obviously black according to her eyebrows. "We should commence training as soon as possible. If we are to bring Vanessa along." Candy sighs. "Alright, lets go over some basics. Charlotte won't know what hit her!"121Please respect copyright.PENANAo6GktnORV4