"The name's Lizzie and I have to say that I'm glad not to be some stereotypical depressed goth or some girl with more plastic than actual skin. I'm not blonde, but I do have a certain track record if you know what I mean." The girl tosses her hair in an attempt to be spontaneously elegant as she stepped through the classroom door.
An Asian boy with dark hair waves to Lizzie with a free hand. The brunette smirks and her inner thoughts come into place.
"This is Makoto. Super generic Japanese name, but boy is he gorgeous. He's like a combination of all the actors I don't give a shit about and my fuckboy of a boyfriend."
A boy with bleach blonde hair breaks away from his conversation with the asian and encased Lizzie in a hug with a quick kiss.
"I'm just Lizzie and that's the best kind of thing I can be."
Suddenly the screen blacks out followed by bellowing laughter. A Hispanic girl quiets down everyone and gives a warm smile to the cast and team.
"So, you think this is bad enough quality to win the worst of the worst film festival?" The boy with the bleached hair raises his hand.
"We should mess with the filters." He said with the utmost serious of expressions. The curly haired girl giggles at the combination and playfully slaps her boyfriend.
"Yep. And the lighting." The girl says, her real name being Olivia.
Everyone proceeds to have a conversation on how they can make the movie worst. Will they win?