"You have all heard the stories," said Scabies, "of how vampires were destroyed by the sun and wolves were bound to change on a full moon," Scarr and Ki'lak knew of the stories but Rickalas didn't, "they are true, all of them, a curse which I, Tranver, you know him as the wizard and Damien broke," he paused as he's telling of the events, "we only thought it would break the curse, I long dreamed of walking in the sunlight, we had no idea that it also locked a great darkness from entering this dimension," they all moved in and began to listen closer.
Scarr had never seen his father like this before and as he watched him he noticed the colour slowly begin to drain from his face, "to break the curse, we needed someone of magic, Tranver, a pair of reincarnated beings which we assumed was someone of the direct lines of Thesulac and Kay hence Damien and someone who the curse affected' me," Scabies looked up towards Artuvia it had completely blocked out the suns and they're now in complete darkness, "Damien approached us, told us about the curse and how to break it," he continued.
Scabies didn't want to keep speaking about it and they all didn't want to push him, "he told us we needed to travel to the second dimension, the Underworld, or better known as hell, in order to retrieve a box," he sighed, but Scabies knew that it's time and he proceeded to tell them the events that transpired, Scabies explained to them that they retrieved the box and the way he described it was as if it's the same box Johnkal and the others encountered in that cave.
Rickalas moved towards Scabies and he then proceeded to tell him that he knew of this chest that he speaks of. Scabies just raised his eyebrows at him and waited on Rickalas for an explanation, "I encountered it in cave Doom and I opened it but it was empty, I never did see it in there again," Scabies's jaw dropped and he also began to rub his forehead with his left thumb and index finger, "please tell me you closed it," Scabies asked hoping for the right answer, he also stated that the box can alter physical reality and he told him that it was a small cave when the box was hidden there.
Scabies, still hoping and preying that he closed the box and as he's waiting on him to speak Rickalas stressed his reply, "I do not think so, it was empty," Scabies tutted and began to shake his head in a no motion as Rickalas continued, "that explains how the cave was forever changing," he's talking about how the box changes physical reality around it. Scabies snapped, "the box was not empty Rickalas," Rickalas held his head down wondering why he thinks the box wasn't empty, "physically the box is empty but the box is a gateway it allows the nothing, to come back to our dimension after it is killed," Scabies finished.
Rickalas, Ki'lak and Scarr's jaw dropped because they forgot to tell him about them terrorising Faryal, "Father, I suppose this is a bad time to mention..." Scarr gulped. Scabies turned around to face him red in the face, Scarr took a deep breath and became brave enough to tell him, "...that the nothing, is terrorising Faryal," to everyone's surprise Scabies had taken it quite well, "what. That does not matter now," he said, "back to the story at hand, we had the chest, Damien said we needed to travel to a land to the far west across the Dead Sea, a land which did not exist," it's like Scabies all ready knew the nothing, had returned which is why the news didn't shock him.
They all moved in closer, curious as to what happened next Scabies continued speaking, "turns out, the land in which he spoke of, rises from the ocean every thousand years, for one month, then returns to the depths for another thousand years, the land was known as Atlantis," as he continued to speak they became more interested of a land which sinks and rises from the ocean, "we had everything we needed and Damien had also brought someone with him, inseparable they was," they thought upon the land of Atlantis and Rickalas thought to himself that it really is a remarkable world.
They began to wonder who this other person was so they waited for Scabies to tell them, "a strange pair they were and Calista she was called of the line of Kay, the direct line of Alcmene the first," he spoke in a quieter tone, hoping to stall as long as possible. Scabies then began to explain that all they needed now was the blood moon that happens every thousand years and it aids in the raising of Atlantis. The blood moon begins on the month, Skirophorion, on the fifteenth day and it continues into the next millennium until the fifteenth of the first month, Hekatombion.
Everyone just watched him closely and they're getting more hooked into the story the more he continued to speak, "obviously we had the blood moon we just had to wait for nightfall, then it arrived and I saw the blood moon in the sky," as he's speaking he tried to recall the brilliance if it inside his mind, "it was unlike any blood moon I have ever seen before and it literally looked like it was coated in blood," he paused, Scabies stopped talking for a few moments in order to catch his breath and Scarr could feel his father's shame.
Scarr felt that his fathers getting to a part in the story that he didn't want to speak of and it's also something he's never spoken about to anyone before and as he continued to speak he told them that Damien knew what he was doing and that he told them what to do, "Tranver spoke the incantation for the ritual and as the sky lit up bright red, this is when it happened," they all looked upon Artuvia and awaited for Scabies to continue, "I did not believe it, I could not believe it, I did not want to believe," he sobbed. They all were fearful as the suspense is killing them but they understood how hard this is for Scabies.
So they all waited for Scabies to gather his courage once again and a few moments later he took a deep breath and continued to speak the words he hasn't spoken before, "he slit her throat over the chest and let her crimson blood flood out all over it, he was like a man possessed and she was so scared when it happened, the shock and betrayal in her eyes was awful," they all gasped over the shocking words Scabies spoke and as he stopped speaking a few tears escaped his eyes. He continued through tearful eyes by saying when the final drop of blood had left her body Damien dropped her to the floor as if she meant nothing to him.
Why would he do that Rickalas thought, why would he kill the one he claimed to love over a stupid curse. Scabies continued, "that is when a bolt of red lightening hits the chest which made the lid fly off and the nothing, came rushing out like a swarm of bees rushing to all corners of the planet," they were all shocked but they definitely didn't judge him and Scabies never knew it then but dark magic must always be paid in blood. Scabies began to walk back inside with his eyes still wet from his tears and as he did the others followed him.
As they were walking back inside Scabies continued, "that is when he came, he looked exactly like Damien, except for a scar on his face. Three letters he gave for his name, J.D.K," as they were drawn in even more to the story they now arrived back inside the throne room. "He had a female with him and I kid you not she was the spitting image of Calista. She was called Marcella and as she looked upon Calista it traumatised her," he continued.
Scarr and Rickalas began to ponder how J.D.K could look like Damien and how Marcella could look like Calista and as they tried to think of an explanation their heads began to hurt. Scabies explained that J.D wasn't happy with Damien and that he began to scream at him, although Damien wasn't listening, he changed and when he saw what he had done he grabbed Calista crying. Scabies spoke again, "turns out Damien was being influenced and possessed by someone known as the One'being," he also explained that the curse itself was the lock to its prison which they had now opened.
He also proceeded to mention that since that day two thousand years ago the One'being as never come forward and that only its army of death as ever been seen. Scabies sat down upon his chair whilst the others sat on the floor and continued to listen, "the next day came around and for the first time since I was turned I was able to bask in the warmth of the suns, Tranver had also gone dark because he was now being influenced by the One'being and obsessed with taking over the Azzard," Scabies began to crack his knuckles while the others just watched the floor.
Rickalas couldn't believe that the wizard was once good and he's just a puppet of a greater unknown evil, "he created the Slaad lords and somehow he led the uncontrollable nothing, against the Azzard, wars were fought on many fronts," Scabies then explained that Tranver had taken him out of the war for ten years until he was found. He continued, "in my absence a new hero had risen through the ranks, fighting side by side with J.D, Ricardo he was named," Scabies then explained that the wizard ruled the Azzard unchallenged and it didn't help that when the suns were blocked out he told the people that that was his doing.
The blood moon back then happened on the 14th Skirophorion 1 BBM and ended on the 14th Hekatombion 0 year, "back then was when Tranver built Hydra, a training place for new Slaads, he had the Azzard under wraps and no one spoke out against him," Scabies spoke, I suppose you're wondering where the blood moon is in present day and that the dates don't add up. Well in present day the blood moon isn't due for another at least one hundred years and the eclipse actually does happen at least every two thousand and nine hundred years.
I only said it happens every two thousand years as a way to round it up to the nearest thousand or hundred. Scabies continued, "J.D needed an army and that is when he came, Macnair he was named and he was Tranver's brother," as he spoke his name Scarr, Ki'lak and Rickalas saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes, something that they hadn't seen the whole time he was telling the story, "he hated what his brother had become, what is more he had an army behind him," Scabies explained that Macnair was king to a realm far to the northeast known as New Haven, an abandoned country now I might add with no monarchy, except for a few small towns and villages.
He also stated that Macnair came to the Azzard to confirm rumours of his brother going dark and as Scabies said Macnair's name Rickalas began to recognise it and then moved to confirm it. He whispered, "Macnair, I know the name," Scabies looked at him and he wasn't exactly surprised by it, "during a battle we was forced to fight single handily outside cave Doom against an army and Macnair aided me with his army, but that would mean he is immortal," he finished, he looked Scabies in the eye waiting for him to confirm to him that it's the same person.
Scabies told him that Macnair isn't immortal but cursed and he proceeded to explain why, "upon the final battle which took place in Hydra, we defeated the nothing, regained control over the chest and closed the lid for good," he continued by saying they defeated the main Slaad lords and placed them inside tombs in Hydra trapping their eternal souls," and as for the wizard before he was killed for treason, he placed a curse on Macnair and his armies, he cursed them to walk the veil unable to die," he then explained that after the execution of the wizard they placed him inside a tomb in which J.D sealed with blood magic.
Never to be opened again and J.D hid the chest somewhere not even Scabies knew where. After Scabies had finished he stood up and began pacing up and down, he spoke again, "there is more to the events than what I speak of, I just gave you the highlights," he said as Rickalas, Scarr and Ki'lak began to stretch and stand up, "My memories not as young as it once was, go, eat and rest, the council of lords will be moved to a different time we all meet in a few hours," once he had finished speaking Rickalas, Scarr and Ki'lak left the throne room to do as Scabies advised whilst he stayed behind contemplating on his past.
The Guardians and Isaurus were on horseback speeding towards the city with the nothing, circling all around them while Isaurus's spell is still holding. The light kept the nothing, at bay as thousands of them were hovering above them whilst they were giving of the most ear piercing war cry. "Open the bloody gates," Isaurus screamed as they approached. Before they had reached the gates the guards on the wall opened them up for them and they raced inside as quickly as their horses would carry them. The nothing, broke off from them and began circling the city unable to get in as it's still lit up.
Relieved to have made it, they all stormed up to the mansion. Inside the throne room they were all pacing and aggravated, contemplating the events that transpired before them. The Guardians knew that if Isaurus wasn't with them they would have never made it, "that was a close one," recited Spiros, still pacing they all agreed with him with their breaths still heavy. They were quiet for but a moment in order to catch it, in the moments retreating from the forest they really did think they was going to die. "What in the Nether," Johnkal panted.
As the others turned to face him he continued, "happened to the suns, I know it is nowhere near dusk," they all turned their heads in a no motion, each as confused as the other, then Isaurus spoke, "I believe it is called an eclipse," Johnkal turned to face him and he thought the word 'obviously' to himself. Isaurus continued, "but I have never seen an eclipse of this scale before," he walked over to the throne and sat upon it, not caring in the moment if disrespected the Lord Alastair or not because as far as they were concerned it's end times.
Johnkal sighed, "I know what it is called, it just could not come at a worse time," they all definitely agreed on that, "and I do not think anyone has, Isaurus," he finished as he raised his left eyebrow higher than the other one. "How long will it last," asked Trogen, as he walked over to Isaurus hoping he had answers, "usually eight minutes," Isaurus whispered, "but this one as moved beyond that window, I do not think it is going anywhere anytime soon," they hoped that it will get better, they needed the light as protection against the nothing.
Without the light what hope is there against this global threat, "go and rest a little, I will send word to Scarr of all that has happened here this day," Johnkal said to the Guardians, as he went to do that the others went to their chambers that Isaurus had so graciously set aside for them.
All the way back at Plutopua the council of lords is already underway, there'sa lot of arguing and shouting going on and as Scabies is listening he couldn't hear what was being said, because all their voices began to intermingle with one another, "order, we will have order," Scabies screamed at the top of his voice and upon him speaking the lords seemed to settle down. There's twelve people present at the meeting and they are as follows, Scabies Thesulac the lord and protecter of the Azzard, Scarr Thesulac the leader of the Guardians, Rickalas Kay the heir of Sharaf.
King Tirian king of Fasingworld and representative of his kingdoms that fall under Azurdenean jurisdiction, Lord Alastair lord of Faryal, Lord Dwain lord of the Dwarven Keep, Lord Daan lord of Ghunwah, Lord Eanraig lord of Mallace, Lord Saladin lord of Medevil, Lord Magnus lord of Sol, Lord Pallav lord of Camel and finally Lord Jacinto Thesulac-Kay lord of Warican. "You expect us believe that this Kananarku is going to lay waist to us all," shouted Lord Pallav, Lord Alastair pointed towards him and shouted abusive words towards him.
Scabies put his head in his hands as Lord Pallav spoke again, "my city is not far from yours, so why have they left us alone," all the lords turned to Lord Alastair waiting for his explanation, "just remember lords of the Azzard, the Kananarku are focused on me, it is my people who are dying, what happens when Faryal falls," Lord Alastair argued, while they all turned on him again knowing what he's going to say next, "and it will, it is just a matter of time," Lord Alastair continued by asking who are the Kananarku going to focus their gaze upon when Faryal falls.
Perhaps they will turn their gaze upon Camel Lord Alastair said to Pallav, "will you wait until it is your people dying in the streets before you do anything," Lord Alastair finished, Lord Pallav took it personally and raised his voice towards Lord Alastair which also sent the whole council in an uproar. Forcing Scabies to scream at them, "order," slamming a cup down hard upon the table which is covered in food of all varieties if I might add. "Think of it this way Lord Alastair, maybe we do not want to believe it, you are telling us our kingdoms maybe destroyed by a threat we can not destroy," whispered Lord Jacinto.
As they all calmed to a more reasonable voice Lord Jacinto continued, "make us believe your plight Lord Alastair," as Scarr stood up and slammed his fist upon the table he began to speak in a loud manner, "you do not want to believe it, forgive me my lords and kin, but take a look out the bloody window, it is not exactly normal circumstances is it," Lord Alastair looked at Scarr and smiled he respected him for backing his corner, "now, the Kananarku is real, I have seen it and I have fought it, hell it dam well nearly killed me and my team," he continued ranting.
None of the lords spoke out against Scarr as they all have a slight fear of him, Scarr continued, "so do not any of you sit there and tell me it is not real. Do not want to believe it, why do you not grow a pair and become the lords that you are and protect our once great nation," he screamed at them all red in the face as he continued speaking, "me and the Guardians can not do this alone, we need your help," Scarr began to say that they have enough to contend with fighting the Slaad lords without fighting their armies solo.
He spoke again, "we would surly die and I for one am willing to lay down my life in defence of our home, can you say you will do the same," for but a moment they didn't speak, they all just sat there hanging their heads in shame until Scabies began to say a few words, "it is said in times of war that a true leader is tested most," everyone lifted their heads back up and looked Scabies in the eye, "it can either make them or break them, the conclusion in that depends upon the mental will power of the leader in question, the morals and values he believes in most," he paused.
The lords of the council carefully listened to Scabies's words, "if one believes he will fail, than my friends, he surely will fail, but if a leader believes he can do it and trusts in the council of his own heart than he surly will prevail," they all felt as though they understood what he was saying, Scabies winked at Rickalas as if he's aiming it towards him, "Sharaf Thesulac himself once shared those words of wisdom with me," Scabies finished, as they all continued discussing upon the security of the Azzard a few of them began eating some of their food.