Love is like a song of nature, makes pain like pleasure from its cradle, also changes deceit like truth.
Love always has a hunt, hope, dream as well as a goal in the transience of this life.
No one is separated from love, because humans are born from a mixture of love.
With which to crochet the future, embroider majesty and accept sorrow. I want to describe the honesty of my love for you, but worry keeps me from saying it even with just one word.
Because inside of me there seems to be an invisible force that tells me to always be like that. Let my words flow so secretly, for even if they are revealed I will never be happy.
I'm ashamed of myself, that I don't deserve you. Because you have been in a different heart. Maybe yesterday you were wondering? Yes in your heart, why should I be jealous, when you love someone other than me?
This is the beginning and end of all my new hopes. Which will never reach the peak of happiness.
From the sacredness of my love, I just want to say a word of prayer on your beautiful day. May God give you something you have always hoped to be something. Real, eternal even forever.
Save my words, enough to read but not to be questioned let alone become something that makes you think about something. Enjoy the beauty of your birthday, even though I have become a stranger who never understands the language of your heart.
Today I present my love and sincerity, as the most beautiful memory before my death forced my presence to leave you.
Now that you are older and mature, face life with a smile not a cry. Because no one will help your heart except yourself.
I'm just someone you happen to know, but not to cry about my absence from your heart.
There are still many friends who understand your mood better, whereas I never cared about you. I always walk where my heart wills, and always ignore your sincerity.
Knowing me means you have to be willing to cry, sad and disappointed. Because I never deserve to be loved, I'm just a piece of dust that clings to every corner of other people's lives, including you.
Loving her, make her love happy, don't expect more affection from me, because I never have it in its entirety. Don't cry for someone, cry for something.
A person has a heart, but it hurts more. whereas something has no heart, but never hurts.
Unless moved by someone to hurt. I'm just a true lover, who never expect love from the person I love. Love is something that is eternal, and does not always have to be reciprocated with love.
There is no difference between happiness and pain for me. Because, the life that I always get is always met with heartache. So I'm used to all this.
Set your feet on the truth even if you will meet a dead end. Truth is truth itself. Whereas untruth is the tarnished truth.
Happy day. Be more mature and tough, don't rely on crying to bring back something you've lost or expect sincerity from someone.
You are better for yourself, surely you will be the best for others. Like I said that "I am me and never be you.
Therefore, decorate your life with courage, not fantasy. Reality will follow you where you want it.