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It's been almost one decade and a half since you last saw Tenko Shimura. You'd continued to go back to the park each day, but after he injured your right arm, you hadn't seen him since. You'd explained the entire situation to your mother truthfully, and she'd taken you to a hospital to get it fixed the best it could, but the scars couldn't be healed.
Years had passed since you'd gotten them, but they never faded away enough for them to be unnoticeable. Often times, kids at school would ask, "Hey, how'd you get those scars?"
Talk about nosy, you thought resentfully as you remembered how the children had pestered you with questions about your scars. Even now, as you got yourself lunch and were about to sit at a table in the UA cafeteria, you still saw a few students staring at you, specifically gazing at your right forearm.
Annoyed, you turned and walked out the door. I'll just eat outside, you grumbled to yourself silently.
As you sat down, you felt someone else sitting beside you, and turned to see your classmate, Itsuka Kendo. Yes, you were a student in Class3B, and one of the top students they had. With a Quirk like Pause, how could you not be? You could freeze literally anything for as long as you wanted! You didn't even have to freeze one thing at a time; it could be literally twenty at once and you still wouldn't break a sweat. Truly, you were an impressive and skilled student.
Itsuka smiled at you. "Hey, there!" she greeted comradely. "Sitting outside again?"
You sighed, lifting up the sandwich you'd selected. "Yeah," you huffed. "Sick of getting weird looks all the time. . ."
Itsuka blinked sympathetically. "They'll get used to it," she assured. "I'm sure."
"If you say so."
As you took a bite, you thought you could see and flash of blue in the bushes, but when nothing else indicated something suspicious, you shrugged and resumed eating.
When the bell rang, you followed Itsuka to your next class, but mainly stared out the window the whole time. It was rather easy for you to keep up with your classes. If anything, you were ahead in most of them. They all seemed too simple to you. You didn't fully understand how all the other kids seemed to be struggling with at least two things while you had no trouble with even one.
You were often asked for help from your fellow classmates, but you didn't think much of it. Really, you didn't think much of anything anymore; everything just seemed bland and normal.
As school ended for the day, you found that once again, Neito Monoma wanted your help. Neito was the most frequent asker for your little private lessons behind the scenes. He was also one of your closest friends, which is why you hardly ever told him no; you two had a true bond, which had honestly sprouted over your snarky antics that you both shared. When you were alone, he showed a more flawed, silly, and even insecure side that not even his own best friends seemed aware of.
"Please, (L/N)!" Neito begged. "With the test coming up, I have to be ready!"
"Ugh. . ." Today had been another long day of stares and whispers and you just wanted to be left alone. You tossed three of your notebooks at him and they somehow flopped in a neat pile on his desk. "Look, Monoma, I'll study with you tomorrow. In the meantime, you can just go over my notes."
When he opened the first page, which was lined from top to bottom with countless words, he gasped, "These are just notes?!"
The streets were silent as you bounded down the sidewalk. The sun was out and shinning, but from the looks of it, it'd be evening soon.
You put your headphones on and played music on your phone, blasting your (F/S) on it to drown out all thoughts and noises. Y'know what? I'm in the mood for something more. . .emotionally inclined.
With that, you choose the R&B section of the music app you were using. Choosing a section on this app lets them play a random song for you that applies to whatever genre you picked.
The song that began playing now was Faded by Alan Walker. As you listened and walked down the street aimlessly, you felt yourself get lost in the music.
You were the shadow to my light
Could you feel us?
Another star. . .You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see you. . .
Alive. . .
Where are you now. . .?
As the song went on, your mind trailed over to the boy who'd left you over ten years ago. He truly was the shadow to your light. Where was he now?
You reached the outside of a video game store. Just for shits and giggles, you decided to check it out. Besides, Denki Kaminari from Class3A was one of your friends who liked playing video games. Maybe there'd be a game in here he'd want.
You stepped inside, feeling the wind blow your hair back (if it's actually too short to do that, just ignore that part), and inhaled the scent of vinyl, fresh carpet, and several other smells of a recently cleaned store.
Deciding to head to the back, away from anyone who might stare at you, you resumed getting lost in the music.
Under the bright, but faded lights,
You set my heart on fire
Where are you now?
Where are you now?
The next part of the song was a jumble of glitching vocals and the tempo increased. You reflected how similar the rhythmic chaos was to your thoughts.
Without having to look, you felt eyes on you and suddenly paused, then whipped around and threw your hand out in direction of the person watching you.
They were forced to hold still as you activated your Quirk by flicking your hand at them like that. Your narrowed eyes widened as you took in the tall hooded figure.
He had to have been 5'8, maybe even 5'9, with noticeably flakey skin and wavy blue hair along with piercing red eyes that just barely glanced at you.
Every feature was just too recognizable.
You pulled out your headphones and took a step closer. ". . .T. . .Tenko. . . ?"
He blinked as you unfroze him.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he murmured, his voice rather grated as he spoke. ". . .It's been awhile. . ."
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Author's note:
Yeah, so, every chapter title is probably gonna have some kinda reference to a song. For example, the first two chapters are called "Memories" in reference to Maroon 5's Memories song. This chapter's title reference is quite obvious; it's in the story itself. I plan on making some more chapters with title references to Lady Gaga and Britney Spears songs such as Bad Romance, Toxic, Poker Face, and many more. Just hang in there, people who are actually interested in my garbage story for some reason! They'll be coming soon!
In the meantime, do expect to meet Overhaul in the next chapter.