My closet doors swing open and I am shocked to see that the egg is still there but with a couple of cracks in it. I quickly grab the booklet in a light panic hoping and praying that I did not mess anything up. “If your egg is showing cracks after a week do not panic this is a sign that the egg will hatch soon.” “It is strongly advised to stay close to the egg to let the baby dragon start the bonding process as soon as possible.” I let out a big sigh of relief and sit down next to the egg just like the booklet said. I wait patiently one hour passes and then another and before I know I am sitting and waiting for a solid three and a half hours. I suddenly see the egg start to shake and continues to crack more and more. As the egg completely breaks I am blinded for a second as the light in my closet reflects of the scales. After my eyes have gotten used to the sudden light I see my new companion. I am surprised to see a slender long snake like body, four legs each with three toes that end in sharp claws, a pair of horns sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow the base of the horns are surrounded by snow white hair the flows on its entire back and the end of its tail. As I continue to look at the dragon I recognize it as an eastern dragon and not the stereotypical western dragon that I thought it would be. The dragon looks at me it slightly tilts its head before what I assume is smiling before I am blinded again. After my eyes recover from the second proverbial flashbang this dragon has thrown at me I see myself. I rub my eyes thinking I am just looking in the mirror but as I look back I am certain that I am staring at myself but with some physical differences like my usual light brown reddish hair is a dark purple with dark blue highlights and my dark amber eye are now red and orange. The me that I am looking at is wearing what I first assume is make-up with rainbow eyeshadow with a light touch of glitter and a glossy rainbow lipstick. The last difference I notice is the lack of clothes the other me has. I quickly put my most colorful clothes on her all the while she looks at me confused. I take a step back to take a good look at the dragon that is disguised as me sort of before looking at me and smiling. “So you are my mother slash trainer or perhaps you would prefer your real name Mary.” I look surprised at the fact that she knows my real name before realizing she is not moving her mouth but talking inside my head. I panic for a second before remembering the fact that rainbow dragons have psychic abilities. “Yes it is true that I am speaking inside your head right now that is because your mind holds more words then mine because I was born five minutes ago and you 15 years and 360 days ago.” “So you are learning words from my mind?” I ask in confusion that is met with a smile from the dragon. “Not only words but also customs of this place and all the knowledge you have acquired through your life.” “Wait does that mean you are seeing all my memories.” “Well yes some of them are quite amusing.” I slowly begin to panic thinking about all the embarrassing things I have done in this past. “Wait what am I doing she can read my mind stop thinking about anything.” I say in my head which gets followed by a laugh from the dragon. “I can indeed read your mind so you might want to start thinking of a name for me and a cover story for why I am staying at this house no worries I shall stay out of your head for a while.” He says as I start to pace back and forth while thinking. “What do you think about the name Sappho referring to the type of dragon your biological mother is.” I say before getting a response in my head again. “Sounds great what about the cover story?” “How about you are the daughter of a family member that lives overseas that is coming to study here so wants to live with us.” “That is a surprisingly good cover in the one minute you took to come up with it.” She says as laughs softly. “What I have a vivid imagination do not judge me Sappho.” “That I already deduced from your memories and the fact you wished for a dragon something that I assume not many people do.” “Anyway enough chitchat I will fly out of this window and ring the door and get your mother move me in.” Sappho says as she opens the window and graciously lowers herself to the ground and goes to the front door and rings the doorbell. I go downstairs to listen to what my mother will say to Sappho. When I go downstairs I see my mother with glassy eyes responding to Sappho like it would go in the best case scenario. I realize that Sappho is using her powers to manipulate my mother into giving the best possible answers and who knows what she is doing with her memories. After a solid five minutes of what technically is a conversation Sappho is allowed to move in with us and in my room. My mom Sappho and me immediately start getting her part of the room ready with an extra bed and a nightstand that we did not really use. Due to the fact that we are the exact same height we decide to just share the clothes in the closet. After my mother leaves I decide to put the blanket filled basket on the nightstand just in case Sappho prefers that. I was about to start a conversation when my mother calls us to help cook and set the table. While I set the table Sappho helps my mother cook apparently she picked up on some things from my mother her memories and all the cooking shows I have watched. After a while all three of us sit around the table my mother in front of me and Sappho on my right. Right in front of me is a delicious plate of fries, steak, salad and ketchup my mouth starts to water as I look at it and wait for everyone has their food. We start eating my mother is asking Sappho about how her apparent sister is doing in America and about what Sappho is hoping to study here. While they were talking I was lost in though thinking about what Sappho might do when we arrive at school in two days. After we finish our food and do the dishes me and Sappho put on our pajamas and head to our room. “Sappho when we go to school on Monday maybe do not mind control everyone there like you did to my mother when you introduced yourself.” “Oh yeah sure that might be a smart idea I will only mind control when it is necessary.” She says in my mind before my mother walks in and tells us to go to sleep and gives us both a kiss goodnight on the forehead. I slowly start to drift asleep.