It was a chilly summer morning when I woke up in the alley. For a moment I forgot where I was, until I realised I was in the exact spot where I had taken refuge the day before, next to the trash can, in the alleyway between the retirement home and some terraced houses. I had managed to find a piece of cardboard, that I had used as a blanket that night. I rubbed in my eyes (after checking there wasn't any dit or something on them) to get the sleep away, and pulled off the hood of my black hoodie. I pushed the piece of cardboard away and stood up, checking if no trash had stuck to it. (I may be homeless, but I still have morals). I looked up at the sky, which was a pastel pink and orange, meaning it was about 5 AM. I sighed, I always woke up this early, even if I was really tired. I walked out of the alleyway, and wandered around in the NYC outskirts. I've never enjoyed sleeping in New York itself, it's always so crowded, and you get pointed at by the rich kids a lot. They'll say to their friends, "Oh look, it's homeless girl! Why does she look like that? Probably beaten up" It annoyed me the most, because everything they said was true. I'm homeless, and there never passes a week in which I am not terrorised by monsters. Yes, you heard me right. Monsters. I don't know why the beasts have such an interest in me, however they seem to follow me everywhere. Sometimes I wish I would be at home, safe and secure. But then I remember my awful mother, and I'd immeadiatly decide to stay on the streets of NYC. I thought back of what had happened back in New Jersey, on the day that I had run away.
It had been a quiet morning, which was unusual to say the least. My mom had locked herself up in her room, making no noise. However, I was sure she wasn't dead, it was the tension that hung over the house. Like a time bomb, ticking away the time until the fatal explosion. I had quickly packed everything that I needed and headed to school, trying to escape the weird pressure as soon as I could. Now, I was in the bus back home, nervously tugging on my hoodie strings. As the bus stopped at my drop off, I hesitated as much as I could, until I was forced out of the bus. I had walked inside, and saw my mom sitting on the couch. I quitely walked in, trying to sneak up to my room when my mom called my name.
'Lily Hopkins, here. now' She demanded.
I slwoly walked over and sat on the stool in front of her, I looked down, trying to escape her eyes.
'Look me in the eyes , Lily' she said harshly.
I did what she said and almost had a heart attack from fright. Where normally her eyes were angry, cold and harsh, The look I had gotten used to. Now they were filled with rage, as though liting up with fire. I tried swallowed away my fear and kept staring at her eyes.
'Do you know,' she whispered. 'How much I offered for you?'
She looked at me, as though wanting response. I stayed silent.
'I have given up my dream job to care for you, raise you and get you ready for whats coming.' she continued. 'twelve years now, I have been dealing with your silly nonsense.'
I was the usual rant, but this time I did not dare interrupt.
'All that..'she paused, contemplating her words. 'All that, because your runt of a father charmed me with his good looks.'
My heart did a tapdance. My father, who left us after my birth, who my mother refused to talk about.
'My father?' I asked. I immeadiately knew I had made a terrible mistake. Mom's eyes flickered red with rage as she stared at me.
'Your father,' She said, raising her voice. 'Was a terrible man, only obsessed with himself, Only cared what people thought of him, and worst of all, put me up with you.' She snarled at me.
'Don't talk about him like that' I squeaked.Clutchng on to the little hope what was left of ever getting to meet him.
My mom laughed with hatred. 'Don't talk like you knew him "sweetheart"' She said the last word sarcasticly. 'What would you know about him? You're just a pathetic, idiotic-'
'I AM NOT PATHETIC'I snapped at her, realising my mistake, but not caring. I wasn't going to let anyone talk to me like that. Mom started yelling and cursing. I stood up, and so did she. I let the tornado of swearwords come over me, lookes at her body language, and could jump away at the moment she lashed out to punch me. I ran up the stairs, moms furious words flodding the neighbourhood behind me. I realised I wasn't going to take it anymore, I grabbed my backpack, threw some clothes and supplies in there as fast as I could and swung it on my back. I took a deep breath and calmy walked downstairs. At the end of the stairs, my mom was waiting for me. Her eyes and body language filled with red flags.
'Where do you think you're going?' She snarled
'Away' I said, as calm as I could
Mom was taken aback for a moment but then laughed. 'And where do you think yoiu're going?'
I thought for a moment, considering to stay here. After a minute of silence I said. 'Anywhere but here.' and walked towards the door.
'Foolish!' My mom screamed. 'You'll die the moment you step out of that door.'
I looked back at my mother for the last time. 'See you in Hell then.' I said, turned my back on her, and walked out the door.
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