Chapter 3
Pedro Wellington
'Shhh! Be quiet and follow me!' Said the person. They ran off the locker that is never opened. Why was it never opened? People say that someone was locked in and starved to death. Obviously, that was only a rumour because there's an opening to the emergency room. He pushed the girls in and entered. He pushed them down to the emergency room. 'HEY!!!" Yelled Emerald. The guy shushed them and came in. 'Sit' he ordered. 'Who are you?' Enquired Jade. 'I'm Pedro Wellington. My parents own Wellington Theatre. You HAVE to leave home. Pack everything you need for a month-long adventure. Crystal, you pack all the survival equipment. Jade, you pack the food. Emerald, you pack the medicines. All of you MUST wear adventuring boots. Pack three extra pairs of clothes. Meet me at the school gate tomorrow at 4 A.M.' He replied.
The three girls were confused, should they trust this person? What are the powers of the stone? There were numerous questions in the girl's minds, nonetheless, they still had a gut feeling that if the diamond was in the wrong hands who knows what could happen?
Crystal woke up at 3:30 and started packing. She had exactly enough time to pack and arrive at the school gates. She jumped onto her bicycle and pedalled faster than she ever had. She found Pedro and Emerald waiting. Jade arrived at 4:10. They started going east. At about 6:00 they reached at a forest camping spot. They set up camp there. They weren't scared of people discovering them there. It was an abandoned camp spot, covered with bushes.
With a small axe, Pedro started chopping all the bushes while the girls were setting up camp. One tent for Emerald and Jade, the other for Pedro and Crystal. It was dark for 6 A.M. Crystal snuggled into her sleeping bag and started reading her favourite book- The Dark Deep. Pedro went to find some berry bushes, with Emerald's 'What to eat and what not to eat' book. Jade and Emerald started cooking breakfast. At about 6:45, everything was ready. A delicious meal of canned Vienna sausages, sandwiches, and some blueberries on the side. They had breakfast in Pedro and Crystal's tent.
At 7:00, they resumed their journey. About an hour later, they were in East Greatlin. They bought some batteries in a shop there. At 10:00, they arrived at Mt Chester.
'We can't go any further. The mountain's too high to climb.' Said Pedro
'But we can turn back either' protested Jade