This art reference is about ten days old, so probably my most recent character art. As the title says, this is Senja Kesho. Due to a coloring error (aka I forgot to color it), his tongue appears grey . _ . which isn't canon, and he doesn't have the bags under his eyes like he should
Compared to Raven, he's more of a bean-stalk while being around the same age; standing at six foot three but being very underweight for his height, having a more bony structure.
In d&d, he's a homebrew race I found that was similar to enderman called "Endershades"- however, this race has been deleted, so his race was homebrewed once again by me with similar things- this mainly explains the tall height and odd eyes that are more cat-like and more vibrant.
He's only been in one campaign that's been put on hiatus, where he's a pirate crew's shipwright despite being a cave-splunker and being a very antisocial, selective mute. He's also one of the characters I have that contains a more dark backstory, his being more along the lines of being severely scared due to a betrayal and from an abusive royal family of several kids.
While functioning as an artificer, someone who creates and fixes, he also provides range support and can even do front line work or healing support if he tries hard enough. Unlike Raven as well, his stats are more well rounded, having high mental and physical stats with the exception of strength and charisma; Dexterity and intelligence are his highest. Being a cave diver has also made him have an obsession with shiny objects, namely gems- give him a gemstone he doesn't have in his collection, and he'll be willing to do a job for you.283Please respect copyright.PENANARdwCceFZIk
Funny enough, he also keeps his hair somewhat long, though rarely lets it go past his shoulder blades- its usually described as looking to be cut with a knife, hence the more chaotic, messy appearance and some lengths of hair being longer or shorter (namely the bits in the front).
I plan to do a story using him one day, albeit I'm unsure of how to go about it, haha. Might do some brainstorming, just to have something to post when I'm not working on Journey of Tislia or this blog.
Also, ironically, the few times he has spoken was to either make a sarcastic remark, or be confused. One of my favorite instances of this was a NPC saying he was making a harem, but since he's both a hermit and incredibly dense, he had to ask several people what that was- nobody was willing to explain it to him while the NPC who made the original statement laughed in the background.
He also has one of those "You do this, I'll do it to" mentalities; one PC was generally aggressive with him due to some junk that happened (aka Senja roasting him and kicking him once for a comment), and the two would often get into hitting matches- which was usually provoked by the other PC, funnily enough. One instance involved Senja being electrocuted by a chain-axe, and an NPC wasn't very happy since Senja hadn't started the fight, only retaliated when he was wrapped in the chains- which got him shocked. Luckily he has a lot of HP and tanked it like a boss while also getting a nat 20 to kick at the PC's crotch.
He's also one of my favorite ones to play with, just because of the sarcastic, mute personality; it lets me do a lot of movements and it's kinda funny watching people interpret what he's trying to convey through hand movements or writing.
He's also the only character I know the voice of; for anyone whose curious, it's whoever is the main singer in Set it Off's Skeleton (No, I don't know his name, and I'm too lazy to google it at the moment of writing this)- though his is probably more raspy cause of the selective mute aspect.
Irrelevant fact; he's the first character that's gotten two possible romantic interests, one being a fellow but real male mute and a female elf (the latter of which was not exactly thought on a whole lot or anything but was a joke during the harem incident); he's also the first one whose had their sexuality actually explored in-game. Raven had three romantic interests, but all were doomed to fail for one reason or another and only one-off comments in game, so I don't really count those since it wasn't explored or much more than a passing one-time joke.
Another thing is that Senja has technically had the most design changes as well as being the first character I drew the original concept for on paper (the rest being digital). Originally, he looked a lot more modern and wearing a trench coat as well as having more purple eyes that had a fade effect; the only thing that was kept mainly the same was that he shows little skin, looks tired, has choppy hair, having a scarf, and cat-like pupils that are somewhere on a blue color spectrum. The second place one is a character named Sino, whose design kept changing but only by small margins.
He doesn't sleep much, mainly due to backstory reasons that cause a lot of nightmares- so it's kinda funny when someone finds him wide awake, staring at them at two in the morning. Usually he tinkers with items to keep himself awake or trains.
Final fun fact; The only reason why he has a lot of blue is because his original design used a lot of purple, which was Raven's main color scheme. Red didn't really fit him nor the 'enderman' idea, so I went with blue- also his boots usually have clasps rather than strings, but for some reason I didn't draw those.