In a futuristic Great Britain, the last remnants of human civilization live in a massive domed city. Here, society thrives under strict control, where no one lives beyond the age of 30, and "Commencement" promises renewal for all citizens. But the reality is far darker: those who reach their time must face termination. The Iceman enforcers, including John-6-Steed, ensure that no one escapes their fate.
Steed, once a loyal Iceman, begins to question the system. Joined by Tara King, the two find themselves on the run from the very society they once protected. Fleeing the city, they venture into the ruins of ancient London, now buried in the wastes. Pursued relentlessly by their former ally, Emma Peel, who still serves as an Iceman, Steed and Tara discover unsettling truths about their world and the true meaning of Commencement
This story is a blend of the stylish espionage of The Avengers with the dystopian themes of Logan's Run, as Steed, Peel, and Tara race against time to find Sanctuary—if it even exists.