After forty-two laps, I was beyond exhausted, my large body drenched in sweat, my left arm on fire. Every time a citizen came through they stopped in complete astonishment, sometimes gathering in groups to stare, until a frown sent them scurrying about their work. I lived for the nod of approval from Carradock each time I arrived back at the gate against which he leaned, often in conversation with other soldiers. Also, for the thought of a long, long warm bath.326Please respect copyright.PENANAfzQmlF5AHm
326Please respect copyright.PENANAXkedpImlFm
A castle servant, the one from breakfast, was ahead of me, twisting her apron in her hands and looking everywhere but into my face.326Please respect copyright.PENANApQkU32bSvv
326Please respect copyright.PENANAFjPuCyAvTp
'Wha'?' I wheezed out.326Please respect copyright.PENANAOj4XduHBUU
326Please respect copyright.PENANAhzTYmeUk9g
'Chef–' she flung her hand out in a gesture towards the keep, where a short man in what looked like a grey baker's outfit '–wants to know what to prepare for dinner.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAxeWf0Xgla2
326Please respect copyright.PENANAyfHcAK1A7l
'Dear lord.' I came to a stop, worried my aching legs would not want to resume. 'It's not important. But keep it simple.' My predecessor had obviously enjoyed eating extensive meals with several courses. 'Just a couple of slices of roast meat and …' What would an athlete eat? Food with plenty of protein and vitamins. 'Wait. Grilled fish. Nuts. Fresh vegetables, like tomatoes and carrot, that don't need much, if any, cooking.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAs6UIw9kc8w
326Please respect copyright.PENANAqEjxWhiqT2
I wasn't really hungry just now, my body was too stressed, but no doubt my appetite would revive later.326Please respect copyright.PENANAujNpZ0e9Yp
326Please respect copyright.PENANANotKkOrt0I
'Ahh…'326Please respect copyright.PENANAn3ZAS3HcRS
326Please respect copyright.PENANAC7fICz9Vwn
'What?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAHg3m0Ni3k3
326Please respect copyright.PENANAGWwMgdAMjq
'Chef won't be pleased.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAXApPkdnhMI
326Please respect copyright.PENANAe7FWSMCe90
I stared at her. 'Hands up if you are king.' I put my own hand up. 'That puts me in charge.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAqY0otEAQay
326Please respect copyright.PENANAlcsV3rwfs3
Once she had turned away, alarmed, I returned my focus back into my final few laps. Although it was distracting I when I turned a corner and was facing the keep: there I could see the chef remonstrating with the servant. He kept looking over at me, as though in appeal, but I wasn't having any of it and focused on moving one leg, then the next, and on keeping hold of that enormously heavy sword.326Please respect copyright.PENANA0zXN6trzMX
326Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2fHLDAiqG
I wasn't allowed to settle into my rhythm again though, for with a clatter of metal-hooves on cobblestone, a small group of riders came into the barracks yard. Some were soldiers of mine but one was carrying a green pennant (deep green, with a golden wolf's head) and dressed in expensive-looking clothes.326Please respect copyright.PENANAOVL7S6mKF7
326Please respect copyright.PENANA7oA11MOI1I
'King Carlos?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAJgf3YFrW93
326Please respect copyright.PENANAwoYP4xvUeh
Either I looked dumb, having forgotten my name here, or else the new arrival was dismayed by my appearance.326Please respect copyright.PENANACvkAKRGOyh
326Please respect copyright.PENANAJr375UFPMY
'King Carlos?' he tried again.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKCXL7dQw6V
326Please respect copyright.PENANA6CpDvrxds1
'Yes?'326Please respect copyright.PENANACi2BB9XX7F
326Please respect copyright.PENANAmB7aQhHPu2
My impression that this was a man who was attentive to his looks was reinforced as he dismounted and made his bow. No one had a beard as neat his without some effort.326Please respect copyright.PENANAVXL49NYar8
326Please respect copyright.PENANAMGsDRuIY0s
'Lord Oseso, ambassador to his majesty King Wace of Southway.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAxEdAvOVtcu
326Please respect copyright.PENANAzNaUSMbIur
'Pleased to meet you.' My politeness was automatic. I felt no warmth towards this man. Quite apart from the fact his rich, fur-lined cloak and black, oiled hair alienated me, this was the enemy.326Please respect copyright.PENANAeF7XjYv1zq
326Please respect copyright.PENANABp2ZTEpswb
A crowd was gathering as soldiers and civilians moved closer to hear the ambassador's words.326Please respect copyright.PENANA4tQHo5Qvah
326Please respect copyright.PENANABsDtvrGyVq
'Perhaps we can take some refreshment in private?' Lord Oseso suggested.326Please respect copyright.PENANA1T8LiLvjXl
326Please respect copyright.PENANA2dj7voprZy
I shook my head. 'There's nothing you can say that I would hide from my people. Why are you here?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAzersNDM1F1
326Please respect copyright.PENANAqsM03v5SWi
'Are you sure?' There was a knowing sneer in his gaze, inviting some kind of complicity from me.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKUwn3ddsJm
326Please respect copyright.PENANAIa7v4Yx8DH
'Get on with it. I'm busy.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAMlD5ELZ5qL
326Please respect copyright.PENANAXnzpNBs0Ts
Supressing a smile, the ambassador from Southland shrugged, as if to pass off any blame. 'King Wace, in his generosity, offers to make Greyland a dependency of Southway. You,' he gestured to everyone, 'are spared conquest. And you personally, sire, will be given a comfortable retirement, dining on the finest food of our realm in the company of delightful personal companionship, in return for implementing the decisions of his highness on your interface.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAf2kD9OXxmh
326Please respect copyright.PENANAGRrz7EqaL9
A silence fell over the square and even the crows stilled their caws, as if to listen to my answer. I let my heart and breath settle.326Please respect copyright.PENANA5OkTu1BMst
326Please respect copyright.PENANAEWEVihmvTe
'Firstly, we are not conquered yet. Secondly, we all know what it would mean for our kingdom to be run by an invader…' I raised my voice for all to hear. 'People dragged off to work wherever your ruler wanted; our soldiers used up in his battles to spare his own troops; our wealth drained into your coffers; starvation and ruin here.' I knew what I was talking about, it's what I intended to do to them.326Please respect copyright.PENANAPWEZZUWRM3
326Please respect copyright.PENANA5ZTXoehPn1
Lord Oseso shook his head. 'Careful what you say next, this offer won't come again.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAtrtQGZhJyj
326Please respect copyright.PENANAoyfAsKqPBe
'Good. If we see you again, you'll be executed as a spy. Greyland will never surrender and you can tell King Wace that unless he withdraws from our territory, it is he who will suffer conquest.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAwfw0yfkZDz
326Please respect copyright.PENANAwaDG3ZVCE4
'I'll tell him of your empty threat and he will laugh. And he will remind you of it when you are in chains at his feet.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAZAe2wy3Ekq
326Please respect copyright.PENANAfbFvvbsCdJ
'That is disrespectful.' I was furious and at least a part my anger was drawn from the uncomfortable feeling, fear even, that he was going to be proven right. I walked over to him, using my height and bulk to lean down and snarl. 'Vincit qui patitur, he who endures conquers. And Greyland will endure.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAqdmvLacYrL
326Please respect copyright.PENANAjTqrh3Hcsu
Perhaps he saw the determination in my eyes. Perhaps he understood how close I was to striking him with the sword in my left hand, which no longer felt heavy. In any case, the ambassador's head dropped and he stepped back, then turned away to find his horse and remount.326Please respect copyright.PENANAMIKG8hgdbz
326Please respect copyright.PENANASQdkZTXJEI
'Blindfold him and lead his horse. Don't let him look around as he leaves.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAivWm5e6CbH
326Please respect copyright.PENANA8Xj38UXBat
'Yes sir.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAwUrwguMHiy
326Please respect copyright.PENANAqi7cnlnA5h
'Right, then everyone, back to work. We're going to have to work extremely hard, myself included, to endure and escape conquest.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAcoavIFJZPd
326Please respect copyright.PENANApQPYFndS0P
Muttering broke out among the people and it was hard to judge the tone. Certainly, it was not the cheering enthusiasm of a people rallying to their king. But among the soldiers especially there were several faces that looked brighter and more supportive than they had.326Please respect copyright.PENANAgXpJFJOJNO
326Please respect copyright.PENANAaTwfHellsx
'Now, Carradock. I was on lap forty-four, was I not?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAE0b2KmScIb
326Please respect copyright.PENANAtwIeI6RqXG
'Forty-three sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAPM3J3LoXJu
326Please respect copyright.PENANADhQMmjclG7
'Damn pedant.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAFYnLcDodwW
326Please respect copyright.PENANA2fMIj8gEca
The last few laps were painful. It did help, however, that I could study the town menus and take my mind from the constant complaints of my body. That gave me one measure of the effect of my responses to the ambassador from Southway, which was that the score for Happiness under the people menu had risen from 14 to 16. At least it hadn't gone down, so on the whole, they seemed to approve of resistance rather than surrender.326Please respect copyright.PENANAiu9YzzpIOt
326Please respect copyright.PENANA6zx3gDKzHN
It was the military menu that got me thinking again.326Please respect copyright.PENANANqLPxvaxEr
326Please respect copyright.PENANAfLMb9WSTir
326Please respect copyright.PENANAmM2TCuMJ9R
Military326Please respect copyright.PENANAZQcUU5zssA
Light infantry: 32326Please respect copyright.PENANAF8JO07IgVd
Heavy infantry: 12326Please respect copyright.PENANA1uxg65i98p
Archers: 18326Please respect copyright.PENANAxl8XW1uKED
Light cavalry: 24326Please respect copyright.PENANAk0ZokE11Yf
Heavy cavalry: 4326Please respect copyright.PENANAnbPAck5pFO
Ballista: 1326Please respect copyright.PENANAwl6fwGVo2R
326Please respect copyright.PENANAyTXuzoogum
Hospital: 17326Please respect copyright.PENANAKRWmwHYi92
Military upkeep cost: 42 gold, 5 silver326Please respect copyright.PENANAUNkOD17tht
326Please respect copyright.PENANAINaef592qs
326Please respect copyright.PENANAgIp5HlnzdP
Currently training: 1 heavy cavalry326Please respect copyright.PENANA0yDWZjxIj8
326Please respect copyright.PENANAKVsL30m63I
Buildings: keep level 2; curtain walls level 1; towers level 1; town walls level 1326Please respect copyright.PENANAAoIwilgbaf
326Please respect copyright.PENANA7IFBCKltxS
Currently building: tower machicolations, 3 days
326Please respect copyright.PENANAR7QT0QIs7D
Why was I training heavy cavalry? They were costly in terms of iron and tactically useless. We would be holding defensive positions for the foreseeable future and while I hoped the day would come when I rode at the head of a line of formidable heavy cavalry, that was a long way off. Although it meant losing whatever raw materials my predecessor had invested in the project, I cancelled the heavy cavalry from the training queue and instead added fifteen archers to it, at a cost of 10 iron ingots and 15 gold and 15 of the unassigned townspeople.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKLsKLQFznd
326Please respect copyright.PENANA0Osq4b80TS
That left me 12 unassigned townspeople to think about. Before setting them to various tasks, I needed to know about building a trading vessel. When I tried to call up information about ships, I got a frustrating message.326Please respect copyright.PENANAH1RGDU9tfa
326Please respect copyright.PENANARwFDQfJ9TE
326Please respect copyright.PENANAfUbnt5bUJB
Shipbuilding326Please respect copyright.PENANAAcbo2tEdBC
326Please respect copyright.PENANAhNQ4f6JsFP
Unknown.326Please respect copyright.PENANAOKPb5W7Ef3
Create a Shipwright to unlock this option.
326Please respect copyright.PENANAJmUAdGvpkt
326Please respect copyright.PENANAO8HQcZBrEX
'Hey, you!' I called out to a skinny youth, who was hanging around near the steps of the keep watching me with earnest eyes as though I was last man in for a cricket team that was over a hundred runs behind. And I couldn't tell if he wanted me to fail or succeed.326Please respect copyright.PENANAIVOe9bOpCW
326Please respect copyright.PENANA6rmEEp7TYY
'Sire?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAd8z8OaSf0g
326Please respect copyright.PENANAcc9gKDM04x
'Get the Chief Carpenter for me.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAwBzGX300re
326Please respect copyright.PENANAFaFT8lES5V
'Yes, sire.' The lad got up without any urgency and strolled down a shadow-filled street.326Please respect copyright.PENANA2oHLtV6t9C
326Please respect copyright.PENANAshhcwpeqLe
I was on lap forty-six when the carpenter arrived, he was a bald, confident looking man, with intelligent brown eyes.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKxYBoHZrNq
326Please respect copyright.PENANASv8zyOBQjd
'Walk with me,' I grunted.326Please respect copyright.PENANA5J0rMmIpXd
326Please respect copyright.PENANAXdxyVyYpWf
'Sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAaVvGXXt3Kr
326Please respect copyright.PENANAuXWfzKs2Rf
'Can you make us a trading ship?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAXNoMzKRbmJ
326Please respect copyright.PENANA7nL0BWNUw3
The question came as a surprise but he took it well, hardly faltering in his step. 'No sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAoK8xp5AMiB
326Please respect copyright.PENANA5s3hNklNMe
'What if I researched Shipbuilding One?'326Please respect copyright.PENANA88bf7qe8WC
326Please respect copyright.PENANAvQWXz6N4nn
The man looked at me, surprised, then down at the ground. 'As you know, sire, I only have access to a limited menu in order that I can view my tasks... I couldn't be sure about research, but Shipbuilding does sound like it will make the role of Shipbuilder available to you.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAFvPxZyeAEt
326Please respect copyright.PENANAxCBqljyqi1
'And I can then assign someone to it?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAGkP4x50Hqv
326Please respect copyright.PENANAZZPhAqYCls
'If it becomes an option sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAzVAY0DsahW
326Please respect copyright.PENANANf19Fkt33n
'Would you like to do it?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAgghxkWWPtN
326Please respect copyright.PENANAFifIU6kES8
'Me? It's up to you sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAx0EVZ20Xm7
326Please respect copyright.PENANAa8HuTHfRxK
'Yes,' I said, a little impatiently. 'I know that. But I'd rather people enjoyed their work than hated it.' This wasn't just coming from my innate sense of politeness, it was practical too. I wanted that town happiness score to rise and surely by assigning the right people to the right jobs, at least when it came to specialist roles, that was going to help?326Please respect copyright.PENANABaOmQ8Hmtj
326Please respect copyright.PENANAa4utfR4YxE
We walked the entire length of the barracks square and turned back towards Carradock before the carpenter answered. 'I think I would like that sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAofShUfKHXA
326Please respect copyright.PENANAsbTXMZBy99
'Right so, find someone in your workshop who wants to be the Chief Carpenter and I'll make you Shipbuilder in…' I checked the research menu, dropped Navigation (there was no penalty, but I risked having to restart it again from the beginning), as it still had five days to go, and swapped to Shipbuilding 1, 'four days.'326Please respect copyright.PENANA8h2cfIcbjy
326Please respect copyright.PENANAUiY52gcPLo
'Thank you sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANAeHUEI07Xjb
326Please respect copyright.PENANANqlbRulB6D
'Now tell me this. I see a lot of people in the town. But not very many on the menus. Why is that?'326Please respect copyright.PENANAsuZj8FgBf2
326Please respect copyright.PENANAXDjA5tTfMc
Again, the carpenter looked astonished. Then a little wary, as if I'd set a trap. 'People want to join the menu, sire, to serve the goddess... and you. But it's limited, isn't it? They can't get on unless you've been able to make room.'326Please respect copyright.PENANApZ9FpvgLxg
326Please respect copyright.PENANAAc8yeb42yY
That wasn't an answer that clarified very much, but I gave him a grunt to signal he could go back to work. It was as much as I could manage. As for the twelve unassigned people in the town, I decided to leave them for now. Soon I'd want shipbuilders and sailors.326Please respect copyright.PENANAR4DiUOLyxe
326Please respect copyright.PENANASTPgnmnk8Q
Forty-seven.326Please respect copyright.PENANATOYLrPZEHr
326Please respect copyright.PENANAHlPY4wWpa2
Forty-eight.326Please respect copyright.PENANAJP2xI1wSdf
326Please respect copyright.PENANAk5GM6Hh3P8
Forty-nine.326Please respect copyright.PENANAKVYYrd2uPe
326Please respect copyright.PENANA504nFdgsIj
Fifty.326Please respect copyright.PENANAl6Eu6saq62
326Please respect copyright.PENANABs7BI6oWaC
'That's me done for the day.' I spoke to Carradock with as much nonchalance as I could muster. As if I could do another fifty, although every muscle was groaning.326Please respect copyright.PENANA6avjD0b4Z2
326Please respect copyright.PENANAFOfpzh8zIK
'Well done Sire.'326Please respect copyright.PENANABg8m09z0q4
326Please respect copyright.PENANAQERcoq85jS
That acknowledgement lifted me all the way back to the keep.