The warriors came and gathered around Wolde Samuel. They were about to take him to the cells for questioning after he wakes up but a girl came running and stopped them.
"What are you doing, Princess?" one of the warriors asked her bowing his head slightly.
"Let him be. He's hurt and that means he meant no harm." She answered sternly.
"But my lady, he is an outsider; we don't know anything about him." Another warrior tried to convince her but she has already made up her mind.
"Are you trying to go against my words?" she asked looking straight into his eyes. He quickly avoided her gaze so that she will not think he is challenging her and shakes his head and went straight to do what he was just told to do.
She sighed and starts to walk around her village, a village where the Regional lord which is her father, and others with higher ranks lives. Kids are shouting and yelling at each other while playing who made her laugh watching them.
Immediately, she spotted a familiar face where the kids are playing at. The man is playing with the kids as if he is a kid himself. Finding it funny, she laughed slightly and walked to where they are. When the kids saw where she is heading, they run and she bends slightly to hug some of them in which crashed onto her.
Chuckling, he approached where she is playing with the excited kids and stood behind with his hands behind his back watching carefully and smiling to himself.
After the kids grew tired and called it a day, "Why do they always like you?" he said pouting, the side only she can see.
She laughed and replied "That's because I'm SO much better with kids than you are" emphasizing the word 'so'.
He stopped with his leg middle step and stare at her like she said milk is black. "You are kidding me right?" he said narrowing his eyes.
Knowing where this is going, she sprints to where her father's house is and got in, soon after he followed and got in closing the door behind him and looks around searching for a clue onto where she is hiding at.
"I'm going to find you and you won't get away with it… you better get out of where you are hiding," he said with a playful voice. Her laugh echoed through the house but she stopped realizing that she gave him a clue on where she is. Deciding she should change where she is hiding, she came out of her spot making sure he didn't find her.
Just as she sighed relieved, she started to walk slowly not to make any sound that's until a hand was placed on her mouth scaring her soul out.
Emanuel was trying to catch his breath he lost because of his hyena-like laugh that is making her also laugh but she managed to keep a stern face.
"HA!" with that she walked out of the house with a smile on her face.
Tsegereda, who usually liked to be called 'Tsege', is the one and only daughter of the regional lord, Ras Zemede of Gojjam. She is the princess of the land and everyone that lived in that land loves her.
Emanuel, the son of Ras Teshome of Lasta and the fiancé of Tsege, is known for his blank face but deep inside him is a big softie. He is currently staying at Gojjam so that once he takes over, he will understand how her father was doing the paperwork.
Suddenly, she remembered the man that they found hurt, bleeding, and trying to stand up and get out of here but failed and passed out. That man looked familiar like she has seen him before but can't tell when she saw him or has she seen him in her dreams?
Shaking the dumb thought out of her mind, she walked to where the physician and the man are at to ask how he is doing.
On her way, the people who live in the village acknowledged her either with a nod or a hug. She loves where she lives, she loves the people, and also there is a beautiful scene of the sunrise and sunset.
Reaching her destination, she softly knocked on the door so as not to startle anyone. She opened the door and found the man lying all by himself, sound asleep. Walking slowly to not to disturb anything, she sat on the chair that is beside the bed and examine him trying to figure out where she has seen him.
She stares and stares and stares but still can't put a picture on it. Shaking her head, disappointed that she can't remember anything, she got out of the room and started to just walk around that's until she heard someone calling her. Knowing who that person is, she continued walking ignoring him like he was not calling her.
He stood in front of her breathing hard; clearly, he was running to catch up with her. "What do you want?" she asked with a fake angry face but inside she was laughing.
"Listen, I'm sorry… I shouldn't have done that and laughed at you… but it was all worth it because your face was priceless" he mumbled the last part to himself but she heard it and raised her eyebrows. When he saw her face he quickly composed his laughing face into a serious one and starts to rant on how sorry he was about what happened.
She couldn't handle it anymore so she burst out laughing full force while Emanuel looked at her like she is crazy until realization hit him and it was his turn to have an angry face.
"You do that every single time and I fall for it every single time," he said making her laugh harder than she was a while ago.
"Okay, you m-lady, needs to stop laughing or else…" he stopped himself not knowing what to say next, and slump his shoulders again making her laugh more if that's possible.
She calmed down and looked behind his shoulders in awe. Emanuel looked behind his shoulder, soon joining her in staring at the beautiful scenario of the sunset. He put his arm on her shoulder giving her a side hug.
They stayed like that for what feels like forever just him, her, and the beautiful sight of the sunset.