"My brother's alive?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAJLU1XmZTrJ
Her mother nodded.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAE97mHzBp9V
"That's impossible! Chad died fourteen years ago!
274Please respect copyright.PENANAxQlkqfKArb
Luna rolled her eyes. "No, that's just what your grandmother told you to spare you from the truth."
274Please respect copyright.PENANA5KATYHXNRr
"What is the truth, then?" Rosalind couldn't keep the skepticism out of her voice. She wasn't going to get her hopes up. It's not like her mother would be nominated for The Most Trustworthy Person of the Year Award.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA2K0BvJXoBu
Luna leaned back in her chair. "I couldn't control the little runt. He was completely reckless with his abilities. He would transform whenever he had the chance regardless of who was watching. He became far too much of a liability, so I sent him away."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAQS8BOkGowf
"He couldn't control his werewolf abilities, so you sent him away?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAOA5w4YmVxV
She laughed. "No, actually he was quite good at controlling his transformations. What he lacked was restraint. Every time he'd get bullied on the schoolyard, he would show them his wild side. Let's just say I had to pay a lot of people to keep quiet. I got tired of covering up for him, so I sent him to go be someone else's problem."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAoG3EYIhjpj
"That's it? Did you even try to help him? Or did you get rid of him as soon he was an inconvenience to you?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAMOFTCkSTUz
Luna frowned. "Now you're making me sound like the bad guy. I'm doing what's best for everyone."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAvbN6iPG3x8
"Is it what's best for everyone, or is it what's best for yourself? You kept my brother from me for years!" She banged her fists on the desk. "Do you have any idea how hard it's been for me, having to live without him? You are the bad guy!"
274Please respect copyright.PENANApSfPOzhAZs
Rage flickered through her mother's eyes. "I've heard enough. Gregorio, escort her out of here." She glared at Rosalind. "I'm expecting you to get your temper in check before the council arrives."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAtMQEz1wgqF
Gregorio dragged her out of the office and into the living room. The office door promptly shut behind them. Then he pointed to a room towards the end of the hall. "You can stay in that room over there, while you'll be staying with us. Chandler has offered to let you borrow his clothes until we can get you some of your own.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAPC5cQjw6RF
"Why would he do that?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANApArbYtLPdY
"Chandler's a good boy, but he doesn't always show it."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAbl6LJ1LvMd
She waited for him to elaborate further, but he didn't, so she wandered into the room she'd be staying in. It was a small room with nothing but a bed and a vanity. The walls were painted a shade of pale green, which complimented the white bedspread with pink butterflies embroidered into it. The decor looked like it was intended for someone much younger than her. Overall it wasn't too shabby for a spooky underground cave. The only potential giveaway that they were underground was the complete lack of windows.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAUMXp5BtH3C
She shut the door behind her. She noticed the bow and arrows she had found in the Sightless Caverns leaned against the far side of the vanity. How did it get here? She scoured the room for a place to stash them. First, she dug through the vanity drawers. The bottom drawer contained blue jeans, sweatpants, hoodies, and a note that was scribbled in nearly illegible handwriting.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA7zBYQuPPN6
These are my clothes, but you can borrow them, I guess. Just try not to spill on them or anything —Chandler
274Please respect copyright.PENANA7myxdvEooP
Rosalind pulled out a pair of sweatpants to change into later, then she tossed the note in the tiny wastebasket in the corner of the room.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAVaU8SeGHYD
Next, she searched the middle drawer, which was full of soaps and other toiletries.
274Please respect copyright.PENANANjJb57BDUp
The top drawer was full of hair accessories and expensive makeup pallets and another note this one was written with impeccable penmanship.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAB3JNjZNtiM
Dear Rosalind, I've provided you with everything you'll need to look presentable when the council arrives. There is a dress laid out on your bedspread and I expect you to wear it to the banquet Friday evening. I trust that you won't do anything to make me look bad in front of the council, Sincerely, Pack Mother Luna
274Please respect copyright.PENANAsqYg1cvSE1
She crumpled up the note and threw it in the wastebasket beside Chandler's note. Then flopped onto her bed. Living here was going to be a nightmare! She begrudgingly picked up the dress and admired it. It was made from soft red velvet with black lace trim, a black ribbon around the waist, and a V-neck that plunged much too low for her comfort. Gran would kill her if she caught her wearing like this, but it didn't seem like she was going to have much of a choice.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAu2bbW2mRY0
Gran was never going to forgive her for leaving again, but it was a small price to pay for Theo's life. She wondered what he was doing right now with his newfound freedom.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAGIRAIdgnbj
Gregorio knocked on the door. "Are you alright Miss Rosalind?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAwnPzUTFpHT
"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute." She quickly changed into new clothes and hid the bow and arrows under the bed. She met Gregorio waited patiently outside her door. He fidgeted anxiously. "Miss Rosalind, there's something I need to tell you,
274Please respect copyright.PENANA8EVd6TteRO
"What is it?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAbwDs8Wmnxl
"I–" He paused and cleared his throat. "You're needed in the training room."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAO5884lKTq6
"Oh, okay."
274Please respect copyright.PENANASTfTjIx6f1
He leaned up against one of the bookshelves and let out a sigh.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAPbBs9Y9xYp
She glanced from him to the doors and then at him again. "Can you please show me where the training room is?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANASN1toTYPsa
He nodded. "Of course, follow me."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAtvFuIJWjIA
Rosalind couldn't figure him out. Pack Father Gregorio didn't seem malicious, and the Huntsmen seemed to have a lot of respect for him. She couldn't shake the feeling he was keeping secrets.
274Please respect copyright.PENANABbofc9Xref
He led her to a white door. Then the walls started glowing bright red.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA0fVqJz6XMr
"Not again, he cursed under his breath and brushed his fingers across the gun secured to his belt. "I am very sorry I couldn't spend more time with you, Miss Rosalind, but there's something I need to take care of."
274Please respect copyright.PENANANHe7MTcrQM
He apologizes a lot. Rosalind folded her arms. "It's fine, do whatever you need to do."
274Please respect copyright.PENANA9etbPKcGkQ
"Thank you for understanding." He lowered his head. "Chandler will teach you everything you need to know. If he gives you a hard time, tell him I'm counting on him." The walls opened up and Gregorio marched outside and the walls closed behind him.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAMWH8BnyYCP
"Perfect." She scoffed. The last thing she wanted to do is train with Chandler of all people. She'd be happy if she never had to speak with him ever again. Her eyes darted around the room. She was completely alone. Maybe, she could escape somehow. She frantically felt the walls hoping that they'd open up, but they didn't budge. She accepted her defeat. It was being selfish by trying to leave before she could control her transformations. She could easily hurt someone or worse. She stood up and swallowed her pride. She could put up with Chandler if it meant she wouldn't hurt anyone.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA0IPf92N5BD
She barged through the white door and into a large open room with light gray walls. punching bags hung from the ceiling, and blue gym mats covered the cement floors. The three boys were working out in separate corners of the room. She was definitely in the right place.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAlCigk5SUVr
She took a deep breath and marched over to the corner where Chandler was doing push-ups. "Hey!" She called out trying to get his attention over the sound of rock music blared through his earbuds. Eventually, she'd had enough of him ignoring her, so she yanked out his earbuds.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAdFpwhOyKwo
"What do you want?" He let out an aggravated sigh and stood up. His left cheek was bandaged where Luna had scratched him the day prior. "Listen, If you need something you can go ask Duke. Alright?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANADbo5RFIdi8
"Pack Father Gregorio said you'd teach me everything I need to know."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAjzk3Uq9T8I
Chandler kicked an empty water bottle against the wall. "We talked about this," he muttered to himself. "He said he wasn't going to make me do this."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAg2xG6UwTfI
She rolled her eyes. "Sorry training me is such an inconvenience to you."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAFPFbpJiYkg
He refused to make eye contact. "Whatever."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAYRNWxzJawT
"The Pack Father said he was counting on you."
274Please respect copyright.PENANARAjK6ulLYb
His eyes lit up for a brief moment. "For real?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAX6xR7UQFEg
She nodded.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAeBIguTRuPp
He rolled up his sleeves revealing muscular biceps. "Let's get started."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAOsb1AZN3qK
He guided her over to the area where the punching bags were hanging. "The first thing you'll need to learn is hand-to-hand combat because when a werewolf gets too close, sometimes your best weapons are your own fists." He loudly cracked his knuckles. "Why don't you show me what you're made of, rookie? Hit me with your best shot."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAyxbbxzKkEv
She was more than happy to meet his request. She tightened her fist, wound up, then rammed her knuckles into his jaw as hard as she could.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA6QS1I7gAWE
"Son of a—" he cursed and held his jaw.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAu42N3X7fgh
"You told me to hit you with my best shot, she said, playing innocent.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAaZ1EDUfJpu
"Ya, but it wasn't supposed to hurt," he whined.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAyr1gafi0Aw
She chuckled. "Do you have any idea how much arm strength archery takes?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAqxFsCo6pTZ
"I've never thought about it."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAE4vVgxmJ9x
She flexed her muscles. "Well, it takes a lot."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAzlmJfCuw3H
Chandler raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you practice using those ginormous muscles on this punching bag?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAVhR4H8i2r5
She made a fist and hit the bag as hard as she could.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAm0Td9Lyx5a
"Not bad, but you should make sure your thumb is on the outside of your fist, like this." He held up his own fist as an example. "If you don't you could break it." He made a cracking sound with his mouth.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAfi1eXVsPl1
She punched the bag a third time, using Chandler's advice.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAcL69BNumOt
"Great job, rookie. You'll be a pro in no time."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAuEY7uVBjRi
She couldn't hide her satisfaction. It was nice to receive some praise. "So, when do I learn how to transform?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAWnNiV8BXHZ
He shrugged. "Transforming isn't really something I can teach, it's something that comes to you on your own."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAQ2jOXvy7uV
"Perfect." She muttered and ran her fingers through her hair.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAGmVxlpxfqW
"I don't remember giving you permission to stop punching."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAyeI9JAt50S
She resumed pummeling the bag. "Hey, Chandler do you know my brother, Chad Kenneally?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANADUKXk4kSQ7
"Yeah, I know him. Well, At least I used to."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAFUzJcSsCrh
"What's he like?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANABOfivirkId
He paused for a moment contemplating how to respond. "He was a shy kid, he always had a hard time fitting in with the rest of the pack. He was angry all the time. He hated everyone. He hated the Alphas for not accepting him. He hated Pack Brothers for being better Huntsmen than him. He hated his parents for having him. I think he hated himself the most."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAcGuFJ6p2D6
"Did he hate me?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAR81CniREdI
"No, not you."
274Please respect copyright.PENANA3bNR43NFoy
"We're you two close?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANAeP10SaFAiD
"Sort of... but if we're being honest I couldn't stand the little runt."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAg257dhOMeR
274Please respect copyright.PENANAuW7o22oWM4
"Because he's weak and selfish and pushes everyone close to him away! For some stupid reason, The Pack Father never gave up on him!" He slammed his fist into the punching bag causing it to move several inches.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAogWwhJqqvP
The pair sat in silence for an uncomfortably long time. Rosalind never knew any of those things about her brother. He'd always been put on a pedestal like some kind of saint. It's easier to disregard someone's flaws when they're dead.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA8vN1LM8HdL
"He talked about you all the time."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAeyxj4yMREn
274Please respect copyright.PENANASut1gKhHGl
"Yeah." He handed her a water bottle. "Why don't we take a break."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAuhwimK8JDC
274Please respect copyright.PENANAQCxgINXtV1
274Please respect copyright.PENANAlDARis4qMd
Theo stood outside the Silver Huntsmen's den. He placed his hand on the paw print for the hundredth time hoping this time it would yield results but alas, it did not. "Come on, he muttered to himself. "Open up!" After they had escorted Theo out of the cave the previous day, he had been trifling with the locket. After several hours of prying, he managed to open it. Inside he found a picture of Rosalind and her brother. He was returning it because it was the right thing to do, not solely because he wanted to make sure she was okay.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAiOur8Sri0K
The crisp autumn air left goosebumps on his flesh He rubbed his hands together in an attempt to warm them.
274Please respect copyright.PENANAjh9SU8R9Zx
He rested his hand on the paw print, to his surprise, it opened. He tried to go inside but Pack Father Gregorio blocked his path. "You're very brave for coming back here, cub."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAXH9ipbEbh7
"How'd you find out I was here?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANA5THmqTciWE
"You set off the intruder alarm. You're not the first person to find the location of our den, you know."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAwpeZj0xaJa
"I need to speak with Rosalind."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAkFEUM3RsBT
"I'm afraid I can't allow that."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAYNX7VjlJpf
showed him the photograph."I need to give this back to her."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAqDhokVsh8l
His eyes widened as he examined the picture. I'll make sure she gets this back, he said as he stuffed it in his pocket. "You're free to go this time but if I ever catch you around here again there will be consequences." He turned around and began his descent into the den.
274Please respect copyright.PENANA845h9Rd98P
"I think I'm falling for her!" Theo hadn't meant to say those words out loud, they sort of tumbled out. There was no taking them back now, he might as well roll with it. "I need to know that she's going to be okay. I'm not expecting you to understand, but please let me see her one last time then I promise I'll leave and never return."
274Please respect copyright.PENANA1FUjGY5Zkl
Gregorio froze in his tracks. "I understand perfectly. You care for Rosalind deeply, but you only realized how much after you were separated. You feel the need to tell her everything you never had the chance to because you don't know if you'll have another opportunity."
274Please respect copyright.PENANAuFbnEr7FvS
"Yes actually. How did you know all that?"
274Please respect copyright.PENANACV24W8Ryuc
"Because I feel the same way you do. We've been separated for years, and she doesn't know it, but Rosalind is my daughter.