The flat in Kensington was tiny. Draco was now used to living in humble circumstances. He had rented rooms in student digs for the last five years. He had money now for something better. He needed to improve his accommodation and his employment. A real job gave him enough to rent a two bedroom flat with a kitchen at one end of a sitting room. To his own astonishment, he was getting married, to Astoria Greengrass.
His father had been released from Azkaban and was now on probation. He would not leave Malfoy Manor. He was not allowed a wand, the conditions of his probation meant that he was under house arrest. That suited him. He was only interested in making sure that contents of the wine cellar didn’t go to waste.
Wizarding society held no attraction for Draco. The thought of walking along Diagon Alley, enduring the sneers and comments of nearly every wizard and witch was enough to confirm in Draco’s thoughts the attractions of living in the muggle world. He was not known and was accepted for who he was now. Draco’s own probation would soon be finished. If he wished, he could apply for permission to obtain a wand. He was not going to apply. As long as wizards left him alone, he didn’t need a wand.
The wedding invitations had been sent out. There were only a few. Astoria and Olivia Greengrass were also living in the muggle world. The new Greengrass business was just getting established and worked mainly in the muggle world with a small number of magical customers. The conversation with his mother was short and to the point. “I am marrying Astoria whether you like it or not. She has no dowry. You are invited and any family member who wants to come can do so. The ceremony will be in the York Registry Office, there will be an informal reception in a muggle pub near the new Greengrass business.”
“But Draco, what about our relations, we need to be on good terms with them.”
“The extended Greengrass family have about the same attitude towards me as the extended Malfoy family do towards Astoria, they loath us. Olivia Greengrass and Daphne support Astoria without question, and they seem to tolerate me. Please come to the ceremony at least.”
The wedding went smoothly, the reception was small and convivial. Narcissa was the only member of the Malfoy family to attend. By the end of the reception she was talking freely to Mrs Greengrass, Daphne, and Astoria. Most of the guests were employees from the Greengrass business and the shop where Astoria worked. The library manager who gave Draco his first muggle job made the trip from the south coast to attend.
The job offer from the Imperial College Main Library was as astonishing as his marriage. Draco had applied for library assistant posts advertised at major universities. His intention was to work and study to complete his degree in librarianship. He gave the names of his former supervisors as referees. They must have said good things because Imperial College invited him to an interview. The job offer was quickly sent and accepted, and Draco had done the six-week induction course before his wedding.
“I can still work in York and live in London as long as there is a floo connection.” Astoria was trying to reassure Draco that she could keep her job in the herbalist’s shop to help with paying the stunning rent on a London flat. “Mum is going to expand the London outlet as well. Diagon Alley isn’t big enough for the business we do. Eventually, she wants me to take it over. Daphne doesn’t want to work in the business, she was never a potions student. The business is a bit boring for her.”
The section Draco worked in handled the academic papers. All around the world researchers wrote papers detailing their experiments and research. These papers were published in huge numbers. Academics at other institutions were expected to study the papers published in their own areas of research, to comment and give helpful criticism if embarrassing mistakes were found, like arithmetic errors on the second page. Most of the papers were online but the important ones were printed on old fashioned paper and distributed by the papers section of the library. Many academics found that reading ink on paper was a lot easier than reading from the computer screen.
“Here is your delivery for the Physics Department Draco, make sure that Dr Zaitseva gets hers, the last assistant didn’t like going into her office for some odd reason.” Draco’s supervisor gave him another parcel to pile on the delivery trolley.
Work in the Imperial College library was simpler than the local library where he worked before. This could change of course. Draco completed the deliveries, the last on the list was Dr Anastasia Zaitseva. Draco didn’t take too much notice of his supervisors’ comments. The door to Anastasia’s office was open, he called at the door. “Hello! papers delivery.”
The answer came quickly; “Come in. Just put them on the bench over there.”
The odd looking door in the wall caught Draco’s attention. “What is that door doing there?”
Anastasia slowly looked up from her notes; “Door! What door is that?”
“That door right there!” Draco was pointing straight at the door to the Department of Mysteries.
“What is your name? You’re new, aren’t you?”
“My name is Draco Malfoy. Yes, I am new, and I think I have seen a door like that before.”
“Where have you seen a door such as this before?”
“At my old school, I don’t know what made me think of that.”
Something made Draco look at Dr Zaitseva. She was staring at him as though he was a bug under a magnifying glass.
“That school, what was its name?”
“Ah! Shut the door, now! Lock it as well.”
The door was shut. Draco was not liking this at all.
“Well Dragon. What are you doing here?”
“Why did you call me that? It’s what my name means, I know, but why?”
“I think that you are anything but a dragon. Forgive me. I’m trying to assess what to do about you. You are obviously a wizard. You saw the door. It has been hidden by wizards from the Ministry. You know about the Ministry? Yes?”
“Yes. This isn’t a trap is it?”
“No Dragon, it is not a trap. I think it is some kind of accident. The Department of Mysteries wizards have told me that something that I did caused the door to appear. They can’t remove it. Somehow, I set up a come-and-go space between my office and the Ministry. It is being held in place by something of mine in this office.”
“Who have you been talking to at the Ministry?”
“Mainly Harry Potter, he is in charge of the Ministry team working on this.”
“They’ve got the A-Team on this. They will be panicking that they can’t remove it. Accidents happen, but they always seem to be able to fix them.”
“What about you Dragon, why are you delivering papers and not living by magic?”
“I had problems with official magic years ago. My family had the problem and I joined in before I was old enough to know better. I have deliberately chosen to live in the muggle world and not use magic.”
“Right, I will get you assigned to my project team. How much do you know about computers?”
“I know how to break them. Wizards cause computers and any high-tech device to go crazy. The only way we can use them is to set up long leads and shield the main unit.”
“That’s interesting, nobody told me that.”
“It’s only wizards who work in the muggle world who have had to work that out.”
“Secrecy is even more important than ever, Dragon. You obviously can keep your mouth shut when you need to. You know Harry Potter?”
“Yes, but I don’t want my involvement revealed if you can help it.”
“I have to tell Harry. I will ask him to keep your name out of it for as long as possible. You’re not wanted for anything are you?”
“I was on probation, but that is over now.”
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