Runningkit ran into the Medicine Den seriously, "Whiskerstream? Why do the other cats talk about me?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" Whiskerstream replied, rather nervously.
Runningkit narrowed her eyes, "Why do they keep talking about me?"
She glared at the medicine cat. A few heartbeats went by and when Whiskerstream didn't reply, the little kit growled, frustrated. Runningkit stomped out of the den, mad.
She kept trotting across the whole camp until she stopped beside some heather, she heard voices! The kit quickly hid in the heather next to the entrance to the medicine den. She peeked out from the heather and saw Thrushstar, Sootheart, Poppyfrost and Timbernose walking out of camp. Runningkit was very excited at this but quickly stuck her head back in as Whiskerstream ran to join them.
"Thrushstar? Aren't we a bit of a suspicious group? We're the leader, deputy and medicine cat going out of camp with two parents that have one strange kit!" Sootheart said urgently.
"Oh calm down Sootheart. The Clan knows we have been worrying, they won't notice."
Sootheart sighed and kept trotting along. Once they disappeared out of camp she was quick to follow them. The brown kit ran swiftly into a bush as they discussed where to go to.
"Perhaps the patch near the barn?" Timbernose suggested.
"No, it can't be too far," Sootheart replied.
Runningkits legs started getting numb for crouching on them for such a long time, eventually, Thrushstar decided that the Outlook Rock is a good spot and they trotted over there and plodded up onto the top.
She followed them and once they had their back on her at the top of the Outlook Rock, the kit crawled under the boulder and perked her ear up sharply to hear every bit of conversation.
"Now, we know what we're here for," Thrushstar announced.
"Runningkit," Poppyfrost said immediately.
"Yes," Thrushstar murmured.
Though Runningkit didn't know, Timbernose had seen her tail flicking everywhere, but he did not stop the meeting. He was the only one that felt it was important that Runningkit knew.
"Thrushstar? Surely, she'll become a medicine cat? She has the qualities!" Whiskerstream urged him.
Thrushstar sighed, "Whiskerstream. We have gone over this countless times before, she may have the qualities to become a good medicine cat, but she has talent in the warrior's field too."
Whiskerstream just glared at him.
Runningkit was startled at this and rustled the bush she was next to. Suddenly, she tensed and crept back even farther into the little crack as she saw five muzzles appear at the tip of the rock. The she-kit shivered, it was cold in the very bottom of the crack. Very cold.
Once she heard the cats resume the conversation but sounding very cautious. She crept back to the top of the crack. Her fur felt the sunshine stream down on her and she had a sigh of relief.
Eventually, the group walked off the Outlook Rock and trotted back to camp. Runningkit following close behind, but she stopped as they reached the camp entrance. She wouldn't be able to follow them without warriors seeing her. Runningkit crept onto the nursery branches that held it up, and carefully slid down a branch and into her mother's nest. She closed her eyes as if she had been asleep the whole time, but it turned into a real sleep when she realized how tired she was of sitting on the cold stone.