Life with Lucas wasn't that simple, but it was clean and it felt right. Even though she didn't like some things that we're developing. Today they would go into town to get art supplies because they didn't sell the type of paint he wanted.
The store was very huge. "You can look at some clothes on the aisle over there and pick whatever you like." Before she could protest "Go, Olivia."
She gets to the isle biting off any protest that she had. What to pick? Probably the cheapest thing here as she didn't want to be a burden to him. He was already doing so much for her. She feels a hand go around her mouth. "If you scream, I will kill you instantly."
She wasn't going to go down without a fight. Before she could try to bite him, she felt something hit her head and then there was darkness all around her.
She opens her eyes to a familiar sight. They were at the apartment that she used to live. "You finally awake." as she blows out smoke.
"I missed you, Olivia, I mean you were my best friend after all." as she continues to take another huff.
"What do you want Khloe? I didn't think that you would stoop so low as to drug and kidnap me." She takes another puff before she speaks "you know I was walking down the store and I couldn't believe my luck at all. I saw this whitehead and I definitely knew it must have been my precious friend. I decided to follow her when I saw her so engrossed in picking out clothes that she didn't even notice me. Alas, I had my chance."
"Why did you bring me here?"
"I bought you back home and this time it will be hell instead because my lovely Olivia I am going to sell you."
"That's not allowed, and you know it" as she tries to still my heart. "Yeah it isn't allowed just like prostitution, but we still do it, either way, don't we?"
She gets up and she walks over to the window. The door opens and it's her ex. "I'm going to go finalize your price and then I will be back to gift wrap you so that you are good to go. And he is going to watch over you."
Olivia tries not to panic as she sees Khloe leave. What if he does some damage to her like last time. She can see the look in his eyes as he approaches her. "I must say, Olivia, you really are a beauty. In all honesty, I prefer you way more than Khloe."
She doesn't flinch as he strokes her face. She had to keep calm. There was no choice she would rather die than to have this. "I see so you are Khloe's little bitch, right?" his eyes turn black "what did you say?"
"You heard me. When she says jump, you say how high?" she laughs at him.
He grips her face and she can feel his hand tightening around my jaw. "Careful where you thread little girl." She looks at him squarely.
"careful, who? Me? Aren't you the one that is supposed to be careful here because when your master comes back you will be in a lot of trouble."
She can tell that sets him off because she feels a blow that knocks her over. "Is that all you got?" he walks over to her.
"No." as he kicks her between her ribs. She starts to cough and she can see there are red splatters.
"Wow, you sure hit like a little girl." as she groans it out.
"I will show you Bitch!" as he picks her up and he lands a fist on her face and throws her against the wall. Everything goes black.
Olivia wakes up to darkness, her eyes are failing to open but she can hear voices. "What did you do to her?"
"It wasn't my fault."
"Obviously she did it to taunt you and you fell for it. How are we supposed to sell her when she looks like this?"
"Let's just leave her do die in here, no one will come to find her."
Darkness takes her again. At least she will finally be dead.
Where was Olivia, he thought she had gone to the clothing aisle to pick out a few things. Has she gotten lost along the way?
Where did she go? Lucas can't seem to find her anywhere? "Sorry, mam did you see a girl with white hair anywhere?"
"I think she left the store in a hurry."
"Do you want a plastic?" as the cashier asks him.
"Yes please." As he loads the car and drives slowly, maybe he could spot her somewhere. But where was she going to in a hurry?
After hours of driving in endless circles. He sits down by his living room couch as he ponders what could have happened. It didn't seem like she had warmed up to him very much but also it didn't seem as if she hated staying here.
Was she waiting for this opportunity?
"No!" Lucas wakes up drenched in sweat. He had been waiting for her to come home, but she hadn't it was early in the morning. He felt at unease, why did he feel as if something was wrong? Lucas had to go back and look for her.
After a whole day of fruitless searching, there was nothing. Where could she have gone to? He had to try one last place.
Lucas gets to the street corner which she usually worked at and he doesn't find her at all. After waiting for a couple of hours still nothing. There was no sign of her and weirdly enough Khloe. Did they maybe go to a different place? Did they know that I was going to come to look for her? And if not why hadn't she just told him that she wanted to leave rather than just running away.
Thoughts of her with other men kept on playing in his head as he tries to shake it off.
Where was she? She didn't have money or clothes which meant she hadn't gone that far unless she knew someone and the only person, she knew was Khloe. Why hadn't he thought of it earlier as he turns around and speeds to Khloe's house?
He gets there, and it is dark. There is no sign of anyone being there. Was she working at this time? He goes to the front door and he knocks but there is no response. Maybe he should just come back tomorrow. As he turns away, he sees a strand of white hair.
Was Olivia also out working or did she know that he would come and look for her? He knocks on the door again, but there is no response.
"Hey there." He turns to see a brunette.
"Hey, do you know if Ol...I mean Khloe is here?"
her smile turns sly. "No, but I am as good as she is if you are looking for some fun."
"No thanks" as he feels his frustration building.
"Well you aren't going to find her here, she left with her boyfriend the day before yesterday. They don't seem to be coming back."
"Was it just the two of them?"
"Yeah, I didn't see anyone else. I got to go." as a car stops a few inches in front of her. She speaks through the window and then she gets in the car and they take off.
"Olivia are you in there?" he hits the door. He takes a few steps back and he kicks it. On the second try, it bangs open. He switches on the lights and he looks around. He opens the one room and there is nothing. Then he sees a trail of blood on the floor. Lucas follows it and opens the door.
There lay Olivia, her whole face was covered in blood and her whole body.
He places to fingers on her hand to feel her pulse. There was a pulse. He gently picks her up and sets her in his car. He quickly drives to the hospital.
They take her in. "Sir are you her husband because you have to make a serious decision."
"Yes, I am but I have to do something first."
The doctor looks puzzled "Okay but with haste please."
Lucas has to go and make a few calls. Lord if you save her, I will never let her go. He comebacks, and goes into her room, she is laying there in a drip. She rouses a bit. Before he could make a serious decision, he had to first do something.
It was obvious that it was Khloe and her boyfriend who had done this to her. But how much damage did they do to her? he should have found her sooner. They had left her to die. But why Lord? To what extent did Khloe hate Olivia?
The man whom he was waiting for finally arrives. They shake hands as he leads him to the hospital room.
He takes her hand. "Olivia can you hear me?" she groans a bit.
"I am going to marry you now, so I can be by your side the right way."
Was she going to die here? Olivia kept on waking up and there was a searing pain in her head. . She felt herself growing weak. When was the last time that she had food and water? Who would come and look for her? Nobody would truly care if a person like her dies. She was better off dead. What was going to happen to her? How long had she been here? Where they still planning on selling her?
She felt herself being lifted, Was she dreaming? Where are they going to finally get their money's worth? Darkness takes her.
She feels myself being placed down. Where was she? Where was she going? Was there a point to this at all?
"Olivia can you hear me?" she groans. Where had she heard this voice before it sounded so familiar?
"I am going to marry you now, so I can be by your side the right way." she just nods.
What choice did she have? She was at the hands of whoever this was. She would agree to anything but when she recovered, she would make sure to run away. If she survived, she would definitely make sure she would claim her life back as hers.
She can hear voices in the room and it seems as if the one man is speaking for a while, "I do." as there is a different voice than answers. Does she start to wonder what kind of man was she marrying?
"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Yes," she croaks out.
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