A small droid tapped its way down the coarse dirt road. four rod-like legs, giving it a feminine and animalistic look, with a head that showed a single photoreceptor, and a projector. the robot had a red band painted around the thigh rod of each leg and small round disks hung at what would have been its ankle, wheels, ready to whisk its passenger away at a moment's notice. the droid was female in identity, her ID tag read K-22Y, but she called herself Cassy.
The small one-foot-high droid made her way down the road, slowly observing the surrounding silence. she came upon a body, Cassy could tell it wasn't natural, there were plasma wounds, and she could tell that the fatal wound was the one to the head. but the unexpected was that she felt sorry for the empty corpse. Cassy was no ordinary droid, she was as close to human a droid could get, she could speak, and think independently, she could feel emotions, and have passion.
Cassy moved on from the sorrowful sight and kept moving along. Cassy ticked along quietly, a few rodent-like creatures scurried past her to devour the body she had passed. She looked up and saw the starships circle overhead in a battle, all the ships were different and they were all firing at each other, after a few moments, a large cruiser appeared and destroyed all of them. Cassy recognized the battle cruiser and began to sprint her metal body to her own ship.