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Chapter One: Faelon The Scout
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"Wh-what are you?" The words spilled off of my lips. The man's pink smirk dropped, and a quite serious look grew upon his face. He was silent for a second, letting the suspense grow. I didn't know if that was what he intended or if he truely was just thinking on how to respond. Maybe that was rude of me. But I'm sure he's used to it by now. He has tail. After a moment he broke the silence, "My name is Faelon, I am a scout for Elfheim." His voice was proud, he held a lot of confidence for himself. I couldn't understand how a man with a tail could be confident. My tongue lost that thought and I chimed, "What is Elfheim?"
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His face stayed still as jauguar ready to pounce. Although his voice was laced with passion for his home as he spoke, "Elfheim is the largest Kingdom belonging to the Elves. It is my home." I shook my head in suprise, elves? Did I hit my head too hard? Am I hallucinating? It must be from the trauma, I'm fatigued. I closed my eyes. I thought the tail was fake. He's not real. I thought to myself. But when I opened my eyes, there he stood. Perfectly still against the same pine tree as before.
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I studied him hard. Is that what he is? I mean, what else could he be? Of all the questions running through my mind, I said aloud, "And you speak English?" He shook his head a smiled slightly, "There is much for you to learn, and plenty time for me to tell you. Come with me, I must take you to the Palace." What did he mean there was much for me to learn and plenty of time to tell me? And going to an Elven palace? What would happen there? And how was dad going to take this? "Wait. My father. He will be back, we must wait for him."
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And so we waited, in silence. I observed his unique features in awe. His ears were pointed and he had golden hooped peircings in them, one at the top and two at the bottom. He sat down on a boulder and gazed off into the distance of the falls. I couldn't help but stare since he didn't mind too much. His tail came out from his jacket, twitching excitedly every once and a while. The jacket itself must have been custom made to fit a tail. The tail had short blond fur on it, so light it almost wasnt noticeable. The tail was about as thick as an average man's thumb. And at the end was a patch of blond fur like a lion's tail.
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About an hour and a half later my dad emerged into the small clearing. Relieved to see him, I sprinted to him. I was eager to tell him about Faelon the Elf. "Dad! Dad! Dad!" I shouted feeling exhilarated. Once I reached him smiled openly, "Who is that Randy?" He asked looking over my shoulder. "Dad. He's an elf and he's gonna help us." My dad's smile fell. He laughed nervously and grabbed the back of his neck, "He's a what, son?" I eyed him cautiously, "He's an elf dad." A look of disappointment came upon his face as his eyes watered and he half smiled, "Son. There's no such things as elves." I was taken back, how could he tell me elves don't exist when there is litteraly one behind me? "Just come on dad, come look."
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He frowned and closed his mouth before speaking again, "Okay." I led him to Faelon and Faelon bowed courteously. "My name is Faelon, you must be this boy's father." His voice was as cool as a spring creek on a hot summer day. "I sure am. Harold is the name." My dad looked down at me and said quietly, "See son, he's just a normal man." I shook my head, did he just take my word and throw it in a blender? That's what it felt like. "What dad?! Can you not see his tail? What about his ears?" I asked angrily. Faelon frowned at me and his ears went flat against the side of his head. My dad's frown deepend. "Son, it's been a long day. Just relax, okay?"
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I frowned, for some reason he can't see what I can see. Maybe it has do do with my magic abilitied. I turned and stood at his side, he groaned as I accidentally bumped into him. Something warm began to crawl down my elbow. Instinctively I looked down and blood was smeared down my fore arm. Panicking I look at my dad but when I look over I see that my dad has been holding an abdominal wound and kept it hidden from me this whole time.
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Faelon spoke, his voice sounding as soft as a humming bird's feathers, "You're hurt, we have doctors." I looked at my father's face, it fell into a state of relief. "Where is we?" My father asked. Faelon pointed west, "About a days travel that direction. It is called Elfheim." My dad smiled, and scoffed. "So that's why my son was so convinced you're an elf." He said confidently to himself. No dad. That is most definitely not why. It has to do with the tail and ears. "Other's cannot see what the gifted can." Faelon said as he looked at me. His icey blue eyes were so dominating that I immediately dropped my gaze.
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Neither said a word after, my father just stared into oblivion as I carried half his weight through the forest. "So Faelon was it?" My dad asked, and Faelon redponded shortly with a nod. "What were you doing out here in the woods of Indonesia?" For a moment Faelon was silent, this seemed to be a ritual for him. His voice was melodic, "This is not Indonesia, Harold. I am scout for Elfhiem. You are in Svyra."
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We walked silently behind Faelon for about an hour until my dads walking turned into stumbling. And stumbling turned into being completely fatigue and unable to walk. He was barely comprehending anything I said to him. I tried to comfort him and tell him everything was going to be okay but it felt like a hot iron rod was stuck down my throat. He was bleeding out. And there was nothing I could do.
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Due to my dad's condition, and the darkness sweeping across the land as the sun set, we stopped for camp. Faelon tended to the fire and I made my dad comfortable with shredded bark and meadow grass. He had fallen asleep and I sat across from Faelon at the fire. The fire caused his hair to glow orange in the night. "He's not going to make it is he? How much longer until we are there?" I questioned him. His ear twitched in the darkness as he thought of what to say. "Tomorrow midday. He will make it there, the bleeding is very slow. I will carry him the rest of the way." I was quite for a moment, hoping he was right.
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"What did you mean there was much for me to learn?" His face twisted into a smile and he chuckled, revealing a sharp pair of k-nine teeth. "You're very curious. I will tell you the story of how elves became human. " He set his poking stick down and leaned over his knees to speak closely to me. "Long ago your dimension used to belong to elves. But the elves in that time lost their connection with nature." I furrowed my eyebrows, "What does that mean? And my dimension? I'm in an entirely separate dimension?" His face was as still as stone, "Yes, and I would like to know how?" His voice was bouncing with anticipation.
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I frowned, "I have magical abilities. I can teleport, through dimensions apparently. And I can see the furure." He was silent, yet again. He clicked his tongue once as he thought on the words he just heard. He muttered something in another language, elvish I assume. He sighed, almost in relief. "If what you speak is true, the king shall spare your life. You could stop our war." War? I guess elves are more human than they seem.
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"How did the elves lose touch with nature?" I asked continuing our previous conversation, I didn't want to think about an elven king debating to spare my life. He spoke with sadness in his voice, it was soft and sorrowful as if he was speaking from first hand experience. "They did this by polluting the earth and denying their spirituality. Punishment for doing so was loss of natures gifts." Another question was triggered, "Natures gifts?" He nodded solemnly, "Elves used to have magic too. Our ears are more animal like for better hearing. We can see in the dark. Sharper teeth for defense and tails for balance physically and spirituality. And nature gave us beauty."
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I frowned not connecting some peices of the story, "If elves turned human and lost their magic, how do I have it?" He smiled, a genuine and kind smile. "Nature still chooses the most caring souls to gift her magic too, you humans call them witches." I nodded, that could make sense. "But what about this dimension, how did you guys get here?"
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Faelon tended to the fire as it had almost died during our conversation. He spoke while poking at it with a stick, "Four heros never gave up on nature. They never gave into to the polluted mindset of their own families. When they realized their world was doomed they gave up their magic and put it into one stone and used it to create a separate dimension nearly identical to their native land. When they did this, little did they know their descendants would be affected. Very few elves have magic abilities. That is why you will be much use to the king and the answer to our war."
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I sat silent, processesing everything he had told me tonight. What if he was wrong and the king wants us dead? How would I be able to stop a war if he was right? "Why are you at war?" I asked, if I was going to help. I want the whole story. Faelon frowned, "It is a civilwar. The peasants have rose in swarms against the palace. And their leader is Taeral, a notorious bandit leader who encourages propaganda against the royal family. We're not sure what the peasants believe but they won't listen to reason. They have some strong mages on their side and have caused serious casualties."
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A muffled groan slipped out of my dad's mouth. He was hurting. Faelon spoke again, "It's late. We should get rest for our travel tommorow." With that we parted for the night and did not speak again. I laid down and stared into the night sky above us. The stars above shimmered with colors, every color of the rainbow. How odd. With that my eyes began to close and sleep took over.
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