The next morning, Wolde Samuel finally woke up after passing out for one whole day. He started to look around to figure out where he is at and right then and there, the entire thing that happened came back hitting him hard.
Sighing frustrated all over again, he tried to sit up but he obviously couldn't because of his injured shoulder.
"Oh nice to see you awake, sleepyhead," a voice said out of nowhere. Getting startled, he turned around to where the voice came from. There stood Tsege with a smile on her face and a tray full of food in her hand.
When she saw him eyeing the food that is in her hand, she walked to where he is and put the tray on the table, and helped him to sit.
"Where am I?" he asked her also talking for the first time since he came here.
"You are in Gojjam, in a village where the Regional lord, his family, and some worriers live at." After what she just said, he kept staring at her trying to figure out which status she is.
She looks like a fit person but something about her doesn't scream a worrier.
"If you are wondering, I am the one and only daughter of Ras Zemede, Tsegereda." She answered his unasked question with a smile.
He immediately, looked away trying to find a way to escape this place because they are against his father and there is a chance of him being killed unless he used her to escape and find a weak spot about them and helps his father.
"May I ask what your name is?" she asked politely so that he could trust her in telling her his name but he chose to ignore and continued thinking of a way of escaping this place.
Deciding to leave him alone, she stood up and went to where she put the tray and placed it near him walked out but not before saying "You better finish that food".
Just as she stepped a foot outside the door, an old man was standing in front of her with an angry face.
"Father? What are you doing here?" she asked completely oblivious.
"Why did you do that without telling me? Do you know who he is?" he yelled fuming.
She looked behind her, at the door as if it would give her an answer, and answered with "I don't know. I tried to ask him what his name is but he wouldn't answer."
"Do you know Wolde Samuel?"
"Ye-" she stopped herself from talking because it clicked. Her lips formed a straight line and moved away from the door.
Her father's worriers walked in like they on a hunt. Soon, before her eyes, there stood Wolde Samuel the person she tried to remember but couldn't put a picture on it, the man she saved, the man she gave food, being dragged to the cells by her father's worriers for questioning with a pained face because of his injured shoulder.
"Follow me." Her father said and started to go to where his house it.
Feeling a little guilty, she did as she is asked to.
Once they are inside, she prepared herself to take all the yelling and lecturing that is going to happen anytime soon.
"Tsegereda, I know your intention means well, and since you found him hurt you thought he meant no harm but you shouldn't just let anyone in into our village." Her father lectured her.
"Yes father, I understand"
"Also you know the consequences right?"
"We could easily be a target if we let people in into our village."
"But since you broke one of the rules, you are not allowed to get out of the house for five straight days."
She started to panic. She really can't stay in the house for that long. "But Father-"
"No reasoning here. What is done is done. Now get out of my office I have many things to do right now." With that, she walked out with tears trying to be set free.
Once she closed the door, she took a deep breath to calm herself.
"Look who we have her-" Emanuel cut himself short when he saw in what situation she was. "Hey, what happened?" he asked concerned.
She quickly shook her face and said "Nothing" but he was not buying it even if she tried to smile up to him but instead of asking her again, she started to comfort her.
On the other part, after Wolde Samuel got dragged by some worriers, they took him to the cells and locked him up. He barely ate anything since they took him out when he was just about to take a bit.
They left him in the cell with only two guards on the door of the cell. 'I need to find a way to get out of here. I need to get out and help my father instead of being locked up here but how do I do that? Should I manipulate the guards? Nope, bad idea. Urgggggggg If she was not caught, I would have acted as if I was interested in her and escape.'
He was so caught up with his thoughts; he didn't realize that he was dozing off until something slapped him taking his breath away. He looked up straight and found one of the guards splashed water to wake him up.
"Hey, Prince! Why don't you get yourself out of here instead of getting locked up here?" One said with his voice filled with mockery while the others laughed.
Deciding not to answer, he looked away from them with a scoff. That seems to annoy and anger the guards. Another guard walked up to him and grabbed his already injured shoulder tightly and said "Let's see if you won't make any kind of voice."
He tightened his hand around Wolde Samuel's injured shoulder, but Wolde Samuel didn't make any sound although it hurts.
"We will come back tomorrow for questioning. You better answer the questions. If you don't… that will be our pleasure to hurt you, isn't that right boys?" he asked the rest to which they responded with laughter.
Wolde Samuel couldn't care less. All he is thinking about is how to escape from here and help his father as a successor.