Cassandra now looked up at the card in the air and jumped up towards it. "You can do this! Focus and win!!" Cassandra thought while reaching out to the card, letting the light which came from the card completely engulf her body. The card activated itself as soon as she did that. A yellow glow emerged from the card, then the card near Kaito's face-down flame Focus card began to have the same yellow glow as well.
"What's she up to?" Kaito thought as he kept running towards her. The yellow glow of the first card eventually surrounded her body and absorbed her whole body into a yellow like black hole.
Cassandra along with the card and the yellow glow instantly disappeared. Kaito stopped running. "What!?" His heart was pounding in his chest. "Where did she...?" Kaito couldn't believe she just pulled that off so quickly. She was gone.
He turns his head to the left and looks to his right. All he can see is people cheering and screaming in excitement in the stands.
"Wait a minute." Kaito tried to think what kind of card she had just activated. "OH NO!! That was probably a... TELEPORTATION CARD! That means..." Kaito slowly turned his whole body and looked towards his Focus card. "NO WAY!!" Kaito's jaw drops and his eyes widens as he yells out.
He saw Cassandra standing casually next to his Focus card.
"Are you looking for me Kaito? Was I going too fast for you to keep up?" Cassandra was now was smiling.
"Aghh, I should have known you'd use a teleportation card!" Kaito points to her in frustration. "I'm such an idiot! And I knew this whole time that's your special move."
"Ahhhahhh!" Cassandra yelled out with all her might as she uses her lightning attack to destroy Kaito's Focus card. Kaito saw all that as if it was all happening in slow motion.
"NOOOO DON'T!" Kaito couldn't do a thing to stop her. He reaches out his right arm in desperation.
He didn't have the speed to get to the other side of the stadium to counter her attack and save his Focus card. The boost in energy could have gave him an edge in the match but now that was gone.
In one clean motion Cassandra struck Kaito's Focus card with her lightning attack. The Focus card disintegrated into nothingness.
Kaito's flame card that was in his hand also disintegrated along with it because both cards were linked together so that he could perform his attack.
His big strategy now reemerged in his discard pile.
Cassandra's lightning card was out of energy so it also disintegrates from her hand and just like Kaito's cards, her card rematerializes in a slot on the left side of her waist, this was her discard pile. Once a fighter's card is destroyed or runs out of energy the card sends itself to the fighters discard slot.
"So much for your flame attack Kaito. You won't be using that against me any time soon." Cassandra examines the scoreboard and reassures herself that she can finish off the match successfully.
The crowd now instantly goes wild.
"My spirit hasn't fizzled out just yet." Kaito puts a fake smile on trying to make it seem as if inside he's not frazzled at all by what Cassandra just did to his strategy. "I have more fire attacks coming your way! Get ready!"
"Speaking of fire, what's the deal with using just fire type Decca cards? You're obsession is just putting you at such a disadvantage in this tournament."
Kaito shrugs his shoulders "I don't see it that way. When I use my fire cards I never feel like I'm at a disadvantage. Fire burns brightly like my determination to win. Fire consumes all its enemies, no matter what."
Cassandra's friend Daru felt confident that Cassandra would be able to successfully finish off the match. "Wow, I can't believe it. That's what I like about this sport, there's always surprises. She had the cards she needed to pull that off. The match should be a piece of cake for her here on in."
"Daru don't jump the gun just yet. You can't underestimate your opponent. In matches like these anything is possible." Cassandra's father wasn't ready to celebrate just yet. He knew that both fighters still had enough armor health to continue the match. Her father now looked at the score board above the fighting arena on both fighters.
Kaito's armor level on the left was at 50 percent while Cassandra's armor level on the right showed 75 percent. He knew that if Cassandra just let her guard down for one second, Kaito could gain the advantage.
"Mr. Zyta is right Daru." Sarafina spoke up. "We can't just assume she's going to win by default. We can't forget Kaito's specialty."
"How do you even know his specialty Sarafina? This Kaito guy is so low in the ranks, why would anyone even bother studying up on his moves."
Daru just couldn't see Kaito as a potential winner of the match. He felt Cassandra had the clear advantage over him. She had more skill and on top of that her older sister was one of the top champions of the Decca fighting league. "Well you don't really need to study up on this guy's move set. You just need to pay attention to the match idiot. The entire time he's been using power up Focus cards. He's using a lot of big beefed up attacks rather than any other strategy really and if...."
The announcer of the match now began talking through his mic headset at the top of his lungs interrupting Sarafina from talking to Daru.
"What an incredible last second move by Cassandra!! She used her signature teleportation card flawlessly and then followed by a devastating blow to Kaito's Focus card thus ending his flame attack! Unbelievable ladies and gentlemen, what a turn of events. It would almost seem like Kaito had the advantage on that one but Cassandra was prepared and shut down his strategy hard, even before it can be executed." The announcer now proceeded to pump up the crowd. "Let's watch closely folks to see what these two have up their sleeves! This match is definitely far from over."
"What's the matter Kaito?" Kaito looked confused now after Cassandra said that to him. "Are you overwhelmed with everything that just happened? You talk a big talk about your fire cards but you can't fool me I can see it in your face." Cassandra's deck began to glow again including Kaito's deck as well.
Both players were able to draw from their deck until they had a maximum of four cards in hand.
"Well, I got to admit, seeing you preform like this, face to face, you do have some skills." Kaito looks at his cards and does a double take. A surprised look now comes to his face.
Then he begins to smile and continues talking to her. "Well, I expected nothing less from the younger sister of the champ of the Decca League.
It's a shame really that your older sister Cassidy couldn't be in the tournament this year. To tell the truth I was really amped to see a REAL seasoned Decca fighter preform this year."
"Shut up!" Cassandra got upset. Kaito stopped looking at his drawn cards and looked at her.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I strike a nerve?" As he looked at her he slowly arranges his cards in his hand.
"Don't you dare talk about my sister. You don't care at all what happened to her. You're just glad that she's not here this year competing against you, to wipe the floor with you!"
"Boy, your one to jump to conclusions. You think you got me all figured out." Kaito took a quick look at the score board then back to Cassandra. "Sorry that I even mentioned it." He was thinking of a new strategy.
"Just play your stupid cards Kaito!" She looked at her cards intensely but her hands were starting to shake from the anger she felt inside. "It's not going to matter what you use from now on anyways because I'm determined more than ever now to take you down. And... I'll use this to do it."
She picks one card out of the four in her hands. She places the card that she drew earlier in her right hand and the card quickly transforms into a long sword.
When she swung the sword around, a red glow followed each swing. With each practice swing Kaito could hear an echoing sound coming from the sword. It was as if Cassandra was cutting the air around her in half.
"Oh man, she's serious now." Kaito shuffled his cards around in his hands franticly to change up his strategy after seeing Cassandra equip a sword. "She just equipped a basic level Trecnon sword. If I'm not mistaken, that inflicts 30 percent of damage. I can't afford to get take damage from that thing!" Kaito kept looking at the sword with a nervous look on his face. He could feel it, the feeling of defeat.
The match could be instantly over for him in the blink of an eye if he didn't use something quick to defend against Cassandra's sword.
As Cassandra held her sword she began to think of all the moments Cassidy helped her out as she began fighting for the first time in the Decca Tournaments years ago. She felt confident and strong when her sister was there to coach her on. Those days were now over and Cassandra had to face her new harsh reality that Cassidy wasn't coming back. "How... How could it just be this way? It's not fair. I can't do this without you Cassidy. Where in the world did you go? I need answers... If only..."
An intense flame blast blew Cassandra back. Her sword slipped out her hand while she was in midair. She fell straight to the ground as it instantly disintegrated. Cassandra had the wind knocked out of her as she flew back a few feet and landed on her back. Her eyes now faces the sky. All she saw was fire all around her.
The audience, the tournament announcer, everyone in the stadium became silent.
"Decca armor at ZERO percent." Cassandra's Decca armor said out loud her status. It was at zero. Once the fighter's armor runs out of energy, the match was over. Cassandra slowly got up from the intense attack. She struggles a bit to get to her feet.
"What...? What just happened? I must have zoned out thinking about Cassidy again."
"Wait!" Kaito was extremely confused. He pointed at Cassandra who also looked confused. "Hold up. You were prepared for that, right? You weren't prepared for my attack? I was pretty sure you would of just knocked it to the side or, or at least dodged or something. Am... Am I dreaming here?? Did I just...?" Before he could finish he was interrupted by the tournament announcer.
"Ladies and gentlemen what an unexpected turn in this match! Kaito is now our WINNER!! Cassandra has been eliminated!" The crowd went wild as Kaito touches his face because he couldn't believe the outcome of the match.
"NO WAY!!" Sarafina couldn't believe it. She stood up from her seat in disbelief. Daru and Cassandra's father were shocked as well to see what had just happened. "I'm pretty sure she saw that, right? ....right? He didn't even do anything special. All he did was drop three Focus cards which powered up the last card in his hand. Then he just used the last card to throw another huge fire ball at her."
"I can't believe it. She could have easily dodged that. I should have warned her again." Daru was one hundred percent sure she was going to win the match. He now wonders what went wrong.
The announcer now ran towards the middle of the field where Kaito was standing.
"Congratulations Kaito! If you have a moment please tell the audience what is going through your mind right now, knowing that you're the winner of this match."
The announcer placed the microphone near Kaito's mouth but Kaito was still shocked staring into space. "Uhhhmmmmm I...."
A hovering camera points to Kaito's shocked face, showing his face to the entire arena on the giant scoreboard screen.
"You heard it here folks, or should I say NOT heard it. Kaito is speechless!" The announcer now turns to try and get some words also from Cassandra.
"And now let's see what Cassandra thinks of... Huh?" Cassandra was gone. "Hey, where did she go?" She had ran off the arena as quickly as she could before the announcer could even notice.
She was so upset and embarrassed. She didn't want to even show her face.
Kaito had a concerned look on his face as the tournament announcer kept talking. To him it was all just a bunch of babbling on about the highlights of their match. His hand formed a tight fist as he was deep in thought, thinking what Cassandra was going through in her mind. "I won the match somehow, but, why do I feel like a loser? I shouldn't have said those harsh words to her." Kaito thought. However, he couldn't just go and find her to talk to her. Kaito now had to prepare for his next match.
Cassandra's father saw the moment she turned around and exited the fighting arena. He quickly got up from his seat and proceeded to find her to talk to her.
Daru and Sarafina got up from their seats as well but Mr. Zyta placed his hand up to stop them. The expression on his face was serious. They saw his face and then looked at each other.
Both of them wanted to go and see her but they knew that her father wanted to have a one on one chat with his daughter. They both hoped she was alright.
Daru and Sarafina both decided to sit back down and watch the next match.
"Sir, one of the Decca champions that I chose just lost the match. She was defeated by a boy named Kaito." The young girl near the stadium stage spoke again on the phone to a man. She looks conflicted as she lowers the cellphone and looks at Kaito on the giant scoreboard screen above her.
"Kaito... This guy defeated Cassandra? How?" The mysterious girl looks back at the cellphone. "I better choose the right fighters for this operation, I don't want to fail him."
Diary: I didn't know it, but my life would completely change the day that I battled him. The world of Decca to me was full of so many possibilities. This sport started off as a hobby and a form of entertainment but now, it's much more than that.
That day, everything shifted rapidly for me and new experiences I've never imagined experiencing came to my door. I wanted to be the best at Decca, and then my eyes were opened to something different.