More packs came to Robin's aid after hearing of the treaty she'd signed with the Green Arches and White Tail packs, and before the end of winter, she had a sizeable alliance on her side.
Asher was very displeased to hear she'd garnered such a huge support base in so short a time, and he sent his Beta, Theo, to the packhouse to let her know of his immense displeasure. "In short," Theo summed up, "you can expect full reprisal for your betrayal of your husband."
"Ex-husband," Robin reminded him. "And keep a civil tongue in your head when speaking to an Alpha."
Theo sneered at her. "I wanted to have you," he said, "but Asher got to you first. Oh well. I don't mind damaged goods. He's promised to give you to me when he's crushed your paltry alliance, and I can't wait to fuck you bloody."
Robin glared at him, and Theo actually recoiled, his face going pale as she put the full force of her alpha role into the look. "Say that again," she said, her voice dangerously soft as she stood. "I can will your heart to stop beating here and now if I so choose." She lifted a hand, and Theo turned even paler. "One more word out of your mouth that isn't a sincere apology for the way you've spoken to your betters, and I'll kill you where you stand."
Theo swallowed several times before finally managing to speak. "I apologise," he muttered. "I was out of line, and I should not have said such things to an alpha." The words came out forced, and his eyes glittered with hate, but Robin was willing to let that go, and she lowered her hand.
"Go," she told him. "You've safe-conduct back to your master, but if you try and attack any pack members on my side, you'll find yourself in a world of hurt that will make you rue the first kiss your mother gave to your father."
Theo paled again and all but ran from the room, and Robin sighed, massaging her temples. She hated coming down on people like a ton of bricks, but Maria had taught her that sometimes, an alpha had to be hard. If they failed at getting the point across, they were often pulled down by someone who knew the alpha role better, and who wasn't afraid of getting their hands dirty.
"No quarter," she said to Maria, who'd stood as silent backer during the tense interview with Theo. "I won't risk any survivors breaking off and creating a new resistance against us."
Maria squeezed her shoulder. War was coming. There was no time to be nice.
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At the end of April, Theo returned. "Asher wishes to inform you he is ready to meet you head on," he reported. "He wishes to assemble at Yosemite National Park in two weeks' time. No quarter to be given or recieved."
"He can have his battle," Robin said. "I agree to his terms."
Theo nodded. "He also wishes you to know that he is ready to kill you himself for what you have done to him," he said stiffly. His chastisement had done wonders for modifying his tone, Robin noticed. "But he says killing you is too good for you. Therefore, when he gets his hands on you, after he has defeated your allies, he will make you one with him the way you made yourself one with Ashton. He says he knows of ways to break such a bond as the two of you have, and the bond he plans to put in place will make you his slave for the rest of your days. You will live, breathe, eat and sleep at his will only, so he says."
"I can easily do the same to him," Robin warned, and Theo went pale. "But I'm not like him," she added. "I know how to show mercy, and since Asher has gone rabid, I'm going to do the merciful thing and put him down. I'd repent before then, if I were you. I'm not going to show any mercy to anyone who makes their way over the necks of others, and I had five years of your master's abuse; enough to last me a lifetime and then some. I suggest you rethink your options, or you're going to find yourself crossing the Wheel right on your master's heels."
"I will never betray Asher," Theo snapped, eyes blazing as he forgot himself. He took a menacing step forward. "I can enact his will on you right now. He's given me permission to collar you by any means necessary. Then your pitiful alliance will fold, and those you have suborned will be reabsorbed into the heirarchy you broke the day you betrayed your rightful husband."
Robin raised an eyebrow. "Nice try," she said. "You haven't got that power; Asher can't touch me through a proxy."
Theo paled again, but Robin gave him no further chance. "Go," she told him. "Asher will get his fight, and when he's dying at my feet, he'll finally know what it's like when the dog bites back."
Her words carried enough force to make Theo do as he was told, and he all but tripped over his feet in his haste to leave. Maria shook her head as he let himself out. "He's his master's slave, through and through," she said. "You're wise not to let him live."
"He'll just start a new alliance in Asher's name," Robin said, sighing. "I'm not leaving a live enemy at my back. Which reminds me; keep an eye out. Asher's likely to threaten my allies with extermination to try and pull me into line. The moment you get wind of such a threat, let me know; I'll personally lead the mission to put him down before the battle."
"Is that a wise idea?" Maria asked, worried.
"I'm holding out the hope his pack will come to their senses if he's killed beforehand," Robin said. "It might not be a wise idea, but if we can forestall any unnecessary bloodshed, I'm willing to do what it takes. But we only act if he makes his threat clear. If he uses metaphors and euphenisms, we won't do anything. He has to state outright he's ready to exterminate any packs who support me."
Maria nodded, glad to see her daughter-in-law had sense in her head. "I'll put the word out," she promised. "Personally, I hope he hangs himself with the rope you've left in his hands."
"Me too," Robin agreed.