I Grabbed That plank and started charging at the two men, The was who was attacking the girl was the first to spot me, as I swung the plank at his head but he quickly dodge and counterattacked which sent me back into a nearby wall. I knew this wasn't an ordinary guy. I notice the badge on his pants and it was an elite commander for the martial arts squadron and the other man was the lieutenant. Those two guys weren't none to play with, so I thought of leaving so I can surive but I couldn't witness a girl get murdered by the two. So I quickly thought as a plan to act like I'm leaving but actually I'm trying to gain ground so I can attack from above. So that's what I did, I gain high ground by climbing on top of a building that was connecting to the ally way. I found two knives on my way up and connected to the plank. I plan to jump down to attack, But I was stopped By A mysterious dude who told me that was a bad plan and I would end up dying and so would the girl.
Until Next Time Natsu