You walk down a long corridor with your superior Dr. Carlson. As he takes you to your new work area, he begins to brief you on your new assignment. Your nervous because this is a huge day for you. You’ve never done something so classified and top secret before. You wanted to make a good impression and let everyone know your dependable.
Dr. Carlson is very formal and sticks to every protocol. It’s essential, due to the high-pressure government work he’s involved in. His experience alone was intimidating to you. One little mistake and you could be stripped away from such a crucial experiment that you worked so hard to take part of.
“Listen carefully, this is highly classified information, I don’t need to stress this enough, that no one, and I mean no one from the outside can know of this.” He turns and stops in front of you as he awaits your response.
“Uh, ye… yes sir.” You hesitate a little because you were not expecting him to just stop and look at you with his piercing eyes.
“A U.F.O. landed on earth after traveling through interstellar space and the life form on board made contact with an 8-year-old child. It could replicate how a human child looks like. Don’t ask me how we were able to track it down in time before things got really ugly.” You look at Dr. Carlson in amazement. You thought that this was an incredible discovery.
“The entire town itself was under intense lockdown by the military. We did everything in our power to make sure that it was all a successful cover up, just so that the public would not panic of course. Unfortunately, during transport of the specimen to our moon base, it did not survive the trip.” He pauses to adjust his glasses. “However, our top scientific minds were capable of extracting from it Its genetic makeup if you will, you can consider it as alien D.N.A.” Dr. Carlson turns and continues to walk down the long corridor without any warning. You begin to pick up the pace and try to follow behind him again as best you can.
“You see, we fused that D.N.A. with human D.N.A. And we created a hybrid and raised it in our lab. This is the best place to do it too. We have all the necessary resources and state of the art equipment.”
As you look around and start to see how complex and huge the secret base was, you realize that the little experiment you were now part of was just a small division within a large multifaceted structure with many classified operations happening all at once. You can see advanced scientific machinery you never knew existed and rail cars transporting scientific workers from one part of the building to the other.
“Who would have ever thought that all this was hiding here.” You look around the giant underground base. The top military general in charge of the security in the base just heard what you said as you were walking by. He greets Dr. Carlson. “Greetings General Vice.” Dr. Carlson stops and you just follow his lead.
“Yeah, this is the real deal. The REAL area 51. Not like that fake one back on earth. That’s just to distract the average joe. Yep, I tell ya, building this structure on the dark side of the moon was genius.”
A military soldier approaches him and calls out his name. They both salute each other as the military soldier begins to speak. “Sir, it’s now code red. We need confirmation from you.”
“Excuse me boys, duty calls.” He chuckles a bit while winking at both of you. Both General Vice and the soldier walk away in a fast pace down the opposite direction, down the corridor in which you came from.
“Code… red?” You look puzzled as they walk away.
Dr. Carlson turns and looks at you. “We’ve been experiencing issues for the past few weeks. It seems that an unknown group has been attempting to hack into our servers. They are of course full of encrypted classified information. But that is not of our concern.”
After the briefing was over you eventually make it into the lab room you are assigned to. Dr. Carlson prepares you to meet the specimen. “She is one of many attempts, but we were successful in keeping BRETOA478 alive. That is her code name. Many here began to just call her Artemis. That’s Greek mythology, goddess of the moon.”
You understood the joke and chuckled a little then composed yourself as you approached her glass cell. She turns around to see you and both your eyes lock while you walk towards her in the center of the room. Your whole body became cold as you realize that the little girl looking back at you was in fact not human. A chilling feeling goes down your spine while you contemplate what exactly is going through her mind when she looks at you.
After two years of working with Artemis, running all types of experiments and tests, your assignment was finally over. In that time, you notice that Artemis grew from a little girl to a 19-year-old looking woman. It was odd at first but made perfect sense that in just two years she was capable of accelerating her own growth, she was alien after all.
“Today is your last day doctor?” Artemis spoke to you. She became highly intelligent, but she was already like that even as a little girl. Dr. Carlson even told you that she was systematically calculating in her head a way to escape her prison.
“Yes, it is Artemis. I’m no longer going to be… here.” You were of course referring to the lab room. You were assigned to a new project on the base, and you no longer will have the clearance to see Artemis.
Dr. Carlson felt it was time to take you away from the project. He felt that you were getting too fond of seeing Artemis each day. However, you did not disappoint, and all the experiments you preformed got the positive results that he wanted in the end. Artemis on the other hand became agitated with the idea of not being able to see you. Even though she was under experimentation she has accustomed herself to interacting with you daily.
One morning after a week went by on your new assignment, red lights and sirens went off in the new lab room you’re in. Your other colleagues run into the room. “The specimen Artemis… it… she escaped from her glass chamber! Lock the doors!”
You get up in shock from your desk. “What exactly happened?”
One of your colleagues still shaking, says “We were in the process of transferring Artemis to a secure new glass chamber. The first one was no longer size appropriate for her. Once we concluded the final phase of filling the room with numbing gas, we just thought that…. she, she was incapacitated.” He began to shake his head as he tried desperately to catch his breath.
“She wasn’t incapacitated, was she.” Your colleague lifts his head up as he locks eyes with you the moment you said that. You saw the unmistakable fear in his eyes.
“The problem was the chamber door. Some computer virus locked me out. I… I could no longer close her chamber door… she…. she attacked Dr. Carlson.” He began to hyperventilate.
Now you knew the situation was serious. But sitting around in the room waiting for something to happen wasn’t the wisest choice. “We need to let the military take care of it. This is a level 5 security breach. They are trained for this, right?” Another colleague spoke as you looked through the small window of the lab room door. You inspect the left, then the right. All you can see is red flashing lights. You knew that all 3 of you were all in the best spot possible. Just down the long corridor the escape pod room was in sight. If you could all reach it in time, you could escape with your life.
“She was looking for you. She said… your name.” You turn to your colleague, and slowly your heart began to sink. Artemis was looking for you. Maybe you could be the key to calming her down and getting her back into her glass chamber. But it could be at the cost of your life.
You have two choices...
(Keep adding to the story please!)