As Aoi walked through the night, he thought back to his argument earlier that day with Hanabi about how he’d accidentally shocked Shifon. While playing a prank on him, Shifon had snuck up behind him and scared him, making him send sparks in her direction. He’d literally shocked her, and her boyfriend, Hanabi, had chewed him out for it.
Aoi wasn’t sure how he could’ve prevented that, and he’d said that to Hanabi when they’d argued over it. Now he was taking a walk to cool off and clear his mind despite his sister, Kanade, being against the idea.
For a moment, he paused. Kanade was smart and had a point when she’d said it was too late and dark out to be walking. Just because you’re training to become a Hero, it doesn’t mean you are one. That’s what she’d told him. You can’t always protect yourself when you’re alone. Stay here, where you’ll be safer. You’ll feel better in the morning.
But Aoi wished he felt better now. He hadn’t meant to cause Shifon any harm, and the things Hanabi had said truly hurt his feelings. Either way, walking it off might be the best idea.
Or so he thought.
Too late, he noticed the shadow moving in the distance. It darted towards him and before he knew it, he was standing face to face with Bai Hikari.
“Ooh!” he sang, his sickeningly cheerful tone being an almost exact copy of his adoptive mother's voice, Himiko Toga. “Lookie here! It’s the electric one from UA! Toitsu, come look!”
Aoi stiffened, knowing exactly who was coming out of the shadows after Bai.
“Oh, how delightful.” Toitsu Nazo stared down at him from where she stood on top of a light pole before leaping down and stepping into the light. Her iconic messy blue hair was all too similar to her adoptive father, Tomura Shigaraki, and his original look. “How do you think the rest of UA will feel when one of their students doesn’t return?”
She and Bai exchanged a look.
Aoi turned and ran, knowing that his electricity would be of no use to him here; they could dodge much faster than he could shoot, and he found it pointless to risk short-circuiting for absolutely nothing.
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kaminari?” Bai called teasingly after him. “Not in the mood for a game? Oh, well. . .Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way.”
He’d barely finished speaking before Toitsu shot towards him with Bai swiftly following.
Kanade raised her head from where she laid beside Kura and Hanabi. Fuyo was detangling Hanabi’s messy hair with his fingers while he and Kura played a multi-player game on their phones together and Kanade and Kasei watched. Rokka was dozing quietly on the couch behind them as they sat on the floor, Kasei being the only one sitting on the couch beside her. Shifon and Seiren had left to go try on Shifon’s latest pieces of clothing.
Kura glanced over at Kanade, then back down at her phone. “. . .Something wrong? You look troubled and worried.”
“. . . It’s Aoi,” Kanade replied quietly, concentrating hard. “. . .Earlier, Hino said something about siblings being so close that they can sense where the other is and what they’re going through. He called it ‘Twinstincts’ or something. I think that’s what’s happening right now.”
Fuyo straightened himself. “Are you saying you can sense Aoi?” he asked curiously, anxiety lacing his expression. “Is he in trouble?”
“I think so,” Kanade murmured, gazing at the floor. “I think I just saw someone with blue hair, a dark road, trees and buildings, light reflecting off a. . .blade. . .?” Her eyes widened and she jumped up. “I know where he is! Something’s wrong, and we need to find him!”
Aoi skidded under a car and rolled out to the other side before leaping to his feet immediately and rushing off again.
“Aoinazuma,” Bai purred, stretching out the final syllable of his full name. “Where are you?” He stretched out the ou in you as he spoke.
“Come out and play,” Toitsu insisted, stretching out the ay.
Did they think this was a game? This wasn’t a game. This was a serious kidnapping attempt.
“You can’t hide forever,” Bai continued as he came closer to the tree Aoi was standing behind. A moment of silence passed and Aoi dared to peek around the truck of the tree.
Suddenly, there was a rustling noise above him and he flinched before slowly forcing himself to raise his head and look up.
Bai looked back at him, his face twisted with excitement. “Found you.”
A shriek escaped him as Aoi dashed away from the tree only to resume being perused. Bai sprinted to the very end of the branch where it thinned out to the point that Aoi was almost convinced that he was entirely weightless. He jumped, his knees hitting him squarely in the back, and pinned him to the ground.
“Too bad your little friends aren’t here to save you,” Toitsu taunted as she walked up to them.
Almost on cue, the screeching of tires cut her off. A black and yellow car rounded a corner and sped towards them, giving Bai and Toitsu just enough time to leap out of the way. It nearly hit Aoi, who squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face away as he braced for impact, but it never came.
Instead, the car suddenly swerved and stopped in front of him, the glass in one of the front windows plummeting down to reveal Kasei in the passenger seat and Kanade in the driver’s seat.
“Get in!” Kanade snapped, her voice shrill with anger and worry.
Aoi scrambled to his feet and ran to the back door that was thrown open for him by Rokka, nearly whacking him in the face with it and making him have to flinch back to avoid it. He clambered inside and the door was slammed shut behind him before he squabbled his way over Rokka into the middle seat between her and Fuyo.
Toitsu and Bai stood up and headed swiftly towards the car before Rokka slammed her fist on the button that lowered the glass and shot ice at Toitsu while Kasei shot her acid ribbons at Bai. Both Villains were frozen, literally in Toitsu’s case, giving Kanade the chance to drive away un-chased.
“Aoi, what were you thinking?” Kanade hissed, the car speeding up by the second as she drove recklessly, taking sharp turns and ignoring the colors of the stoplights. The streets were empty anyways; there wasn’t much of a reason to obey the lights. “Walking into Villain territory like that; you know where most of the Villain kids’ hang out places were, so why the fuck were you in the middle of one?”
“I-I wasn’t paying attention,” Aoi stammered. “I hadn’t meant to.”
“That’s no excuse!” Kanade just barely stopped in time when a light turned red. She slammed on the brakes, making everyone suddenly lurch forward with startled yelps, before she whipped around in her seat and glared at her brother. “You could’ve been killed by those two! Do you have any idea who their parents are?”
“I do, but-”
“So why the hell weren’t you more careful?”
“Because I-”
“Do you think I’m always just gonna know whenever you’re in danger? I won’t always be here to save you, so stop putting yourself in harm’s way!”
Some of the others flinched at his suddenly loud voice, including Kanade. The light turned green and she hesitated before returning to driving. Her speed decreased from 140 to 115, but she still seemed like she was fuming.
“I know you were just trying to cool off,” Kanade said softly, “but please. . .don’t do anything reckless.”
“. . .I’ll try not to,” Aoi muttered, crossing his arms and slouching as he stared past Fuyo out the window.
“Why did you even go out in the first place?” Hanabi asked from where he sat in the very back seat with Kura.
Before Aoi could answer, he paused as they passed a shadow. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say they just drove by-
“Look out!” Fuyo yelped, lunging forward to point at somebody in the middle of the road. Kanade once again had to slam on the brakes to stop in time. She yanked the gearshift back, putting it in park, and put it back in drive when they finally halted only an inch away from the person.
Suddenly, bright blue flames shielded their view from whoever was there as it shot from the ground and disappeared a moment later, leaving behind no trace of the mysterious figure.
Kanade glanced around wearily. Everyone in the car let out a surprised shriek of some form as the car shook violently from side to side, then abruptly stopped.
“What’s going on?” Kasei whispered.
“Stay calm,” Kanade ordered. “Don’t panic until we know what’s happening.”
A moment of silence passed them before Aoi looked out the window again. There he was. That same figure, standing in the shadows, a blue flame illuminated in his hand.
Aoi leaned forward, keeping his gaze on the man on the side of the road, and shook his sister. “Kanade,” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper, “drive.”
“What. . . ?”
“Just drive!”
She tilted her head, beginning to follow her brother’s gaze, then just barely glimpsed at the man outside before stomping on the accelerator. “Who the fuck was that?” she hissed.
“I’m not sure,” Aoi whispered, “but I think it was Dabi!”
“The hell?” Hanabi rapidly twisted around to look out the back window. “That fuck almost never comes out here. What’s he doing here?”
Aoi’s eyes widened. “He must’ve been with Bai and Toitsu that whole time,” he whimpered. “I just never noticed him, because he didn’t come out of the shadows.”
Rokka growled to herself, clenching her fists and furrowing her brows. “That means he could’ve gotten Sero’s acid ribbons off of Hikari and melted my ice off of Nazo. All three of them could be after us as we speak.”
“Shit,” Hanabi muttered. Kura swiftly joined him in looking out the back window in search of pursuers.
“I’m sorry, guys,” Aoi murmured. Hanabi twisted around to look at him while Kura glanced over through the corner of her eye. “If I hadn’t been walking alone out here, they wouldn’t be after us right now. I should’ve just stayed in the dorms. . .”
“No, it’s my fault.” Kanade made a sharp turn to the left. “I should’ve tried harder to convince you to stay, otherwise you wouldn’t have even left in the first place.”
“Can we stop worrying about whose fault it is and start worrying about where those assholes are?”
“Ugh.” Kanade rolled her eyes. “Good thing Iida isn’t here right now; he’d be yelling at Tsubasa to stop cursing otherwise, and then we’d be getting nowhere.”
“What was that, Jiro?” Hanabi snapped.
“Guys!” Fuyo turned in his seat to glare at Hanabi and Kanade. “Stop arguing! This stuff isn’t what’s important; getting everyone out of this safely is.”
They fell silent for a moment, then shrieks split the air as a thud sent a ripple through the car.
Kasei looked at the rearview mirror, then twisted around to gaze at Kura. “Tokoyami, do you see anything?”
Kura squinted her eyes. “ . . .Is that. . . ?”
Before she managed to form the words, the same thud could be heard on the roof above the front seats. A moment later, an upside-down face appeared in front of Kasei’s window and a finger tapped on the glass. She reached for the button that would let down the window, but Kanade pointed at her instantly and sent a spark of electricity her way.
“Ow!” Kasei flinched, sucking on her index finger and looking at Kanade with confusion and pain.
“Are you crazy?” Kanade hissed, glaring at her through the corner of her gray eye.
“It’s okay,” Kasei reassured. “I know who this is.”
Reluctantly, Kanade fell silent and Kasei pushed the button.
“I know what Dabi’s up to.” Aoi recognized Shojiki Nemoto‘s voice as he spoke urgently from the window. “He’s gonna try to stop you from getting back to the school and find a way to lead you to Shigaraki where they’ll interrogate you guys. If you don’t give him what he wants, he plans to hurt you. I’ve seen them do it. You have to find another way back to the school.”
“But how?” Rokka murmured.
“I know a way,” Shojiki reassured. “I know you don’t trust me, but right now, I’m your best way out of this.”
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Kasei glanced over at Kanade. “. . .Are you gonna let them help?”
Kanade’s gaze raked through her friends. “. . .Well? What other choice do we have?”
When no one answered, she bowed her head for no more than a heartbeat, then turned back to Shojiki. “Okay.” She jerked her head towards her door, indicating that they could enter her car. “Get in.”
Shojiki instantly swooped in, somehow landing lightly on the floor and crouched there before managing to slide around Kasei, lift her up just enough to slip behind her, and finally held still with her on their lap. No one made any comment on their swift movements, though Kanade looked slightly annoyed, disgusted, and flustered to see this while Kasei’s face flushed.
If Shojiki noticed their baffled, somewhat embarrassed expressions, they didn’t react to them and began directing Kanade. “Keep going straight,” they instructed. “You’ll see a tree that bends toward and its branches almost form a heart shape. Turn to the right there. Then you’ll go straight till you come up towards a hotel painted beige. Turn left when you see it.”
Kanade followed their commands, doing exactly as they said, though her brows where furrowed and her eyes were narrow as though she didn’t like being ordered around. Shojiki’s tone didn’t seem anywhere near prideful or anything else that might make them annoyingly smug, so at least that wasn’t why she still seemed mad.
After a moment, they glanced in the rear-view mirror and let out an irritated growl. “Damn it; they’re following us.”
Aoi followed their gaze and saw a black car driving behind them.
“I noticed them a little while back,” Shojiki continued. “I was hoping that they were just people that had nothing to do with us, but they’ve been on our tail for about eight and a half minutes now. From what I can see, Toitsu’s driving them and Dabi’s sitting in the back with Bai. We can’t let them follow us all the way there; we gotta lose them somehow. . .”
Fuyo and Kura exchanged a glance. “Guess it’s our turn to help out,” Fuyo murmured. Before anyone could respond, Fuyo grabbed Kura’s arm as she held her hand out to him and she yanked him back with her and Hanabi. They slid quickly between the two seats and opened the back of the car.
“Use your Blaze of Darkness move!” Fuyo called out, then jumped up and floated there for a moment. Kura threw her hand out in his direction, and immediately, floating shadows began to hover over her fingertips and shot in his direction. They surrounded him instantly, almost looking like dark flames that engulfed him.
The darkness seemed to seep into his body until they stuck out of him in a way that was much like the flames that surrounded Endeavor. He closed his eyes and when they opened again, they were pure white and glowing. Another shadow wrapped around his waist, almost like a leash wrapping around a dog’s neck to keep it from running off. Aoi guessed that this was to keep Fuyo from floating away while he used his Zero Gravity Quirk.
“One of the most powerful Hero moves I’ve got,” Kura murmured, her eyes closed and her head bowed. Suddenly, she jerked her head up and opened her eyes, which were entirely black now.
“Blaze of Darkness!” they shouted in unison. Together, they tossed their hands out in direction of the car and several shadows that looked like black smoke shot towards Toitsu. The darkness once again looked much like black flames setting the car alight.
“Can’t let you take all the glory, now can I?” As he spoke, Hanabi ducked past the seats and Kura to leap up until he was at level with Fuyo and facing him.
“Yofu, help me out here,” he muttered. Fuyo turned his blank gaze on his childhood friend and gently placed his fingertips against his chest. Hanabi then floated higher and twisted around to face the car.
“Make sure you guys look out!” Hanabi called, glancing back at the car with all his classmates in it as he spoke.
Fuyo nodded at him and looked over his shoulder at Rokka. “Todoroki!” he called out. “Can you use your Quirk to create a shield?”
Rokka looked surprised at his suggestion, but then nodded once. “Sure.”
After a moment, ice seemingly blasted out of the car and soon made the solid shape of a circle that covered the entire back of the car, hiding every UA student there except Hanabi.
“Anyone in the mood to celebrate the fourth of July?” Hanabi joked. “Let’s kick it off with a firework show!”
As he finished, he opened his hands and faced them towards Toitsu’s car, then several blue fireworks erupted from them and descended downward with high-pitched whistles followed by merciless explosions. The ground turned tar black where they met his fireworks, while the car was quickly destroyed.
“And what’s a firework show without huge explosions!” His fireworks changed into a shower of blue flames that exploded each time they touched a surface, further damaging the car into practically nothing. Hanabi dipped his head and stared down at them with a small chuckle. “Heheheh. . .Huh?”
Toitsu rolled along the road, grabbing Bai and Dabi as she passed them and threw them in the air. While they were up, she yanked together pieces of the distorted car at unbelievable speed, using her Quirk to fuse her body with them until there was a whole new car without a top. Dabi and Bai fell into the seats, Dabi behind the wheel and Bai in the passenger seat.
With annoyed growl, Hanabi glared down at them, then turned back toward Fuyo, who was still floating just above Kura and staring up at him.
“Hey, Yofu! You can let me down now.”
Without a word, Fuyo pressed his fingertips together and Hanabi instantly began plummeting down. He was falling at an upside-down angle, but showed no fear and didn’t even yelp as he went. Instead, he went still and waited patiently.
“Could you deactivate your move for me?” Fuyo mumbled to Kura. She bowed her head in assent and they closed their eyes again as the shadows surrounding them disappeared. When they opened their eyes, they were back to their natural colors.
Without Kura’s shadows to hold him down, Fuyo quickly began to float upward. He grabbed Hanabi’s wrist just as he began to pass him and held him close to keep him from falling any further before beginning to float down with him slowly.
“Todoroki!” he called. “Hanasenpai! Let’s use the Ice Slide and Roman Candle move!”
The two of them nodded at him.
“Got it,” Rokka mumbled.
“‘Kay,” Hanabi muttered at the same moment.
“Jiro! Whatever you do, you have to stay a long distance ahead of the car behind us!”
“Roger,” Kanade murmured briskly.
Rokka waved her hand and what looked like a playground slide made of ice appeared on the ground just underneath them. Fuyo let Hanabi land on it and floated back to the car.
“Why’d you hold me all the way down?” Hanabi muttered, staring at him through narrowed eyes. “Your version of Zero Gravity would’ve allowed you to let me down without hurting or touching me.”
Fuyo smiled, closing his green eyes to hide the mischief in them. “I was only trying to make sure you got to the slide safely,” he replied innocently.
“Bullshit, you were just looking for an excuse to hug me.” Hanabi turned to his other classmates in the car and pointed accusingly at Fuyo. “I call bullshit, everybody!”
“Now isn’t the time to be focusing on that,” Kanade answered. “Get on with your Roman Candle move already.”
Hanabi stood up and jumped off the slide. While in the air, he shot small, insignificant blasts of blue fire towards the slide. They gave off small, silent bursts of turquoise sparks as they hit the ice, shattering it at the same time. The engulfed shards of ice were blown in direction of Dabi and Bai, and he suddenly let out a yelp before shoving his eyes into his arm while the other accidentally forced the wheel to spin to the left, forcing them to dart off the road.
“Dabi?” Bai gasped, looking at him in concern and squeaking in surprise as the car suddenly drove off the street.
Hanabi landed on the road on his feet and stared after them for a moment. Kanade didn’t slow down for him, though.
“Wait!” Fuyo grasped her arm as she pushed the button that would close the back of the car. “Hanasenpai isn’t in the car. We have to go back for him.”
Kanade glanced at Fuyo. “He can make his own way back,” she replied.
Fuyo stared at her in disbelief. “I’ll just go get him,” he growled, suddenly seeming angry as he turned toward the back of the car.
“Don’t bother,” Kanade growled. “He can fight for himself.”
“If that happens, it’ll be my fault because it was my idea to have him use the move that made us leave him behind in the first place,” Fuyo argued. “I have to go get him!”
Without waiting for anyone’s response, he leaped out.
“Midoriya!” Rokka gasped, reaching for his arm. She missed by just a centimeter, and instead, the tumbled out the car behind him.
“Todoroki!” Kura called, her voice unusually high with shock and worry.
Rokka hit the ground hard, rolling around and taking each new impact with grunts of pain. Fuyo didn’t stop or even glance back at her, leaving her to stare after him with half open eyes and blood pouring from an injury just at the top of her forehead. “Midori. . .ya. . .”
Fuyo felt tears coming to his eyes as he ran off. I’m sorry, Todoroki! he wailed in his head. Hanasenpai’s my best friend! I can’t let anything happen to him!
He soon found Hanabi walking back in the direction Kanade had gone.
“Hanasenpai!” Fuyo breathed, quickly yanking him into a tight hug.
“Yofu!” Hanabi fell rigid with surprise. “What are you doing here?”
“They left you behind and I didn’t want to go with them,” Fuyo murmured. “I had to find you. So I came back.”
“. . .Well. . .Thanks, I guess. . .”
“Let’s get back to the others.”
Suddenly, Dabi seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Blood was seeping out of his eyes as he gazed down at them. “You’re not getting back to anyone,” he growled.
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Back in UA, Kanade was walking out of the principal’s office. Most of the others that were in the car with her were standing in the hall waiting for her.
“What did Principal Nezu say?” Kasei murmured when she came out.
“He thinks that it might be safest to try and stay in the dorms and keep the school on lockdown until we get further info on the Villains and their current intentions. No students are allowed out of their dorms unless they’re given permission.”
“What about Midoriya, Tsubasa, and Todoroki?” Aoi demanded. “We still don’t know where they are or what happened to them.”
“I’ve told them where we last saw them,” Kanade replied, her eyes and tone suddenly grave and dull. “They’re sending out search parties made up of the Pro Heroes we have here.”
“And Nemoto. . .?” Kasei asked rather timidly. “. . .What did they say about them. . .?”
“They said they’d be calling them in to talk about them soon enough.”
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Author's note:
I realized that a lot of this might not make sense, so here's a little explanation as to what's happening here:
I made a full-blown second generation of MHA characters (which I call the MHA 2nd Gen) and this is a little story about a day where a few of the characters get into a little skirmish with Villain kids.
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List of 2nd Gen characters:
Aoinazuma Kaminari (typically goes by Aoi, son of Kyoka and Denki Jiro)
Hanabi Tsubasa (son of Katsuki and Hanatsu Bakugo)
Shifon Sato (daughter of Rikido Sato)
Kanade Jiro (daughter of Kyoka and Denki Jiro)
Bai Hikari (adopted by Himiko Toga)
Toitsu Nazo (adopted by Tomura Shigaraki and Kai Chisaki)
Kura Tokoyami (daughter of Fumikage Tokoyami and Chitsuki Hishu)
Fuyo Midoriya (son of Izuku and Ochaco Midoriya)
Kasei Sero (daughter of Hanta and Mina Sero)
Rokka Todoroki (daughter of Shoto and Momo Todoroki)
Seiren Iida (son of Tenya and Mei Iida)
Hino Kirishima (son of Eijiro Kirishima and Hanatsu Bakugo)
Shojiki Nemoto (son of Shin Nemoto)
Updated A/N:
This story is discontinued and may or may not have a real ending. Also, I'm sure you noticed it says Hanatsu is the mother of both Hanabi and Hino, and before you ask, no, there wasn't real cheating involved. In my series, she was initially with Eijiro Kirishima, and they ended up with twins named Katai Doramu and Hino Kirishima. The twins were unplanned for, as in unexpected, but, they decided to take care of them together until Eijiro went missing for two years on a Hero Mission (because by now, they've graduated from UA and are official Pro Heroes). In those two years, everyone assumed Eijiro was dead and Hanatsu moved on with her life before taking Katsuki Bakugo as a husband and father to her youngest child, Hanabi. Then Eijiro came back like "Hey guys, I'm not dead!" so that was a dramatic return. There's a whole lotta other stuff that happened, but I'm not gonna talk about those because it'll take way too flippin' long XD '-w-