When the autumn comes, just have a look at the sky. You will see more and more dark clouds gathering there. The reason is simple. There are Snowflake Cities built on them and their citizens are getting ready for incoming winter.
Snowflake City is a city like every other one. There are snowflake houses, snowflake streets, snowflake shops. Of course, only snowflakes live in such city and they all keep waiting. Waiting for the winter to come. The arrival of the winter is announced by the Snowflake City Mayor. She is the most beautiful snowflake in the city. Day after day she observes the weather very closely. When the time is right, she walks out to the Snowflake City Square. There is a tower in the middle of the square and on the top of the tower a bell made of ice is hanging slowly in the breeze. Only the Mayor can ring the bell in such a way that the ice won’t break. Ding-dong, ding-dong, this is the way the bell sounds and announces the winter’s arrival. The whole year all the snowflakes are looking forward to this sound. Once they hear it, they let everything go and hurry to gather in the square. So many snowflakes suddenly rushing to the same place at once! It looks like a giant snowstorm. When they are all in the square, they patiently line up and keep waiting. Waiting for the Grand Mayor’s Choice. It is the most important moment the life of each and every snowflake that has ever existed.
The Mayor keeps a long list full of names. She gradually puts names on it and it takes her a whole year to finish it. Now the moment begins. The Mayor is about to read the list.
At first, she starts whit the names of the snowflakes that have been very well behaved throughout the whole year. They walk to the front part of the square and stay there. Then she reads the names of the snowflakes not behaving so well. They follow the first ones and queue behind them to the middle of the square. And at the end of the list there are the names of the snowflakes behaving badly and causing mischief throughout the whole year. They walk to the very end of the square. When the Mayor is done with the list and all names have been read, the Mayor then walks to the end of the city followed by all the snowflakes from the list. The city’s end is on the very edge of the cloud. From this place the land of humans is clearly visible. The Mayor takes a whistle made of an icicle, takes a deep breath and blows the whistle strongly three times.
It does not take long and all of a sudden a curious wind peeps out from the edge of the cloud. He is called the North Wind by all the people and all the snowflakes as well. He is very cold and strong and now he is waiting for the Mayor’s gesture. One she gives the signal, all the snowflakes from the list jumps on the wind’s mighty back. And off he goes and is gone within a moment! He flies so quickly through the air and the snowflakes start falling down from his back. In the moments like this people usually say that it is snowing outside.
The best behaved snowflakes from the list are falling on the yards and playgrounds making the children happy. The children play with them throughout the whole winter. They build snowmen or use them to make snowballs for snow fights.
Less behaved snowflakes drop from the Wind on the fields and hills. They are loved by the children too because they are great for sledding. But the snowflakes from the end of the list fall on the worst places - streets and sidewalks. There they are considered useless, get in the way and quickly become very dirty because people keep walking on them and they want to get rid of them. That is their punishment for behaving badly in the Snowflake City.