Gem’s POV
Listening to the words of the man on the other side of the phone, I froze. ‘So he looks and sounds like most people on campus… nice. But, it’s better than nothing I guess.’ I looked down at the clothes I’d been folding as Sergeant Timothy asked if I had any questions for him. “Um.. No sir. Thank you for letting me know.” “Of course Ms. Daniels, have a good day.” Taking the phone away from my ear, I released a breath I didn’t know I'd been holding. I decided to text the details of the conversation to my mom and Josie before setting my phone on my bed and continuing my folding.
At some point during the party, Josie and Murphy made it official so they’re spending the day out together right now. That night, Caleb also got stupidly drunk and we had to haul his heavy ass back to the dorms- Josie had to drive his back because of that. When we finally got back to campus that night, we luckily ran into one of his friends from his dorm and they took him back. Who knew someone so reserved could be so unhinged after a few drinks, guess that’s part of some weird charm of his. I giggle lightly thinking back.
As I had finished my laundry and finally started to put them away, my phone pinged, indicating that I’d received a message. ‘Probably from mom about the lead,’ I thought. To my surprise, I saw yet another message from the person I’ve been trying to avoid since last night. I stared at his text with confusion and contemplated if I was going to answer or not.
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Niro (11:00 pm): This Niro. Just making sure you got back ight.
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Niro (12:00 am): Guess you’re sleeping, sleep well :)
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Niro (10:00 am): Mornin’ you trying to grab breakfast
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Niro (11:30 am): Look, I know we didn’t start off on the best terms but yeen really givin me the chance to make it up to you either.
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Niro (12:20 pm): You’re making it real hard for me to make a move, you know?
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I snickered at his message, ‘His move? What is he playing at?’ I tap on the text box and decide to humor him for a bit, what’s the worst that could happen.
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“Oh? And what move would that be?”
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Niro: Let me get to know you, stop playing with me.
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I laughed out loud as I could practically hear him say that in my head. ‘What’s so great about me though? He’d have much more fun getting to know someone more interesting and, you know, actually attractive than talking to me.’
“Boy please, ain’t nobody playing with you. You need to be texting someone worth your time.”
After sending that, there was a slight pause before he texted back. I almost didn’t hear my phone go off when I went back to my phone after cleaning some things off my desk.
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Niro: You are worth my time.
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I practically squealed at the message before realizing that I needed to calm down. I sat down on my bed and stared at the message trying to figure out if there was some hidden meaning to his words. This man- popular in my class, fine as fuck, and slick with his words… He found me worth his time? I couldn’t help myself but think, ‘Why me?’ Why would he want to talk to me? That fact baffled me more than the fact that he’d kissed me only last night. There were so many things about him that even after he poured his feelings out to me yesterday, I still don’t understand him.
Before him, I hadn’t ever met a guy that wanted to kiss me. Nobody that even acted like they did anyways. I had never met someone whose life was similar to mine and therefore made me feel like I wasn’t alone. His one phrase held more weight in my heart than I’d expected it to… more than I wanted it to. After a small pause, I gave in and agreed to meet up with Niro just to hang out. Then, for whatever reason, he called which sent panic coursing through me as I reluctantly answered.
“Hello?” “Glad you’re finally giving me a chance,” I heard him say. My face flushed and I cleared my throat, “Don’t get cocky bighead, this doesn’t mean anything. I still don’t trust you.” He probably thought I was trying to play hard to get when in reality I was trying not to want him. “Mmm bighead huh? I like that, maybe I should come up with a fun nickname for you too, GG.” I could practically hear him smiling.
“I-I… Don’t call me that. I’ll text you where to park at, bye!” I quickly pressed the red circle and took a deep breath to try to calm my flustered heart. ‘What is with him? Seriously, why is he flirting with me all the time?!’ I shook my head to try and quell all my thoughts that were quickly turning impure and walked to my closet to get ready.
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I’ve only been on one date my entire life. After said date, I vowed to never again go on another one. Three years ago, junior year of high school. Bobby Knight. He wasn’t exactly all that popular or anything, but he had a big enough standing and a cute enough face to garner the attention of most of the girls in our class. I even had a tiny crush on him that I obviously didn’t think would go anywhere. At first, I thought it was a joke when he asked me out, I mean seriously, nobody would even look my way if I tried; so, I never went looking for attention.
One morning during Chem he walked up to me with a huge smile on his face. ‘Oh great, another mouth breather who’s here to crack on me.’ I rolled my eyes, closing my locker as he leaned up against the one next to it. “Wassup,” he smirked. I crossed my arms, “Can I help you?” I learned very quickly when the bullying started, that you beat em’ at their own game. If they wanted to bitch so much, then I’ll just become a bitch to them- simple.
“Woah, Woah calm down. I mean you no harm,” he raised his arms in defense. “I just wanted to know if you were free tonight.” “That depends, why you wanna know?” He smirked again and at the time I can’t even lie, I liked when he did it. But that same smile is the reason he was so freaking annoying and unbearable to be around. “You feel like going to see a movie with me? Venom. Tonight at 6:00 at the theater off 15th street.” I honestly thought he was joking. He actively set out in his mind to come to ask me to the movies when he’s never shown any interest in me before now. Something had to be up, but my naive ass couldn’t pick that up fast enough.
“Mmm… okay, I’ll humor you,” I smiled at him. We exchanged numbers so he could text me when he was coming and we later met up in front of the large revolving theater doors. His eyes scanned me as I had since changed into some tight-fitting ripped jeans and a Lakers crop top with some purple and white converse.
“Wow ma, you look good.” “Thanks, shall we?” I said as we walked inside. That’s when things started to become a bit odd. I noticed that there were unfortunately a lot of people there tonight. And not only that, but there was a huge group of people from our class, all people I believed to regularly spend time with Bobby. I laughed nervously as I looked at the ground causing him to look at me curiously. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh uh… nothing. It’s just a lot of people.” He shrugged his shoulders and we went and got our popcorn and drinks. I of course got some ice cream because what’s a movie without ice cream? As we took our seats, I once again noticed the group of kids from our school, they came to see the movie as well. That’s not what bothered me, the problem was that they sat in the row right behind us. ‘Something is up,’ I thought to myself. I chose to ignore it so that I could enjoy the movie, which proved to be very difficult as it progressed with how handsy Bobby was being.
He slowly cups my face and starts kissing my cheek and neck every few minutes or so. I’d simply shrug him off because I was actually watching the movie… plus I was scared as hell as to what would happen if I’d given in to his advances. “Yo, come on, this movie not really hitting on nun. We should have a lil fun don’t you think?” he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. Again, I shrugged away from him before whispering back, “I am having fun, I like the movie, let’s just watch it.” I turned my head back to the screen before noticing quiet laughter from behind up as I’m sure he rolled his eyes.
“Come on ma, live a little.” With that he slowly started to caress my thigh, ever so slightly moving it up towards my spot. My body froze in my seat and I quickly shut my eyes tight waiting for it to be over. As he did this, I heard more laughter from behind us and then a voice whispered, “Holy shit, bro he’s actually gonna do it. I’m definitely bought to get my $50 from this.” That’s when I realized it. Bobby wasn’t here with me because he wanted to, he was here because he was dared to, and apparently, 50 bucks was on the line to whether or not he could get the fat girl in the school a piece of her cookie. I immediately got up and took off with my purse in tow. I refused to put up with this shit when it was so obvious what was happening. And just like that, the following week at school I discovered that I was right. I really catch a break and as always, it’s all my fault that that is.
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As I walked to the parking lot that Niro said he was at, I thought about the memories of my first so-called date. Thinking back, I really was naive, but not anymore. I'm going to figure all of this shit out without having to worry about whether or not my pride will be hurt like last time. I’m a big girl with thick skin, I haven’t survived this shitty life for 20 years for nothing. I stop for a moment and take a quick whiff of the cool, crisp air as the wind blows. Fall has always been my favorite season. It’s the season of new beginnings and changes and I could feel it gripping me with a warm embrace. I glance down at my phone to see a text from Josie.
After I got off the phone with Niro, Josie had texted me back about the police’s lead saying that it was a lousy lead but she figured it was something. I had contemplated telling her about how the rest of my day would be spent with Niro before finally giving in. I’d never hide anything from my best friend and I was not about to start. Guess it’s safe to say she was more than unhappy to learn that I would be spending time with him as he was really mysterious, but I brushed her off saying that if she can have fun with a guy then so could i. Though, I almost fell out of my chair when she said that the type of fun she has with Murphy shouldn’t be the type of fun I have with Niro. ‘Disgusting.’
Reaching the edge of campus before the parking lot, I see Caleb sitting on a blanket on the grass. I smile, walking up to him quietly before gently plucking his head. “Boo!” He jumped slightly and then rolled his eyes when he saw me. “Haha very funny, you scared me, girl,” he said, a little annoyed. I gave him a fake pouty face, “Aww I’m sorry. Can you pwease forgive me Calebbbb?” I started playfully pinching his cheeks. “Alright, alright I forgive you, stop pinching me it hurts,” he laughed, finally giving in.
I smiled and sat next to him, “So what are you up to?” “Intro to Ocean Engineering project,” he said plainly. “Ooo sounds interesting,” I said leaning in to look at the textbook. He simply nodded his head and kept reading. Without looking away he asked, “So where are you headed off to?” “Mmm, I have a date… I think.” At that moment, Caleb stopped, losing his page in his book. “Huh? A date, with who?” he questioned quickly. ‘Why’s he so worked up all of a sudden?’ I raised my brow, “Yes.. a date with Niro.” At the mention of his name, Caleb frowned and looked down at his fingers that he’d slowly been twiddling. An awkward silence settled over us as he said nothing in return for what felt like forever. I looked down at my phone seeing a text from Niro saying he was here, I grabbed my stuff and rose to my feet.
“Umm.. yeah well I gotta go but I’ll see you later,” I told him. Without another second, Caleb rose to his feet and grabbed my arm, spinning me back around to face him, “Wait?” “Hm? I gotta go wassup?” I questioned, drawing my arm out of his grip. ‘Okay, now this is just getting weird.’ Caleb opened his mouth to speak before quickly shutting it again as if trying to find the right words to say. “Gem, you can’t go with him,” he said after a pause. “Why not?” I crossed my arms, getting impatient. “He-He’s no good, you deserve better than that.” Leaning back a little I said, “Oh yeah? How would you know, you barely know him yourself? And besides, better like who, it’s not like anyone else has shown any interest.” Caleb cleared his throat as if something was choking him up. I really didn’t have time for whatever the hell he has going on right now.
I started to turn away again when he shouted, “Like me…” I stopped trying to make sure I heard him right, “Huh?” He stepped a little closer to me, placing his hand on mine. “Like me.. I-I um..” his voice trailed off. “I like you Gem.”
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Thank you all for reading this chapter of 'Stolen Romance'. This chapter was a lot to digest and relishes on the aftermath of the party which was something in itself. I can't wait till you guys see Gem's reaction to all this. I hope you enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next chapter which will be released next week!